The International Writers Magazine:Childrens Fiction
By Jan Mark
ISBN: 0 340 86099 5
Hodders Childrens Books
Gemma Roxane Williams review
one perfectly normal teenage girl, mix in the craziness of family
life, add an insanely early paper round and sprinkle in a witty
narrative. Finish it off with a splattering of old school film
references and you have a witty, entertaining book that will have
you walking down the high street turning pages (dont think
Im joking, I almost hit a lamppost!)
A rollercoaster
ride of everyday life, kicked off with an early morning paper round,
ending in a good western in her dads studio aka shed! Aside
from her little sister, who is hard to find, buried under a pile of
make up and all things spangley from Claires accessories, and
her brother who refuses to make contact with anyone unless its via text;
a perfectly normal family. Well, unless you count her hippy gran, and
her obsession with zombie films. Ok, so Clays family are at least kind
of normal; until mum invites a stranger over to dinner.. Then things
spiral out of control and everyday life becomes far from ordinary!
Jan Mark keeps the action interesting, through the viewpoint of self-professed
gorilla (she got the big boned, heavy powerful gene, unlike her marmoset
mum) Clay. From that lucky vantage point of being a head above the masses,
the action unfolds as routine and order are replaced with chaos; the
moment Clays mum invited Sandor and Ali Harker over for dinner.
These strange newcomers overtake the lives of everyone around them in
their soap-opera lives
until it all comes to a head, the question
is: will life ever be the same again?
Turbulence is an entertaining whirlwind, but amidst the laughs
and heart pounding suspense and intrigue, Jan Mark throws in some truly
touching father-daughter moments, some beautifully crafted poetic reflections
and some heart stoppingly accurate observations. Watching the thrilling
action though the eyes of teenager, Clay, makes what could have been
a very mature concept, accessible to all. And just so that we dont
get bored, Jan Mark switches from Clays reflection to reporter
style conversation sporadically, adding a genuine feel to this zealous
So, Jan Marks Turbulence is a witty, exciting, page turner
of a story. If you dont fall in love with Clay, detest Sandor
and want to shake Rosie by the end of it, youve been reading the
book upside down! Youll be able to quote away like true film buff
by the end of this book; although I warn you: you may become very wary
of strangers and possibly feel the need to take up a morning paper round!
Well worth reading.
And watch out for those Canadians!
© Gemma Roxanne Williams November 2005
Roxy is a Creative Writing major at the University of Portsmouth
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