
A monstrously inept, perfunctory and flaccid "comeback"
by Betty Thomas
Starring: Eddie Murphy, Owen Wilson,
Famek Janssen, Malcolm McDowell |
In a nutshell : I-nane S-nidy P-isspoor Y-awn .
A monstrously inept, perfunctory and flaccid "comeback"
one of far too many such movie for all-time has-been of has-beens
Eddie Murphy.
I SPY fulfils Murphys Law which is that anything that can go wrong
it will go wrong. Director Betty Thomas I SPY is a cavort-cutely-by-numbers
spy caper that surely breaks all previous world records for total abstinence
from wit, drive and charm: M y name is Betty and Im a boreaholic!!.
Recycling ad nauseam his customary tiresome motor-mouth guttersnipe schtick
Murphy who can enunciate innuendo as "in yo
end ho - brilliantly and with utter conviction personifies the terminally
irritating blowhard narcissist and dickhead- a peerless prick. Hes
better at this prick schtick than the lamentable Martin Lawrence having
done it so more often. Snide, sexist to-the-max, and pseudo-studly
his agent still claims Eddie is six feet tall, when you can see co-star
actress Famke Janssen at 5 10 " towering over him, even with
his shoe lifts. Eddie still suffers from the delusion that he IS
The Man -child.
(surely against type !) as a preening powder-puff pugilist picked
personally by George Dubya to retrieve a state-of-the-art stealth
bomber stolen by an international arms dealer of Magyar
extraction a tedious pouting aetioled emaciated Eurotrash
Malcolm McDowell big-shot bozo Kelly (Murphy) is teamed up
with blond surfer mimbo/male bimbo Alex (Owen Wilson) a bumbling
resentful sexually inept Special Agent from BNS (Broken Nose Syndrome
? examine Wilsons schnozzola
This odd couple ( much tedious tiresome homoerotic byplay ) eludes
a heinous horde of hirsute Hungarian henchmen who couldnt
hit a barn door with an alley-sweeper sawn-off shotgun.
All men of Magyar descent should sue ,even their moustaches are
risible. Shot entirely in lazy close-ups I SPY looks grungier than
a Sixties Matt Helm/ Dean Martin or Derek
Flint/ James Coburn spy spoof.
It elicited from me one sickly grin and one heartfelt groan during
the resquisite 90 minutes of total tedium. It is a gross insult
to anyone over five years of age to be expected to pay for this
pathetic pig-in-a-poke.
© Alex Grant November 2002
(Alex is too kind -it was pathetic Famke Janssen deserves better
than this - Ed)
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