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The International Writers Magazine: REVIEW ARCHIVE 1999-2008
The 2009/12 Reviews here
Chick Lit & Chick Flicks
Callum Graham
It’s sexist, elitist, self indulgent and often badly written. And you know what? It’s exactly the same as men’s lit
This Is England
Directed by Shane Meadows
Dan Bond review
Start with a dash of Toots and the Maytals, add a little Roland Rat, a Rubik's Cube and Margaret Thatcher sitting in a digger
Directed by Jason Reitman,
Sophie Berry review
Juno is no normal 16-year old.
Burn After Reading
Samuel James Richards
The Coen Brothers have done it again
The Legend of the Philadelphia Story
The Saving of a Screen Icon’s Career
Rick Neal
Who is the greatest Hollywood star of all time? Ask six different people and you’ll get six different answers.
Laura Marling
Aby Davis Review
The Wedgewood rooms, Portsmouth. Amidst the company of young girls with un-straightened hair and charity shop scarves, and some mums wearing embroidered jeans I anticipated excellent live music
The Bank Job - Dir: Rodger Donaldson
Reviewed by Callum Graham
With the usual violent undertones that Jason Statham has brought to many of his recent films. I was surprised, but not necessarily in a good way
How to lose friends and Alienate People
Director- Robert B.Weide
Jess Armstrong Review
If the story sets out to scare potential journalists, it's probably done a good job
Alien v Predator Requiem
J A Laraque
Alien vs. Predator Requiem is a dark film with little room for humans
Day for Night
Directed by Francois Truffaut
Dan Schnieder
Critics argue the film shows how much François Truffaut loves film. So? Love without action or meaning is rather sterile
Shoot ‘em Up
Directed by Michael Davis
Daniel Alves
‘Shoot ‘em Up’ is a film about a man shooting things. Lots of things. It’s not a story about romance
Jumper (2008)
Director - Doug Liman
Calvin Hussey
Despite its intriguing premise Jumper seems to fall flat on its face
Kidulthood - A Contemporary Classic Directed By Aml Ameen
Calvin Hussey
A film deserving of being recognised as one of the great contemporary commentaries of our current times.
Burnout Paradise
Developed by Criterionfor EA
Jack Clarkson review
Burnout is about speed and pushing your reflexes to fighter pilot levels
Iron Man
Directed by Jon Favreau
Jack Clarkson review
Nobody but Robert Downey Jr. himself could ever have played Tony Stark quite so well
Everything I Know About You
by Belinda Hollyer

Sam Richards review
Belinda Hollyer’s honest and open style of writing is a key reason why this book is a pleasure to read
Ellen Gilchrist's Collected Stories
Dan Schneider review

Having read Thom Jones' Sonny Liston Was A Friend Of Mine and overdosing on its phallic ejaculations I turned to the Collected Stories of Ellen Gilchrist for a change.
The Fire Eternal by Chris d’Lacey
Frances Lewis review

Warning! Reading The Fire Eternal by Chris d’Lacey without any prior knowledge of the world he has created within these pages can leave you feeling slightly overwhelmed, faintly incredulous and maybe even begrudgingly impressed.
Moth Smoke by Mohsin Hamid
Jenny Adamthwaite

Moth Smoke, however, proved to both stylistically interesting and page turning, with vivid description and an intriguing plot: a success in experimental writing
Bjork - Hammersmith Apollo, London 2008 -Carly Mclain
Like a fiery technicolour trible rave -
Bjork is back, come with her and enjoy the explosion of sound.
Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips
Charlie Dickinson

The premise of Marie Phillips's debut novel, Gods Behaving Badly, makes a certain sense if your old Methuselah self has been around a long time, say, even thousands of years.
The Farewell Angel by Carmen Martin Gaite - Anna-Marie Dover
Some works of fiction can be read in just a few sittings; others take somewhat longer. The Farewell Angel is not a book to be rushed.
Heaven's Eyes by David Almond
Holly Bates Review

This mysterious and intriguing tale of "damaged child" Erin Law’s adventures with her friends is haunting
A Thousand Splendid Suns
by Khaled Hosseini
Jenny Adamthwaite review

A Thousand Splendid Suns follows the lives of two women born nearly twenty years apart
The Way I See It by Nicole Dryburgh
Holly Bates

The autobiography of a truly amazing woman, "The Way I See It" is Nicole Dryburgh’s account of the emotional and challenging years of her life from the age of eleven when she was diagnosed with a malignant tumour on her spine
What I talk about when I talk about running:
a memoir by Haruki Murakami,
Charlie Dickinson

What makes Haruki Murakami-Japanese novelist, often suggested as Japan's next Nobel Prize winner for Literature-run? Here, told in Murakami's irresistible prose style, abundant with droll humor, is the straight skinny on why this man of letters, who turns sixty next year, runs at least one marathon every year.
Wayfaring At Waverly In Silver Lake
by James McCourt
A Dan Schneider review

James McCourt is one of those writers who seems to have gotten in print via connections
EUNOIA by Christian B_k,
Charlie Dickinson

One given for creative work by an artist is acceptance of limits (a discipline the work itself often imposes).
Crime and Punishment
by Fyodor Dostoevsky
A Dan Schneider reader

Raskolnikov is in the process of learning how to game the 19th Century Russian legal system to his advantage, and the love of Bible thumping woman, even an ex-prostitute, can do no harm
Best & Worst Movies of 2007
Hackwriters makes the list

The Golden Compass
Directed by Chris Weitz
Sam North review

'Brilliant production. Mrs Coulter is truly evil. The Bear battles are terrifying, the daemons are just wonderful - Lyra is a tough little cookie. Roll on 'Subtle Knife'.
Save The Cheerleader
Heroes: A Cultural Phenomenon
Calvin Hussey & Ruby Harrison

Heroes is rapidly becoming a cultural phenonemon

Control (2007)
Directed by Anton Corbijn
Russ Thomas

Starring Samantha Morton and Sam Riley Control is the tragic story of Ian Curtis, ex-frontman for Joy Division

Nicloe Folger

This has to be the best Disney/Pixar film I have seen in an awfully long time. This is the one that will be joining the classics
Superbad Greg Mottola (Director),
Seth Rogen & Evan Goldberg (writers)
Russ Thomas

Superbad is testament to the fact that teen movies based in and around American high schools will never be exhausted.

