
International Writers Magazine: Review
with a foreword by Thomas Moore and an afterword by Alan Hunt
Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2006, 123 pp.
ISBN-13: 978-1-56512-520-9, ISBN-10: 1-56512-520-7
A Charlie Dickinson review
the vast Pali canon ascribed to what Buddha said and lived--a
literature worth a small room for its thousands of volumes--there
is one oft-told story about Gautauma, the Buddha, meeting the
Evil One in the person of Angulimala.
Satish Kumar, born
in India, first heard the story from his mother as a child. Angulimala
is a monster who terrorizes villages, taking the lives of men solely
to cut off their ten fingers (anguli), which he threads on a necklace
(mala) with other severed fingers and wears about his blood-stained
neck. We later learn in this story Angulimala will not stop killing
until he has one thousand fingers hanging from his neck.
Fortunately, the Buddha seeks out Angulimala, who caught off balance
by Gautama's offer of friendship, finally sees the error of his ways
and becomes a monk, Ahimsaka ("The Nonviolent One"), living
with other followers of the Buddha in their forest retreat at Jeta Grove.
The conversion of Angulimala is but one episode in THE BUDDHA AND THE
TERRORIST as told by Satish Kumar, who besides his study of Buddhism
was a Jain monk for nine years. The "terrorist" Buddha
encountered 2,500 years ago probably didn't quite fit the profile we
ascribe to that term in our post-9/11 era, replete with suicide bombers.
Still, Kumar is to be commended for making this story relevant
to the dilemmas of global violence today.
Yes, there are times in this retelling of THE BUDDHA AND THE TERRORIST
the words chosen seem contrived to echo, as one example, pre-Afghan
War rhetoric: (The enlightened King speaks) "It would be easy to
declare Buddha an accomplice and not only arrest Angulimala but also
to arrest Buddha himself--accusing him of being a protector of terrorists,
of aiding and abetting terrorism." But such occurrences are
relatively minor and represent Kumar's well-intentioned effort to make
THE BUDDHA AND THE TERRORIST more relevant to today's troubled world.
And troubled it is. In a world where among but three identified
rogue nation-states (1) one joined the "nuclear club" last
week, (2) one has a leader who asserts Israel should be taken off the
map, and (3) one was "liberated" only to descend into a waking
nightmare of mindless violence, THE BUDDHA AND THE TERRORIST tackles
some essential questions whose evasion today is ignored at mankind's
For starters, Gautama in THE BUDDHA AND THE TERRORIST actually seeks
out Angulimala, at what others perceive great danger to his person (which
concerns the Buddha not, for he seeks a greater good than personal safety--he
seeks safety for all beings). Initiating this dialogue with the
Evil One is a first step to acknowledging Angulimala's humanity, tortured
though it might be. In a contemporary setting, when President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says he wants to debate President George W. Bush
about real issues, why doesn't Bush go to Tehran and do so, instead
of dismissing such an idea as a circus? The "cost" of
such a circus is much less than letting the cycle of mutual demonization
continue (Buddha's words are, of course, "violence begets violence,"
both literally and in thought). And to keep such a proposal from
seeming too political, the question arises, Why didn't President Bill
Clinton go to Baghdad and debate President Saddam Hussein not that many
years (of misery) ago?
THE BUDDHA AND THE TERRORIST offers much more insights into the Buddhist
path of nonviolence and given Kumar's monastic background (albeit Jainist)
is impeccably accurate in its presentation of the words of Buddha. I
found this relatively short book a wonderful introduction to the basics
of Buddhism wrapped up in an engrossing narrative of human interest.
Violence, revenge, forgiveness. Conquering fear, finding
spiritual simplicity, and transcending life and death. For such
a compact book, this is one well-seasoned omelette of a tale!
© Charlie Dickinson November 2006
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