
The International Writers Magazine: Book Review
of the Orison by Iain Sinclair
Gemma Roxy Williams Review
ISBN: 0-241-14218-0
Publisher: Hamish Hamilton
(September 29th 2005)
Retail Price 16.99 Sterling
the Traces of John Clare's 'Journey out of Essex'
Iain Sinclair and his arbitrary gaggle
trace the footsteps of the mad poet John Clare, in his 1841 escape
from High Beach Asylum in Epping Forest, the full eighty miles
to his home in Northborough. While Clare trekked on foot, sleeping
rough and eating grass, inspired by a vision of his first love,
Mary Joyce, to whom he imagined himself married to, Sinclair along
with his mad stragglers and stanch diviners, sleeps in hotels
and starts the day with a hearty full English.
this synopsis may suggest an enthralling literary travel book, Edge
of the Orison is more alike a frenzied patchwork, ranging from literary
criticism, art theory, political rants, travel notes, social critique,
biography and cutting satire, to personal memoir and lyrical daydream.
Amidst his throng, Keats, De Quincey, Blake, Pepys, Shelley, Joyce,
Beckett, artist Brian Catling and magus Alan Moore along with Sinclair's
wife Anna feature. While this could have been a pretentious approach
towards exploring the most fascinatingly disturbed of the Romantic poets,
Sinclair pulls of what is simultaneously a tender portrayal of Clare,
and a journey along the spider-web of tangents that this leads him to
brilliantly follow.
His words skip around the subjects and that which inspired them, mocking
our perception of reality, while amidst demented digressions, his skillful
turn of phrase makes you cry out with laughter and horror, often in
chorus.While Edge of the Orison is a perfectly fascinating whirlwind
in itself, it is best read as it was intended, as the concluding part
in a trilogy that maps the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
plains of south-east England. The first installment, Lights
Out for the Territory: Nine excursions in the secret history
of London (1997) followed nine randomly inspired paths through the
capital's centre. With the general intention of reclaiming the history
of the city back from the government, developers and so on, giving it
back to those Sinclair considers the rightful owners; writers, actors,
visionaries and collectors. The city's lost and forgotten, being granted
the elapsed history of the land.
In the second installment, London Orbital (2002), Sinclair moves
out to the 'grim necklace' of the city, the 130 circular miles of the
M25. In the recording of this spiraling pilgrimage around the city,
Sinclair believed he could create a counter-narrative to the devout
snake-oil politics which Blair and his government had been pushing on
the public. In the third and final installment, as we have seen, the
erratic route is suggested by the crazed footsteps of John Clare, in
his pursuit of a beloved woman, already three years dead; stepping outside
of London, into the M11 corridor. Spotted with captivating, irrelevant
information, amidst the chaos of anything from allusive description,
and rantings on the future of English countryside, to hallucinatory
considerations of doppelgängers. Sinclair treads the countryside,
awake to random echoes and coincidence of land, literature and lives.
Reading the landscape as a wise teacher, exploring the physical steps
of Clare, to get closer to the mental world that this great romantic
poet subsisted in. In Edge of the Orison, Sinclair succeeds in
creating a captivating description of places you would never have dreamt
of visiting, along routes you would never have stumbled across, while
giving a touching account of Clare, and reclaiming the English countryside
as our own.
© Gemma Roxy Williams Oct 2005
Roxy is a regular contributor to Hackwriters and a creative writing
student at the University of Portsmouth
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