Directed by Michael Bay - starring Shia LaBoeuf
Jack Clarkson

When I went to see Transformers it was a pleasant and heartwarming romantic comedy that I would have enjoyed even more if Michael Bay hadn’t kept bringing in all those scenes with the Giant Robots!

The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen)DVD
Directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck 2006,
Josef Fiser
There are different ways how film-makers from formal satellite states of the Soviet Union deal with their communist past.

Reign Over Me (DVD review)
Directed by Mike Binder
Josef Fiser

Dr. Johnson a dentist, meets his friend Charlie (A.Sandler) whose family died in one of the planes on 9/11, who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder

Babel (2006)
Directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarrito
Starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchette
Tabitha Parkes
A simple gunshot takes us on a journey from Morocco to America through to Mexico and into Japan

The Invasion (2007) Dir. Oliver Hirschbiegel
Starring Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig
Stephanie Vile Review

I was really excited to go and see this film because I like horror films.

Borat: Dir. Larry Charles
Emma King

If there was ever a comedy that made such a phenomenal impact on its audience, it must be Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan.

Shoot'Em Up
Written and Directed by Michael Davis
starring Clive Owen, Paul Giamatti, Monica Bellucci

Sam North

Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang, was smart as a whip and self knowing, Smokin’ Aces, was relentless and often funny, despite the inevitable bloodbath and Bourne Ultimatum was slick like a machine with dizzying but refreshing cinema verité action photography. So what the hell is Shoot Em’ Up?

Heart Of Glass
Dan Schneider

German filmmaker Werner Herzog is not an artist to be underestimated, even in his lesser films, like 1976's Heart Of Glass (Herz Aus Glaus) because his films tend to have a cumulative power,

The Wild Party
Tiffany Lee

Crash landing right in the middle of an age obsession with chaos and scandal, soon to be dramatic legend Rosie Kay has hurled at us a play that cannot be silenced.
In Rainbows - Radiohead
Aby Davis

I bought Radioheads new album online. It set me back £1
FRESA Y CHOCOLATE (Strawberry and Chocolate)
Dir: Tomas Gutierrez Alea & Juan Carlos Tabio
Anne Marie-Dover
A bigoted and fervently heterosexual young man and an older, decadent homosexual non-conformist artist is already very promising, the plot reveals a sensitivity that has made Fresas y Chocolate one of the most celebrated Latin American films of the 90’s.


Director: Darren Lynn Bousman
Calvin Hussey

The film starts with perhaps the most climatic opening sequence of the series as we see a blinded man pitted against a silenced man in a high-octane clash

V for Vendetta (DVD)
Dir James McTeigue
Robert Hillum

When V for Vendetta was originally written, way back when, over two and a half decades ago, the political power was very different to the ones in power now, but being politics what very different is, eventually becomes the same.

Brazil (1985) Directed by Terry Gilliam.
Russ Thomas reappraisal

With such films as Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Time Bandits behind him, one has to expect a little surrealism with Terry Gilliam

This is England Directed by Shane Meadows
Tiffany Lee
Every now and then a film emerges that grabs you by the eyeballs and prevents you from ever being the same. Britain hasn’t achieved this since Ewan McGregor asked "who needs reasons when you’ve got heroin?"

Black Sheep
Madeleine Collis

Never looking at sheep in quite the same way again is a by product of viewing "Black Sheep".

Elizabeth: The Golden Age
Dir: Shekar Kapur
Anna-Marie Dover
Brilliant costumes a historical drama do not make

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
Directed by Stanley Kubrick
Paul Rumble

Stanley Kubrick’s Cold War comedy is positively chilling. Dr. Strangelove still remains frighteningly relevant

300 (DVD)
Directed by Zack Snyder
Jack Clarkson

World renowned historian Frank Miller enlightens us all on what really happened at the battle of Thermopylae.

All Quiet On The Western Front (1930)
Directed by Lewis Milestone
Russ Thomas

Few films can boast relevance to all eras. All Quiet On The Western Front, a 1930 screen adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque's novel– written from a German perspective – is one of these films.

Pride and Prejudice (BBC 1995)
Director: Simon Langton
Emma King
Out of all the historical fiction out there, my favourite has to be the 1995 BBC’s six hour adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
Richard Parry
On the 5th September 1972, with the Summer Olympics in their second week of competition, eleven members of the Israeli athletics team were killed in what would later become known as the ‘Munich Massacre’.

Star Wars: A New Hope
Dir. George Lucas
Robert Hillum
1977 was a good year to be a geek. If there were a moment in time I would travel back to, this would be it.

Perfume: A Story Of A Murderer
Director: Tom Tykwer
Aby Davis
The opening sequence of Perfume: A Story Of A Murderer stinks. I mean, it almost literally smells. Which is probably the affect director Tom Tykwer was after

Deus Ex
Developed by Ion Storm
Jack Clarkson
"Deus Ex" is the first half of the Latin saying, "Deus Ex Machina", God from the machine. Nowadays it’s the term for a plot device in which something comes along and just makes everything better like some kind of narrative Chuck Norris.

The Digital Photographer's Software Guide
by John Lewell- Pub Oct 2008
Publishers: Course Technology USA
A comphrehensive guide to the full range of photographic software and plug-ins available to assist in digital photography editing and output: For novice to serious hobbyist

Very useful guide - Hackwriters recommeded

John Dies At The End by David Wong

Jack Clarkson

If Douglas Adams had written Horror instead of Science Fiction he would have written something a bit like this

Kings of Leon
Aby Davis review

On the 10th of December 2007, the Kings of Leon opened their Birmingham NIA set in a burst of yowling voice and raunchy guitar.
Behind You! by Linda Regan
Daniel Alves review

Life long feuds, unsolved hatreds, and more than enough lies to twist the plot into a maze. This detective novel boasts all the themes that darken in the eye of betrayal; sex, money, and murder.
Understanding Miss Jones
Alana Hebenton
Bridget Jones’s diary chronicles the life of the attractive thirty something Bridget, round a year’s worth of her diary entries
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Matt Alison

