The International Writers Magazine: Book Review - An End to
End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror
David Frum and Richard Perle
Random House: New York, 2003
ISBN 1-40006194-6
Review by Kate Moreland
every sentence in the book can be disqualified, even its title'.
frighteningly ironic.
Penned by David Frum and Richard Perle, two of Americas "intellectuals",
An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror reveals just how unthinking
Frum and Perle are. I dont know if the book is a parody, if the
two authors, maybe blinded by self interest, believe what they have
written or if they simply underestimate the public and wrote the book
in an attempt to scare people into supporting the perspectives they
On the back cover is written, "David Frum and Richard Perle are
two of Washingtons most influential insiders. Their words have
steered the direction of American foreign policy". If this book
is a reflection of either Frum or Perles intellectual process,
if either of them maintains his influence in American foreign policy
than I think the world will be filled with misunderstanding and extremism
for a long time. In the book, theres no attempt to understand,
define or think critically about terrorism or anything else: if I was
a tree, I would uproot myself and hunt down the authors for the insult.
Maybe its inevitable that history be distorted somewhat in directing
it to a particular present but Frum and Perle do much more than the
inevitable. The whole book, all its accusations and recommendations
are put forth without history or with only the small part of it that
questionably supports their arguments. Favourite fragments repeatedly
appealed to are the specters of Hitler and Stalin. The authors invoke
these ghosts whenever they want to disqualify an obstacle or person
and they seem to think the appellation of either Stalin or Hitler marks
the end of the discussion. What more could be said? Militant Islam is
compared to both communism and Nazism when the authors assert that it
is "an aggressive ideology of world domination". (42) First
of all, communism was opposed to mysticism. The foundations of communism
and Islam, the essences of what they are, oppose each other. Nazism
was nationalism. The god of Nazism was the state, borne out of distortions
of Hegelian philosophy and a palpable prehistory in German thought and
bourgeois revolution that took the power from god and monarchy and gave
it to the people and the state. They are at least over simplified comparisons
though I submit they are entirely false and dishonest. Frum and Perle
are using these comparisons to scare people or maybe they dont
think, but what happens when the thinkers with influence no longer think.
Moments repeat in this book when the authors assert something that seems
to apply more appropriately to their vision of America than to whoever
or whatever they are trying to vilify. "An aggressive ideology
of world domination" might be applied to an ideology that holds,
"Our claims to world leadership rest not just on our power and
wealth but on our moral authority" (268) as Frums and Perles
ideology does. Almost every sentence in the book can be disqualified,
even its title.
Its a tiresome read and maybe that accounts for many of the contradictions
in the book. Perhaps no one could edit it. Throughout the book, the
authors continually denounce communism as it was in the Cold War countries,
yet they are also in favour of extending the USA Patriot Act which in
effect turns the United States, like the cold war countries, into a
police state. They claim, "Terrorists, in other words, are motivated
by ideology" (234) while themselves spewing out the worst kinds
of it. They speak of the dream that inspired the United Nations "a
world at peace, a world governed by law" then they blame the UN
for undermining the dream, "
we recognize that the UN has
traduced and betrayed it." (279) The problem is that the authors
had previously conceded, "As Americans see it, the UN is not a
force in itself, but merely an international forum in which the countries
that are forces can express themselves." (italics theirs) (266)
This attitude betrays the charter of the UN in which all member nations
agree, "
to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights in
the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men
and women and of nations large and small." (italics mine) So it
seems that the United States has betrayed the spirit of the charter
by feeling that some countries just dont count. The contradictions
continue when the authors claim that world peace can only be achieved
by American military force. (279) They write of the necessity of imposing
democracy on the Middle East, perhaps unaware that democracy, by its
definition (demos) is people, by the people. The authors never acknowledge
the irony. Its hard to determine if Perle and Frum are serious,
perhaps the book is satirical.
Nothing is defined. Terrorism is never given a definition. The authors
do not address any concerns that American foreign policy of past and
present could easily be perceived as terrorism from the other side of
their gun. They dont refute it or assert it; it is simply not
thought. Frum and Perle repeatedly state that America has a right to
defend its interests but again they never define what those interests
are. For all its words, pages and promotion, the book in the end seems
to be about nothing. Getting away from the Hitler and Stalin analogies,
I submit that if this book was a swimming pool and a person dove into
it, than he or she would crack his or her head open.
The book is not about wanting to understand or protect or "end
evil" (whatever that is supposed to mean). Its about distorting
facts and even literature to try to prove the narrowest of world visions.
