Bosch is stranded as a knight-errant, a
latter-day Don Quixote struggling to make sense of a world gone
mad after September 11th, 2001
'Connelly is the true heir of the hard-boiled tradition perfected
by Raymond Chandlers 'Philip Marlowe'. '
ISBN: 0-316-15460-1
Click on cover to order your copy now
ninth novel in Michael Connellys "Harry Bosch " series
of Los Angeles- set police-procedurals LOST LIGHT finds Harry retired
from the L.A.P.D. and unwilling to use the safety-net of a private-eye
ticket that all L.A.P.D. tecs resort to on paper, once
they have severed their professional ties.
Bosch felt he was drowning in a sea of red tape and regulations that
impeded his mission in life.
Harry is 52 years of age, divorced and utterly lost without his métier.
Hes 'an ex-cop working freelance on an old case "- but is
often obliged to pretend otherwise to earn any credibility in his new
unfamiliar role as a private citizen.
In LOST LIGHT Bosch energetically antagonizes the F.B.I. and the warriors
of the new "Homeland Security" - arrogant rule-bending patriots
determined to protect the U.S. from terrorists. He is forced to act
at his most deviously Machiavellian to combat the rising tide of fascism
within the ranks of the F.B.I.s hardcore element. Connelly introduced
Harry - a cop on a lifetime crusade, and with a heart of gold - in BLACK
ECHO eleven years ago. A Viet-Nam vet and tunnel-rat Harry
is marked by his wartime sufferings. He resents authority and is a curdled
romantic who has witnessed the consequences of a thousand homicides
in The City of Angels. In the fourth novel in the series THE
LAST COYOTE - Harry was indefinitely suspended for disciplinary reasons.
He seldom sleeps soundly and is so stubbornly persistent in his pursuit
of perps that he alienates most of those around him.
Thus Harry Bosch is stranded as a knight-errant, a latter-day Don Quixote
struggling to make sense of a world gone mad after September 11th, 2001.
His ideals as a law-enforcement guru seem entirely outmoded and passé.
Some of his colleagues have perished in the line of duty, been left
in a vegetative state, or are still practicing their profession and
thoroughly resent his abrupt resignation from the force. A charismatic
rebel Harry always had his admirers who feel betrayed by his departure
from the L.A.P.D. Angella Benton, a twenty-four year old black Hollywood
gopher was sexually violated and slain, her corpse leaving
an indelible impression on Boschs mind. Harry is convinced that
her murder was bogus, maliciously rigged as the supposed
act of a perverted sexual predator and that her death connected directly
to a $2,000,000 hi-jack from a movie location. Money he suspects was
used to finance a terrorist network in Mexico.
Subsequently a female F.B.I. agent Martha Marty Gessler
disappeared off the face of the earth. A very fit and armed six-footer
and Gesslers abduction stretches the bounds of credibility. Before
she vanished Marty stored some key information about the stolen two
million haul of banknotes in her computer which disappeared with her.
She had been promoted from the L.A.P.D. bank robbery unit to a high-profile
computer division.
Author Connelly is a gifted writer in the classic American mode
never use a big word when a smaller one will do the job; never indulge
colorful similes or metaphors; let the story flow as naturalistically
as possible against a lovingly detailed depiction of a city that exists
as much in the imagination as in reality. Try manfully to
keep up with the dizzying socio-political innovations of a new century
propelled into utter chaos and incipient fascism by events previously
considered improbable. America menaced by a ruthless war on its own
soil, waged by fanatics who hold human life in utter contempt. Bosch
is a man who resents the taking of a single life by criminal interests.
He can never rest easy when a murder remains unsolved. Connelly is the
true heir of the hard-boiled tradition perfected by Raymond Chandlers
"Philip Marlowe" novels and those heartfelt exposes of Californian
corruption exemplified by Ross Macdonalds "Lew Archer"
classic series of mystery books.
© Alex Grant 2003
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