On my recent rereading of The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald I felt that I truly grasped and appreciated the importance of this classic.
Bob Dylan and his Band play Seattle
Jeffrey Beyl
listens to Modern Times
I was eleven years old when I first heard Bob Dylan. I was singing what is still to this day my all-time favorite song, Mr. Tambourine Man.
On The Road @ 67
Jack Kerouac's Peripatetic Ode
You're not really writing a book till you begin to take liberties with it - Jack Kerouac
James Campion

Jean-Louis Le bris de Kerouac wrote the above in a 1949 journal two years removed from his first of three free-wheeling cross-country road trips
Faculty of Color: Teaching in Predominantly White Colleges and Universities, Christine A. Stanley (Editor)Anker Publishing Company, 2006, pp373.
Dr Mawan Asmar review

Reem Al Haj Ali moved from being a dental student at the University of Jordan into an award winning professor at the School of Dentistry at the University of Missouri, Kansas in the United States.
The Writing Escapade
Marwan Asmar

‘Words and sentences take a life of their own, dancing in front of you, picking themselves up from the gray lines and pages and appealing to your senses and thoughts.'
Turning The Wheel by Charles Johnson
Dan Schneider

Charles Johnson is a fictionist best known for his award winning novels like Oxherding Tale, Middle Passage, and Dreamer. He is one of the rare published writers and intellectuals willing to publicly state his displeasure with the current low state of American writing.

Another Place to die by Sam North
Ian Middleton Review
A powerful portrayal of an underestimated threat. Fascinating, frightening and compelling read.
After Dark by Haruki Murakami
Sam North Review

At last I thought, a new novel not a collection of short stories. The thrill of a new Murakami was present. I settled down to read and within one chapter I was once again wondering what has happened to this author...
New Moon by Stepahnie Meyer
Nicole Foulger review

Stephenie Meyer loses none of the drama in New Moon the sequel to the breathtaking Twilight. We enter back into the mind and life of ordinary teen Bella who has the most extraordinary boyfriend-Edward Cullen, a Vampire.
The Savage Altar by Asa Larsson
A Josephine Green review

The Savage Altar is Larsson’s first thriller and this unusual piece of detection takes us into the hidden depths of Sweden and a cult that holds many individuals secrets, lies and fates
Perishable by Dirk Jamison
Charlie Dickinson review
Dirk Jamison's childhood memoir, PERISHABLE, is about, among other things, a dad who decides a few minutes of daily Dumpster diving will  put food on the table for the family.
The Sorrows of Young Pamuk
Istanbul: Memories of a City
Stefanie Stiles
Orhan Pamuk's Istanbul has the feeling of a biography written about a lost and lovely woman by a still-besotted ex-lover; it is an elegy for the city of Pamuk's youth.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Sam North review
'Papa,' she whispered. 'I think I am going to hell.'

Remarkable compelling WW2 story
Salmonella Men on Planet Porno by Yasutaka Tsutsui
Translated by Andrew Driver

Sam North review
'A terrific introduction to this hilarious and perceptive Japanese Sci-Fi author.'
The Frugal Book Promoter by Carolyn Howard Johnson
Ian Middleton review of essential POD advice
Swan Lake On Ice
The Mayflower Theatre, Southampton
Performances: Monday Feb 19th – Saturday Feb 24th
Jo Green -
A brillant night out
Empire Falls by Richard Russo
Dan Schnieder
- a bad book by a bad writer
The Rough Guide to Slovenia - Edition 2
By Norm Longley
Ian Middleton review
Insightful and informative, Rough Guide to Slovenia is an essential part of anyone’s Slovenia travel kit!

White Teeth
by Zadie Smith
Dan Schneider
I get really tired of negative criticism. In it, a reviewer who is scared shitless of making an enemy of a writer, or a publishing house, writes a few mild rebukes of the writer, but ...in the end praises the writer as being terrific, as a person, and that it was just this book, or a portion of it, that failed.
Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
Nicole Foulger
A gripping romantic vampire story with bite.
Everyman by Philip Roth
Josef Fiser
It just opens the door. It is like a picture, nicely painted picture which can just please you by its colours as well as take you as deep into life (and death) matters as you can stand.
Londonstani by Gautam Malkani,
Anna-Marie Dover
Londonstani bursts with strong colours and fast action. Written in the first person, with a believable and strong dialogue, this novel’s vivid imagery jumps out of the page like a Roy Lichtenstein cartoon.

Holly’s Inbox by Holly Denham
Chris Burden

Holly’s Inbox tells the story of this year’s Bridget Jones, Holly Denham, a lovable, modern woman with the flaws of a real person.
Mansfield Park, by Jane Austen
Madeleine Collis

Yet Mansfield Park takes the feminine ideal in a direction so far north of any modern reality it’s almost unfathomable to believe in such a world.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Written By: Frank Miller 1986
Stephen Doyle

The Dark Knight Returns is long considered to be one of ‘the’ graphic novels to be read. It is often held in high regard alongside Watchmen, Maus and The Sandman

Man Bites Dog
Directed by Remy Belvaux
Paul Rumble
Benoit is well-spoken, well-dressed, often witty and loves to quote poetry. He also likes to kill people.

Machuca (2004)
Directed by Andres Wood
Tabitha Parkes

30,000 children killed. 100,000 arrested without trial. 22,000 expelled. 150,000 exiled. Chile 1973

Stalin’s Ghost by Martin Cruz Smith
Louise Webster
For those who want something perhaps slightly unusual or written with depth, then this book is highly recommended - it is definitely a compelling read.
The Last Great Dance On Earth by Sandra Gulland
Ruby Harrison

‘I was not born for such grandeur’ Josephine, in a letter to her daughter Hortense.

Moll Flanders, by Daniel Defoe (1722)
Daniel Alves

Moll Flanders tells us everything that could not be spoken about in the eighteenth century. Pretending to be factual truth, this novel explores the taboos of the time.

The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells (1898)
Stephen Doyle

The War of the Worlds is the forerunner of that science-fiction staple, the ‘Alien Invasion’ story. Independence Day and dozens of other movies, books, and TV programmes pay homage to this original tale,

The Sorrows of Young Werther
Author: Goethe
Joseph Grosso

However if there is one work that must be named as having captured my personal Sublime as having described my own life experience up till now, it would have to be Goethe’s groundbreaking novel
Consequences… Don’t call me baby by Laurie Depp
Alana Hebenton

Don’t call me baby creates a realistic teenage voice with is use of contemporary cultural references to ‘Hello’ magazine and celebrities like David Beckam,
An Artist Of The Floating World, by Kazuo Ishiguro
Dan Schneider
Kazuo Ishiguro's 1986 novel, An Artist Of The Floating World, which won that year's Whitbread Prize, may be a great novel
Call Me Elizabeth
Dawn Annandale
Emma King review

A story of abuse, rape, prostitution, marriage, money and family values, there are few issues Call Me Elizabeth doesn’t explore.