It is anti intellectual and inhumane (meaning done without thought and
in detriment to understanding and humankind). To refute everything in
the book would take considerably more away from the trees and in the
end it can be done with minimal research if not common sense. This book
does a disservice, however, to some thinkers. Although they are probably
obvious to any reader who has had the good fortune to trip over the
likes of Thomas Paine, Joseph Conrad or Frantz Fanon, I want to straighten
out a few additional distortions.
The first chapter of the book opens with an epitaph taken from Thomas
Paines The American Crises,
These are times that try mens souls. The summer
soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in the crisis,
shrink from the service to their country; but he that
stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man
and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered;
yet we have this consolation with us, that the
harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
The problem with using Paine in this way is that the two authors of
An End to Evil steal Paine from his context and have him serve his enemy.
Maybe Frum and Perle think no one has read Paine so they can do what
they like with him, but I believe many people have. To put Paine back
in some context, Ill relate that he was talking about Britain
and Britains attempts to force its tyranny on those around the
world. He was trying to convince Americans to resist. Clearly, Perles
and Frums ideal America has stepped into Paines Britain.
Two sentences down from the excerpt employed by Frum and Perle, Paine
continues, "Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared
that she has a right (not only to tax) but also "to bind us in
all cases whatsoever", and if being bound in that manner is not
slavery, then there is not such a thing as slavery on earth
unlimited a power can belong only to God." Now it seems to me the
spirit in Paine opposes Frums and Perles ideology which
contains sentiments such as, "Our choice was either to work with
Chalabi or to rule Iraq ourselves
" (167). Frum and Perle
are dishonest. It would all be laughable but for the fact that they
have had an influence in American foreign policy and perhaps still do.
I dont know if either author has read Heart of Darkness. The quote
they use from it is at the beginning of the novel so perhaps whichever
author read it, read it only to that point. On the other hand, maybe
he didnt understand the novel. The authors quote Conrad, "And
this also has been one of the dark places on earth" and then go
on to say that today terrorists are in dark places. I cant help
but think of another part of Heart of Darkness when Mr. Kurtzs
last disciple tries to explain to Marlow why there were bodiless heads
impaled on sticks, Marlow relates "he said: these heads were the
heads of rebels. I shocked him excessively by laughing. Rebels! What
would be the next definition I would hear? There had been enemies, criminals,
workers and these were rebels. Those rebels looked very subdued to me
on their sticks". (Conrad 574) The next definition - terrorists
it seems. Maybe Frum and Perle dont sense the irony. They dont
see the pilgrims in themselves.
Frantz Fanon spent his career as a psychiatrist in Algeria working with
both the natives and the French colonizers trying to understand. He
studied the psychological effects of colonialism on oppressor and oppressed.
What interest did he have in it? He was from Martinique and studied
medicine in France; he didnt have to go to Algeria but he did.
He believed in humanity and wanted to realize it. Frum and Perle have
done him an injustice. The quote that the authors take from Fanons
Wretched of the Earth, they slice and present as follows, "Violence
is a cleansing force Frantz Fanon announced in his hugely influential
1961 manifesto in praise of third world revolution, The Wretched of
the Earth. Only violence "frees the native from his inferiority
complex and from his despair and inactivity: It makes him fearless and
restores his self respect. For Perle and Frum this serves to vilify
the Islamic extremists. The authors claim that the extremists, like
Fanon, believe in the cleansing force of violence. Fanon existed in
a specific time, in Algeria that is a context. The Algerians were fighting
for independence from their colonizers, the French. During the revolution
for independence (less than ten years), the French colonizers destroyed
8000 villages and killed more than a million civilians. The French used
torture but in 1962 Algeria achieved independence. (The World Guide)
This, too, is part of the context of Fanon. Context does not seem to
matter to Perle and Frum, but most people consider it relevant. Ive
never read a book that distorts sources as much as An End to Evil does.
I didnt think authors could do what Perle and Frum do. In the
end, however, the distortions just leave the reader with the impression
that Frum and Perle probably misinterpret everything, so nothing that
they write should be taken seriously. What happens when a countrys
leaders and those around them have no sense of irony? Perhaps the nation
becomes inverted and backward: the people begin to turn to parody for
news and news for parody.
An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror is a sad book. Knowing
that the authors are people who hold influence in the most powerful
nation in the world is horrifying and it leaves the reader in despair.
With people like the authors in charge, the world situation will never
improve. The United States of America has no shortage of people who
think. There are people there who are motivated by the need to understand
and realize humanistic goals. Maybe its time they took a more
active part in their own government. Perhaps they owe it to the rest
of the world.
Conrad, Joseph. The Portable Conrad. Ed. Morton Dauwen Zabel. Viking
Penguin: Toronto, 1975
The World Guide: An Alternative Reference to the Countries of Our Planet
2003/2004. New Internationalist Publications: Oxford, 2003
© Kate Moreland Feb 2004
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