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International Writers Magazine: Review
Father's Club by Matt Haig
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Jonathan Cape ( 2006)
ISBN: 0224076132
Lynn Ede
original in its presentation, yet with marked comparison to Hamlet,
this yarn speaks to us all through the mind of an eleven year
old boy and his dead fathers ghost. As alarming as that
sounds, its surprisingly easy to accept. Like in Shakespeares
tale, the lad, Philip Noble, learns that his Dad didnt die
but was murdered. Dads Ghost, as Philip calls him, reveals
this information and his son is given the task of seeking retribution
against the killer, his Dads own brother, Uncle Alan.
Home for Philip
is a public house, somewhat squalid and sordid with dodgy friends and
acquaintances dropping by. Philip struggles with his grief as one might
imagine a young boy would but added to his misery is his mothers
increasing reliance on the murderer himself. Uncle Alan moves in to
the family home, assuming the paternal role, inciting a bubbling fury
inside Phillip whose loyalty is to his father.
Running through the book is the presence of Dads Ghost who is
stuck in the hapless hell of the terrors a halfway
existence of purgatorial pain .until revenge against Uncle Alan,
his killer, can be realised. Phillip is chosen to secure this freedom
for his Dad and so ensues endless plans for a tit-for-tat murder plot
which sees Philip driven mad by the task
Like most burgeoning teens, Phillip finds love in a girl called Leah,
distracting him from the mission and becoming part of the plot itself.
Matt Haigs descriptions of grief, as told from a young persons
perspective, are moving indeed with accurate portrayal of young, pubescent
The language is told in stream of consciousness style, unpunctuated
and sometimes rambling, intended no doubt to show the way a young boys
mind works. Once you get used to this it does add something to the text,
though at times is irritating in that it comes out more like a five
year olds lingo. Eleven year-olds, especially today, have more
mature thoughts and actions than sometimes appear in this book.
That said, Dead Fathers Club is one of those must-reads
of the year provoking thought and insightful peeks into the mind of
the bereaved along with intriguing other-worldly goings-on set in a
compelling tale.
© Lynn Ede Freelance Journalist Nov 2006
Lynn ede <iwritestuff@hotmail.com
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