The Wayward Wind by Ashleigh Bingham
Publisher: Robert Hale Ltd (1 Nov 2007)
Lisa Timmermann review
At its best, Ashleigh Bingham’s The Wayward Wind can be described as an atmospheric and suspenseful adventure novel

Pan's Labyrinth Directed by Guillermo Del Toro
Jen Ames review

Children of Men Dir A. Cuaron
Jen Ames review

Nine Lives Dir Rodigro Garcia
A Dan Schnieder DVD review
Everything is Illuminated - Dir Liev Shrieber
A Dan Schnieder DVD review
Mission Impossible: 3
Danille Ward
A Bittersweet Life - Dir Ji-Woon-Kim
Robert Cottingham review

V for Vendetta Dir James McTeigue
A Clare Sager/Gemma Williams review
Six Shooter- Dir Martin Donagh Oscar winner
Sacha Markin review
Once upon a time in the West - Sergio Leone -
A Dan Schnieder review

Match Point - Dir Woody Allen
A Rob Cottingham review

Underworld: Evolution - Dir Len Wiseman
A Kate Maskell review

The New World Dir Terrence Malick
A Dan Schnieder Review

Walk the Line Dir James Mangold
A Gabriela Davies Review

A Very Long Engagement
A Dan Schnieder review

Grizzly Man
A Dan Schnieder Review

Lucky Number Slevin Dir Paul McGuigan
A Sam North review

Why We Fight Directed by Frank Capra
Dan Schnieder review

George Washington Directed by David G Green
Dan Schnieder
The Assassination of Richard Nixon Dir Neils Mueller

Dan Schnieder review

The Five Obstructions Dir Lars Von Trier
Dan Schnieder

Russian Dolls Dir Cedric Klapisch
Robert Cottingham reivew
Die Mommie Die!
Dir Mark Rucker
A Dan Schnieder DVD review

The Magdelene Sisters
Dan Schnieder review
Address Unknown
Directed by Kim ki Duk
Robert Cottingham review
A Great Day In Harlem
Dan Schneider jazz DVD review

The Devil wears Prada
Gabriela Davies
Good Bye Lenin
Dan Schnieder DVD review
Signs Dir M Night Shyamalan (DVD)
Liz Barlow
Flight 93 v World Trade Center
Holly Joy compares two 9/11 movies

Sin City DVD Miller/Rodrigez
Claire Murray
Iklimler (Climates)
Carly McClain
Pride and Prejudice (DVD 2005)
Jo Green review
Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride
James Campion previews the Hunter S Thompson doc
The Celibate Nymphomanic by Amy Dunmall
One Night Only at the Wiltshire Studio One
Natalie Tehrani review
Happy Feet
A Sam North Review
49 Up (2005 DVD)
Dan Schneider

One of the great filmic projects of the 20th Century
Dead Mans Shoes (2004) Director: Shane Meadows
Carly Mclain

HARRY POTTER and the Order of the Phoenix
Directed by David Yates
A Gemma Ayres review

Tell No One (Ne le dis à personne)
Director: Guillaume Canet

Sam North review
of new French thriller
Music and Lyrics
Written and directed by Marc Lawrence
Starring Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore
Liz Barlow
Blood Diamond Directed by Edward Zwick
A Holly Joy review of the conflict diamond thriller

Stranger Than Fiction Dir. Marc Foster
Rosie Wheatcroft
a film confused in both its message and genre, Maggie Gyllenhaal’s performance is a shining beacon
Everyday People
Directed by Jim McKay
A Dan Schnieder DVD review
March of the Penguins v Happy Feet
Rosie Wheatcroft compares the Penguin movies
2006 was the Chinese year of the dog. In Hollywood, it was undoubtedly the year of the penguin
Somersalt (DVD review)
Director: Cate Shortland/with Abbie Cornish 2004
Somersault is one of those films that stay with you long after you watch it.
Bobby Directed by Emilio Estevez
Sacha Markin review
Look Both Ways (DVD review)
Directed by Sarah Watts
Carly McLain
The Pursuit of Happyness
Director: Gabriele Muccino
Gabriela Davies
The Good German
Directed by Steven Soderberg

Sam North review
Amadeus Directed by Milos Foreman
A Dan Schnieder DVD review

The Wild Bunch DVD review
Dan Schneider
Director Sam Peckinpah’s two hour and twenty-five minute long 1969 Western classic, The Wild Bunch is an important film

My Best Friend
Directed by Patrice Leconte
Starring Daniel Auteuil and Dany Boon
Contrivance: An artifice, the slightest, flimsiest idea to hang a movie on
Cries And Whispers
Directed by Ingmar Bergman
Dan Schneide
Cries And Whispers, a 1972 film of Ingmar Bergman's, is not the masterpiece that it's claimed to be.

A Year in Japan by Kate T Williamson
A Charlie Dickinson review
Embracing Family by Nobuo Kojima
A Charlie Dickinson Review

Temping by Kirby Olsen
A Charlie Dickinson review - satiric Seattle based novel

Angel on the Roof: Russell Banks short story collection
A Dan Schnieder review

I have landed by Stephen Jay Gould
A Dan Schnieder review

Finding George Orwell in Burma by Emma Larkin
A Charlie Dickinson review

Naked by David Sedaris
Dan Schneider

Small Maps of the World by Brooke Biaz
Suzannah Brooksbank review

A Note of Madness by Tabitha Suzuma
A Gill James review
The Wave by Walter Mosely
A Charlie Dickinson review
Where I've been, where I'm going by Joyce Carol Oates - A Dan Schnieder critique
Five Decades by Irwin Shaw
A Dan Schnieder review
A World Apart by Caro Fraser
A Marcel D'Agneau review

