
Written and Directed by Kiki Caro
Based on the novel by Witi Ihimaera
Cast; Keisha Castle-Hughes, Rawiri Paratene, Vicky Haughton, Cliff
Curtis, Rawinia Clarke, Tammy Davis, Grant Roa, Tahei Simpson
The story of a 11-year-old girl who lives in a Maori community,
the Ngati Kanohi of Whangara |
Rider is a wonderful film with no stars, set in New Zealand with an
all Maori cast and features the story of a 11 year old girl who wants
to ride a whale like the legendary hero who brought her people there
1000 years ago. It is remarkable that it is getting a Canada and USA
wide release. Try pitching that idea to some producer in Hollywood at
a time when all they can make is sequel after sequel and badly at that.
Whale Rider is a total delight. It tells the story of a young girl Pai
(the delightful Keisha Castle-Hughes) who is devoted to her grandfather
(Rawiri Paratene) yet he blatantly (and traditionally) prefers boys
to girls. Pai is a disappointment to him because her mother died in
childbirth and took with her the twin-son, Pai 's brother. With the
Grandfathers own eldest son deserting them (and leaving his baby
daughter behind) the second son a disappointment, he begins a search
amongst the local kids for a new chief to bring the local community
together and lead them. He tells her of how they came to this country
1000 years ago on the back of a whale from Hawaii and the next leader
must be a strong enough to tame that whale.
To this end he starts a school to train all the boys as he waits for
the right one to emerge. Pai is upset by this betrayal. Not only wont
he consider her for mans business but also denies
her the same training. She secretly watches and learns however and is
determined to be as good as the boys and try to win her Grandfathers
attention back. Unfortunately everything she does only seems to thwart
her Grandfathers best intentions and he thinks she is making the
gods angry at him, making him fail. She is supported in her endeavers
though by her Grandmother and her elder brother who trains her in traditonal
This is a mainly local acting cast (save Cliff Curtis who has appeared
in several Hollywood movies lately) and are natural and at ease in this
setting. The tale is told with warmth and tenderness. It is often hilarious
and just as often brings a tear to the eye as Pia is constantly rejected
by the stubborn old man.
played by Keisha Castle-Hughes is a pleasure to watch and you feel
much empathy for her. |
in the end, to prove herself she sings to the whales, tragically they
hear her. They beach themselves outside the village and her Grandfather
blames her for bringing this curse upon them. Finally Pai realises she
must save the whales to win her Grandfathers love, even if it
means the end of her life.
The film is a gem with fine performances and is a pefect anti-dote to
the special effects laden summer fare of Hulk and others. Take the kids,
more importantly take the girls, theyll be inspired.
Locally from June 20th at the Fifth Avenue Cinema Vancouver and in Toronto,
San Francisco, New York, Boston.
© Sam North June 2003
Hackwriters 2000-2003
all rights reserved