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International Writers Magazine:
Brit Film 2007
Writers Deborah Curtis and Matt Greenhalgh
Directed by Anton Corbijn
Russ Thomas
Samantha Morton (Deborah Curtis) and Sam Riley (Ian Curtis)Control
is the tragic story of Ian Curtis (Sam Riley), ex-frontman for Joy
Division, his brief electric appearance onto the Manchester music
scene in the late 1970s, and all the tears and joys attached with
his rise and fall, until he committed suicide in 1980 at the age
of 23.
Culturally, the film is splendid. It depicts Macclesfield and the Manchester
area in all its gritty glory. The black and white filming emphasises the
grey which would inevitably be the main colour of the town in any case
there is a feeling of despair around Ian Curtis especially as he
lashes out against his background, against the people around him, and
against himself. In true rock-and-roll style we almost never see Curtis
without a cigarette in hand, and we constantly see in his character a
man who has become a man too quickly. His short life is testament to the
dying flames and the glowing embers of the punk era: live fast, die young.
But it is Ians self-destruction, Ians sensitive and fragile
emotional state, not the lifestyle, that eventually leads to his demise.
He is an offshoot of a culture obsessed with bands and good music, a lost
child in amongst a crowd of, in his mind, ignorance. Introducing Curtis
as a young closet-writer, writing poems and stories, will make the audience
think of him as the tortured artist, rather than the onstage
celebrity. Those in the music business are also exposed as seemingly uncaring,
verging on callous, towards artists; certainly it was this culture in
music that wore Ian Curtis down to the bone. As he says in the film, they
didnt know how much he gave when he was onstage, and then they wanted
him to give more. He simply got caught up in something that began well
enough and quickly got out of his control. This sparked a fall into a
state of depression that led to his death, and every moment leading up
to it is portrayed excellently by this film.
There are no shortages of emotional moments. The fact that it is shot
entirely in black and white, rather than in colour, adds a certain gloomy,
if sinister, undertone to the progression of the story; taking into account
its conclusion, it works wonders and will not fail to sadden the audience.
The acting is far above average and the characters are convincing and
empathetic the performances of Joy Division songs, especially,
are fantastic. The soundtrack itself is fitting, of course, being compiled
almost entirely of the Joy Division oeuvre. Today the film is relevant
to modern society. Music is a large part of the youth today, and it shows
the real side of a band, almost entirely ignoring the glamour. Perhaps
it is trying to show that musicians never change; in another fifty years
time you can imagine a similar film being made about Pete Doherty and
The Libertines.
The directing cannot go without a mention as well; it is typically English:
moody and thought-provoking. Each scene is shot fantastically, whether
the audience sees Curtis up on a small stage dancing tirelessly with the
band, or if we see his estranged wife Debbie (Samantha Morton) standing
in silence unable to reach out to her husband. Control is a film
well-worth seeing, even if you are not a particular fan of music, for
the sheer portrayal of a culture and one mans failing struggle to
survive in it.
© Russ Thomas November 2007
sell_out_ at hotmail.com
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