Illmore Chronicles: The Dwellings Debacle by David Lee Stone - A Keren Arnold review
A Mouth Like Yours by Daniel Duane
A Charlie Dickinson Review
Mack and Mabel - The Musical
Ben Macpherson at the preview
Ship Fever by Andrea Barrett
Gabriela Davies review
Disgrace by J M Coetzee
A Dan Schnieder review
Waiting by Ha Jin
A Dan Schnieder review

Long Way Back by Brendan Halpin
A Charlie Dickinson review

Tremble and Ennui by Edgar Nicaud
A Charlie Dickinson review of the New Orleans satire

American Tabloid by James Ellroy
Michael Halmshaw review
Them by Jon Ronson
Dan Schnieder review

Desert Rain by Wallace Dorian
Barbara Kowal review
Cane by Jean Troomer
Dan Schnieder review

Tales of the Night by Peter Hoeg
Dan Schnieder
Alice L Hutchinson on Kenneth Anger
Ginnete Ballard

At The Inland Sea by Edward Bond
Chris Churcher stage review

The Man From Perfect by Andrea Semple
Lynn Ede review

Lessons in Essence by Dana Standbridge
A Charlie Dickinson review

The Undercover Economist by Tim Harford
A Charlie Dickinson review

A Jacques Barzun Reader
A Dan Schnieder review
Same Place, Same Things, by Tim Gautreaux
Dan Schneider review

In the Pool by Hideo Okuda
A Charlie Dickinson review

Riding with Strangers by Elijah Wald
A Charlie Dickinson review
The War Against Cliché, by Martin Amis
Dan Schneider review

Evanescence, The Open Door
Claire Murray

Inka by Angela Vehorn
Gabriela Davies review

The Buddah and the Terrorist by Satish Kumar
Charlie Dickinson review
Wild Ducks Flying Backward by Tom Robbins
Dan Schneider review

Dead Father's Club by Matt Haig
A Lynn Ede review

Seconds Of Pleasure, by Neil Labute
Dan Schneider
Civilwarland In Bad Decline, by George Saunders
Dan Schnieder

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time
by Mark Haddon
Liz Barlow review

Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre
Dean Betts review
Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult
A Jen Ames Review

Also see Children's Book reviews

Link to:


The Brothers Grimm- Dir Terry Gilliam
Kenneth Robinson review

The Chronicles of Narnia
Alex Hillman

The Chronicles of Narnia- Take Two
Dan Schnieder

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Dir Mike Newell- A Gemma Ayres review
Shopgirl Directed by Anand Tucker
A Dan Schneider Review
Capote Dir Bennet Miller
A Dan Schneider review

Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Directed by Joe Wright
Bombom, El Perro
Directed by Carlos Sarin
Gabriela Davies review

Directed by Paul Haggis

The Island (2005)
Directed by Michael Bay

Wild Parrots Of Telegraph Hill
Dir Judy Irving - Eric D Lehman review
Madagascar (2005)
A Danielle Ward Review

Sin City
Lily J Parker
The Cat Returns Dir Hiroyuki Morita
Sam North review

Machuca Dir Andrés Wood
A Guy Burton Review

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Dir Gath Jennings -screenplay Douglas Adams
The Chorus (Les Choristes)
Dir Christophe Barratier
A Very Long Engagement
Dir Jean Pierre Jeunot

Dir Alexander Payne

Capturing the Friedmans - DVD review
Dan Schneider
Mayor of Sunset Strip - DVD Review
Dan Schneider on Rodney Bingenheimer
House of Sand and Fog DVD
Dan Schneider
The Lost Skelton of Cadavra
Dir Larry Blamire DVD
Dan Schnieder review
Director Cristopher Smith
Alex Hillman review
The Village(DVD)
Dan Schneider review
Mystic River Dir Clint Eastwood
Dan Schneider review
The Sea Inside
James Skinner reviews the Oscar winner
Touching The Void
Dan Schneider review
Nintendo DS
Danielle Ward reviews the new gameplayer
In America -Dir Jim Sheridan
A Dan Schneider review
American Splendor -
Dir Berman and Pulcini
A Dan Schneider review
Revenge of the Sith: Star Wars Episode 111
Rev Antonio Hernandez
King Arthur (DVD review)
Dan Schnieder

Metallica: Some Kind of Monster (DVD)
Dan Schneider
Monster - DVD Review
Dan Schneider
Deconstructing Anton Chekhov
Dan Schneider on Chekhov's short stories
Jersey Girl - Dir Kevin Smith
A Dan Schneider DVD review
Alexander - Dir Oliver Stone
A Dan Schnieder DVD review
5 x 2 Dir Francois Ozon
Robert Cottingham review
Coffee and Cigarettes
Dir - Jim Jarmusch
Dan Schneider DVD review
13 Going on 30
Dir Gary Winick
Dan Schnieder DVD review

Napoleon Dynamite Dir Jared Hess
Dan Schnieder DVD review

A Streetcar Named Desire Dir Eli Kazan
Gabriella Davies DVD review
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Dir Francis Ford Coppola
A Gemma Roxy Williams review

Dracula - Take Two (1992)
Rebecca Kingsbury

Carrie Directed by Brian de Palma
DVD review - Lucy Bailey
High Fidelity (Nick Hornby)
Holly Bates compares book and movie

Chocolat Dir Lasse Halstrom
Gemma Ayres review
Blade Runner
Dir Ridley Scott - Michael Halmshaw review

The Up Series 7-42 Up Dir Michael Apted
Dan Schneider

Moulin Rouge Dir Baz Luhrman
Kyla Lacey- Davidson
Catch Me if you Can Dir Steven Speilberg
Alex Segal
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves Dir M. Curtiz
Gemma Ayres
Edge of Orison by Iain Sinclair

Gemma Roxy Williams

Aerial: Making Maths Meaningful by Kate Bush
A Clare Sager review

Charley Feather by Kate Pennington
Clare Sager review

Confessions on a dance floor
by Madonna
Samara O'Shea

Curse of the Nibelung Book Launch
Nov 2005
- A Night to remember
Turbulence by Jan Mark
A Gemma Roxy Williams review

Romanitas by Sophia McDougall
Sam North reviews a modern Roman epic
Oak: The Frame of Civilization
by William Bryant Logan
A Charlie Dickinson review
Please Don't Come Back from the Moon
by Dean Bakopoulos
A Charlie Dickinson review

The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde
Review by Gemma Roxanne Williams
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
Suanna Clarke's amazing book about magic
The Producers
Alex Segal at the hit show in London
Life Studies by Susan Vreeland
A Gemma Williams review
Eleanor Rigby by Douglas Coupland
A Sam North review
Faded Seaside Glamour

The Delays
Clare Sager Review
Love Angel Music Baby
Gwen Stefani
Clare Sager Review
The Last Night of a Damned Soul by Slimane Benaissa
A Charlie Dickinson review
How I became Stupid by Martin Page
A Charlie Dickinson review
I am Legend by Richard Matheson
Dan Schnieder review
Exporting America by Lou Dobbs
Phil Mershon
Life of Pi by Yann Martell
Dan Schnierder review
Dubliners by James Joyce
Dan Schneider - a detailed examination
Anarchism by Colin Ward
A Charlie Dickinson review
Transmission by Hari Kunzru
A Keren Arnold Review
The James Deans - a Moe Prager Mystery
Reed Farrel Coleman
A Laura Jones Review
All Too Beautiful
Rob Mallet reviews the Steve Marriot bio
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
A Dan Schnieder review
If I was Amelia Earhart by Jane Mendelsohn
A Dan Schnieder review
Touching the Void by Joe Simpson(The Book)
A Dan Schneider review
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein
A Dan Schneider review
Crepuscule by Roman Payne
A Gemma Roxanne Williams review
The Bottomless Well by Huber and Mills
A Charlie Dickinson Review
Embers by
Sándor Márai
A Dan Schnieder review
1984 The Opera
George Burrows on Lorin Maazel - composer & conductor in an identity crisis?
The Monk from Brooklyn by Antonio Graceffo
Lang Reid review
A Good Scent From A Strange Mountain by Robert Olen Butler
Dan Schneider review
The Make Up Girl by Andrea Semple
Lynn Ede review
Lost in the City by Edward P Jones
Dan Schnieder review
Ten Little Indians by Sherman Alexie-
Review by Dan Schnieder

Snakes And Earrings by Hitome Kanehara
A Charlie Dickinson review 16.06
Nine Stories by J D Salinger
Dan Schnieder
Girl With Curious Hair by David Foster Wallace
Dan Schneider

The Collected Stories of Richard Yates
Dan Schneider
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Dr Antonio Hernandez
Last Family in England by Matt Haig
Lynn Ede review
The Light in the Piazza
Ben Macpherson detects a new trend in New York
The Serpent Grail
by Philip Gardiner with Gary Osborn
John Baldock review
Reunion v Ignorance
Dan Schneider on Lightman and Kundera's fiction
Close Range: Wyoming Stories by Annie Proulx
Dan Schneider review
Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers
Jennifer Atkins
Desert Death on Three Wheels
by Antonio Graceffo
Vanessa Hyde review
The Middle Mind by Curtis White
Dan Schnieder Review
The Magus by John Fowles
Eric Lehman
Jesse Garbe at the Diane Farris Gallery
Vancouver - First Show
William F Buckley's Miles Gone By
Dan Schnieder
The Incredibles
Clare Sager

Finding Neverland
Richard Chilve

The Phantom of the Opera
Ben Mcphereson review
Bad Santa
Rebecca Francis
Melinda & Melinda

Robert Cottingham - Woody Allen's return to form

A totally Incomplete Review of 2004 Movies
Sam North

Otomoto's 'Memories' classic Anime- Dan Schneider DVD review
Tim Burton's Big Fish
Dan Schnieder

What the FX@X Do We Know!

Dan Schneider DVD review
The Fog of War
DVD Review
Dan Schnieder

The Kid Stays in the Picture
Dan Schneider review of the DVD

Code 46

Dir Michael Winterbottom
Open Water

Dir Chris Krevis
James Skinner Review
Judging Kilmer
Dan Schnieder on Val Kilmer -The Salton Sea and Wonderland
Love Actually - now on DVD
Dir Richard Curtis- Dan Schneider review
Belleville Rendezvous now out on DVD
Rev Antonio Hernandez says buy it now.

The Cooler
starring William H Macy
Dir Wayne Kramer
Shrek 2
Even funnier than the first
The Day After Tomorrow

Dir Roland Emmerich
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Review by Sam North
Y Tu Mama Tambien

Dan Schnieder reviews the DVD
Lost in Translation
Dan Schnieder reviews the DVD
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Dir Michel Gondry - Screenplay Charlie Kaufman
Kill Bill Vol 2 Dir Quentin Tarantino
Review Dan Schneider
Kill Bill Vol 2 Second Take
Ian Jordan
Dir Michael Mann
Dan Schnieder Review
Breakfast With Hunter
James Campion reviews the PBS Documentary

Dir Takeshi Kitano

Dir Mel Gibson- James Campion Review
The Butterfly Effect

Dan Schneider Review
Runaway Jury
Dir Gary Fleder
Girl With A Pearl Earring
Dir - Peter Webber
The Dreamers
Bernardo Bertolucci
City Of God
M.C. Wood reviews Fernando Meirelles' film
Lost in Translation- Dir Sofia Coppola
James Skinner Review
The Films of M.Night Shyamalan
Andrew Stuart begs to differ

Go buy 'Brick'
One of Hacks Best Movie of 2006
Directed by Rian Johnson
Starring- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Nora Zehetner
Lukas Haas + Noah Fleiss
Emilie de Ravin

Rosario Tijerras by Jorge Franco
A Charlie Dickinson Review
Kelly Armstrong's STOLEN
A Gemma William review of contemporary werewolves in the USA

In the Company of Cheerful Ladies by Alexander McCall Smith
Diamonds - The Rush of '72 by Sam North
George Olden review
Notice by Heather Lewis
A Charlie Dickinson review
The Lesser Evil by Michael Ignatieff
A Charlie Dickinson Review
A Year of Sundays: Taking the plunge (and our cat) to Explore Europe by Edward D Webster
S.N. Review
The Well of Lost Plots
Review by Michelle Cochraine
Graceland by Chris Abani
A Charlie Dickinson review
Happy Days by Laurent Graff
A Charlie Dickinson review
An End to Evil: How to win the war on terror by David Frum and Richard Perle
A Kate Moreland review
Just Like A River
by Muhammad Kamil al-Khatib
A Charlie Dickinson Review
The Hindustan Way
Nathan Rabe - a portrait of life in Pakistan
Japan: A reinterpretation by Patrick Smith
Dean H Ruetzler review
Eduardo Aquifer by Jeff Hunt
Review by Sam North
My Life in Letters
Ryan K Smith
Tis by Frank McCourt
Dan Schnieder Review
The Producers (Live at Dury Lane)
Alex Segal at the hit show in London

Movie Review 2005
Robert Cottingham sums it up

A funny thing happened to the musical on the way to the theatre

Ben Macpherson laments
'The Wizard of Oz'

Michael Dare nominates
this Turkish film as the worst of all time.
Visual Arts Creative Arts Programme '04
Gemma Williams review
The Road Movie: Parts One and Two
Sam North

La Tasca - GunWharf Quays Portsmouth

More about Film here
issues about films and screenwriting

Damon Runyon's Guys and Dolls
A Kate Maskell review
Feb 2006
Sarah Jones at the Bleeker Street Theatre NY James Campion Revew
His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman - adapted by Nicholas Wright
Peter Pan Dec 04/Jan 05
Danielle Ward goes to the panto
Get Carter - Red Shift Theatre Company
Christine Churcher Review
Funny Money - Stage Show
Jan 2006
Kiss Me Kate by Cole Porter- University of Portsmouth Creative Arts 2005 Production
The Far Pavillions
Preview by Ben Macpherson on the new London Musical
Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner
Dan Schnieder Review
My Life Without Me
Dir Isabel Coixet

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Erin Burns review
Matrix Revolutions
Belleville Rendezvous
(Triplets of Belleville in USA)
Underworld &
Once Upon a Time In Mexico

Le DIVORCE - A James Ivory Film
Kevin Costner's OPEN RANGE
Jeffrey Beyl Review
An Alex de La Iglesia film
(Brilliant and hilarious)
Directed by Niki Caro
Neil LaBute - Review by Alex Grant
The Wachiwski Brothers
Dir. Lisa Cholodenko
James Mangold's horror flick
James Foley's trickster movie

Why Cinema is still relevant
Left Behind 2
Rev Antiono Hernandez reviews this anti-semitic film
Flower & Garnet

A wonderful BC film directed by Keith Behrman

A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
- Alex Grant
A John McTiernan movie starring John Travolta
The Good Thief
Dir: Neil Jordan

WorldFest Houston Film 2002

The Hunted
Alex Grant
Gangs of New York, The Two Towers-
Evelyn and Confessions of a Dangerous Mind,

Alex Grant
The Hours
The Golden Globe Winner
Gangs of New York
James Campion on the' birthing of history
Final Destination 2
Alex Grant on the teen horror flick
The Quiet American
Alex Grant on the Graham Green adaptation
Oscar Nomination 2003
Alex Grant regrets
The Life of David Gale and Dark Blue
State & Main
Mirko Stopar
Mirko Stopar
Written On The Wind

Mirko Stopar on Douglas Sirk
Femme Fatale ( DVD)
Mirko Stopar
Russian Experiences by The Raven
Denise M Clark

Steffi's Club
D.A. Blyler's wild romp in the Czech Republic
Richard Oleska review

MobTown & A Viking Funeral
Alex Grant reviews two new crime mysteries

'Lost Light' by Michael Connelley
Alex Grant review

The Guru of Love
Samrat Upadhyay- Charlie Dickinson Review

Ian Rankin's Ressurection Men
Alex Grant review of the new Inspector Rebus
Ken Follet's Hornet Flight
Alex Grant

Chuck Barris Autobiography
Rev Antonio Hernandez
Small Town by Lawrence Block
Alex Grant reviews this new erotic tale
Coalescent by Stephen Baxter
The struggle to survive as the lights go out in a disintegrating Romano Britain
Early From The Dance
David Payne- love & tragedy in the Carolinas
At The Villa Of Reduced Circumstances
Alexander McCall Smith
Shopping For Antiques and Collectables: Singapore and Malaysia '03/04 - J Kaul
Ashes by Kenzo Kitakata
Charlie Dickenson reviews a dark Yakuza thriller
Socionomics: The Wave Principle of Human Social Behaviour and Pioneering Studies in Socionomics
Robert R Prechter Jr
Welcome to Paradise
Mahi Binebine
A Charlie Dickinson Review of fateful tale of illegal immigrants from Africa to Spain
The Truth Seeker
Rod Bradford on Vice v Freedom
Candy by Mian Mian
Charlie Dickinson - drugs and rock n'roll in China

Fear Itself
Walter Mosely
A Body To Die For
Kate White
Still Life With Crows
Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child
Fallen Idols
J.F. Freedman

Redemption by Nancy Geary
Marcel D'Agneau review

The Anniversary
Amy Gutman thriller

The Kalahari Typing School For Men
Alexander McCall Smith

No.1 Ladies Detective Agency and Tears of a Giraffe by Alexander McCall Smith - Review by John Lewell
The Lake House by James Patterson
Alex Grant review
The Protector by David Morrell
New non-stop action by author of First Blood
Alex Grant review
The Last Good Day by Peter Blauner
Alex Grant review

The Rules of Silence by David Lindsey
Alex Grant review

Brad Barkely's Alison's Automotive Repair Manual
Review by Charlie Dickinson

'a well-conceived fictional exploration of grief'
The Blue Edge of Midnight
Johnathon King
- Alex Grant review
Looking For Spinoza by Antonio Damasio
A Charlie Dickinson Review
The Dead Sit Round in A Ring
by David Lawrence
Land of the Living
Nicci French
No Good Deed
Manda Scott

The Buzzing by Jim Knipfel
A Charlie Dickinson Review

December 6th
Martin Cruz Smith novel about Pearl Harbor
Dean Ruetzler review

Soul Circus- George Pelecanos -Alex Grant review
Heaven's Edge
Romesh Gunesekera- Charlie Dickinson review

Memoirs of A Geisha
Dean H Ruetzler reviews Arthur Golden's book

City of Bones by Michael Connelly
Alex Grant Review
Pattern Recognition by William Gibson
Review by Sam North

Everybody's Somebody's Fool by Ed Gorman
Alex Grant Review

The Discrete Charm of Charlie Monk
by David Ambrose

1421 ­ Gavin Menzies- Bantam Press
Elmore Leonard's
'When the Women Come Out To Dance'

Alex Grant review
Captain Outrageous
Alex Grant reviews Joe Lansdale's new novel

Rabbit Proof Fence
Philip Noyce film about abducted children in Australia is tale of courage and shame.
The Royal Tenenbaums

Royal Tenenbaums is clever and witty, each performance is eccentric and alive with promise
K-PAX - Starring Kevin Spacey
Star Wars Attack of the Giggles
Rev Antonio Hernández
on STAR WARS Pt 2 a cartoon Yoda, an angel-dusted Kermit.'

Minority Report
A new film by Steven Spielberg
The Road to PERDITION and other summer movies

Sam Mendes
Signs and Full Frontal
Disappointing Signs


'Blood Work is both casual and classic, akin to the astutely pared-down films of both Howard Hawks and Sam Fuller'.
Possession- Neil LaBute
Sunshine State-John Sayles
One Hour Photo
Robin Williams in a chillingly compulsive style
Michael Apted’s Enigma
Enigma is the high point of Michael Apted’s career
City By the Sea
De Niro in gritty Cop Drama
Walter Hill’s 'Undisputed'
Violent Boxing Drama
Funny romantic comedy

The Banger Sisters
Review by Stewart Clayton
Four Feathers
Alex Grant Review
Dragonflies [Norway, 2002]
Alex Grant Review
David Cronenberg's new minimalist horror film
Chinese Odyssey Dir. Jeffrey Lau
A hilarious slapstick spoof of Crouching Tiger

Red Dragon
Unnecessary remake says Alex Grant
Between Strangers
Sam North reviews Edoardo Ponti's first film
Igby Goes Down
Writer/Director Burr Steer

a clever and refreshing black comedy
Alex Grant reviews Olivier Assayas S&M movie
Abandon - all hope if you see this movie

An evocative totally stylized thriller
Steven Becks' 'Ghost Ship'
Halloween schlock

A monstrously inept, perfunctory and flaccid "comeback"

Roger Dodger
Dylan Kidd's satiric movie debut

Brian De Palma's Femme Fatale
Tight Thriller from De Palma
Paul Schrader Bio Pic about Bob Crane
Emperor's Club -A Kevin Kline movie
Hoary old chesnut

We award the 2002 Beasties Awards

The Death of Sweet Mister
Daniel Woodrell

'Don't be a puss. It's just the jitters nipin' at you, fat boy.

Chasing Rainbows in Chennai
Review of Colin Todhunter's travel book by Heather Neal

A Series of Unfortunate Events
The Austere Academy-Book the Fifth
Lemony Snicket - Illustrated by Brett Helquist
An Egmont Book

after the quake -
Haruki Murakami
The Harvill Press

Murakami from the ruins of Kobe.
after the quake- alt review US edition
Charlie Dickinson on Murakami's latest

Freddy the Very Adventurous Ferry
A 3-5 children's book by Rozy Abra
Illustrated by Andre Ellis

Sparrow Nights by David Gilmour
Review Charles Dickinson

'The story builds to a stunner of a climax...'
Counterpoint, 2002
Bill James Crime Novelist Extraordinaire
Review by Alex Grant

In Pursuit of a Proper Sinner
Review by Alex Grant
A Traitor to Memory
Elizabeth George new mystery
A Small Death in Lisbon
Review by Alex Grant
British Crime Wave - WOMEN AUTHORS
Alex Grant reads the latest murder mysteries


Review Charlie Dickenson

...art becomes politics, once politics corrupts art
Thomson's New Dictionary of Film (2002)
Review by Alex Grant

Patrick O'Brian
The Master Seafaring Novelist stories to be filmed starring Russel Crowe
Graham Hurley's 'The Take'
and other crime novels

Michael Connelly's 'Chasing the Dime'
Too much haste - a waste
Six New Crime Novels
Alex Grant on the crime fiction beat
...hacks who lack conviction

December 6th
Martin Cruz Smith's new Pearl Harbour Thriller

David Quinlan's- Directors
Essential reading?

To Shill a Mockingbird
Augusta Trobaugh's 'Sophie &The Rising Sun'
A Third Eye
Bio of Sam Fuller
Reversible Errors
Scott Turows new legal thriller

Philip Kerr’s 'Dark Matter'

The Private Life of Sir Issac Newton
Born Twice -
Giuseppe Pontiggia
Review Charlie Dickinson

Three Dead White Males
Get Pulp Fiction at ABC
Books Vancouver


Steven Speilberg

AMELIE Jean Pierre Jeunot
THE HEIST - David Mamet
Oliver Moor on Pottermania
Which is the cartoon?
(Director: Karl Francis, Starring: Jeff Goldblum,

Jess Wynne is gripped by McCathyism

Jim Johnson sees a landslide victory to Australian dance music

Oliver Moor loses himself in the sounds of not-so-Madchester
Jim Johnson blows hot about the new Basement Jaxx CD
Anni DiFranco

Jess Wynn - Maverick or Mercenary?

Plus interview with the diva herself
Dan Bern
James Campion talks to the American songwriter
Led Zepplin Redux
Jeffery Beyl reviews the new DVD release
Along Came The Doors
Jeffrey Beyl

A series of unfortunate events
Sara Bird - Review LUCIANA LOPEZ
number9dream -DAVID MITCHELL

Eco Domes
Hazel Marshall on Cornwall's Eden Project

Hazel Marshall on Sleeping Beauty

James Skinner at the World
Tunafish Congerence in Vigo
The 2002 PNE in Vancouver

Andy Warhol at 'Work & Play' Vermont 2003
Mark Awodey review

Dale Chihuly
The Emperor of Seattle

Art 2001-2002
Beauty and Innocence?

Photographing the commonplace
Robert Cooper
'ART- NOT CHANCE' Andy Coote
Helen Weston Review of Trash at the Tate Modern
Gallery 83 - Vancouver -
Review by Jenny Brown

Barry Dunstall reviews MadameTussauds N.Y.
SweetSista'Shorts at the Carousel Theatre

WEST SIDE STORY -Stanley Theatre

Nathan Davies was there

2009/10 Reviews here



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