
The Yokota Officers Club: A Novel by Sarah Bird
Knopf - 384 pages
Reviewed by Luciana Lopez
In 1968, Bernadette
Marie Root travels to Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan,
to spend the summer after her freshman year at the University
of New Mexico with her family. Always an outside in the world
at large, Bernies time away has now given her something
of an outsiders perspective on her own family -including
the disintegration thats occurred since Bernies departure
a year before. The Yokota Officers Club, the fifth novel from
writer Sarah Bird, describes Bernies homecoming to Okinawa,
and her determination to pierce the carefully guarded secrets
that are slowly causing the relationships among her parents and
five siblings to deteriorate. Birds intimate writing style
underscores the strong biographical element to the book.
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One of the consequences of my heavy reading as a child was a tendency
to look for narrative hooks and moments of resolution in real life.
Naturally, since reality lacks a page count, theres rarely a point
at which conflicts converge and move toward a joint denouement. When I
finally figured out this key difference between literature and life, I
was vastly disappointed that characters in books ended at the last page.
Happily, I am apparently not the only person whos ever felt that
well-developed works shouldnt necessarily be tied up by a books
end. In her fifth novel, The Yokota Officers Club, Sarah Bird has
constructed a family whose mysteries, relationships and interactions seem
to go on after one has closed the cover of the book.
The book itself recalls 'Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood', the
1997 hit from Rebecca Wells. If you sniffled over Siddalee Walkers
recounting of her painful childhood with the secrets her family has tacitly
agreed to keep in Ya-Ya, youll most likely sniffle over Birds
protagonist, 18 year old Bernadette Marie Root, as she goes home for the
summer after her first year of college and confronts, well, her painful
childhood with the secrets her family has tacitly agreed to keep. Nevertheless,
despite the points of comparison (even down to the color tones on the
book jackets), Yokota stands on its own as a well-written work, graced
with strong characterizations. Birds deft use of humor softens some
of the books seriousness, and her distinctive, enjoyable style keeps
the story well-paced throughout. In 1968, Bernadette Marie Root, better
known as Bernie, is an Air Force brat. She and her five sibs have been
moved around approximately once a year ever since the familys four-year
stretch at Yokota Base in Japan until Bernie turned ten. The various moves
have strained the family, particularly as a symbol of the waning career
of the family patriarch, Mason Mace Root. At the books
opening, Bernie returns to her family, now stationed at Kadena Air Force
Base in Okinawa, Japan, after her freshman year at the
University of New Mexico.
While the change in Bernie, the eldest child and therefore the first to
leave the military life that fences in the Roots, shocks her family, she
herself experiences a similar jolt at their reunion. I pause for
a second to absorb the shock of discovering that five members of my family
have been kidnapped and replaced by a troupe of bad actors. Only
Mace, with his obsession with synchronizing the familys watches
(their family totem, Bernie observes) looks precisely
the way he did before Bernies absence. Its Bernies
year of separation that allows her to perceive the unaddressed puzzles
behind her once-close familys disintegration, as the previously-tidy
house becomes disordered and the strained relationship between Mace and
Moe (a.k.a. Mohoric, Bernies mother) envelops the household. The
central enigma Bernie faces is the disappearance from the familys
memory of Fumiko, the Japanese maid who bonded with Moe during the familys
years at Yokota. All pictures of Fumiko have been expurgated from family
trunk, and Fumikos name has become taboo. When Bernie wins a dance
contest and a trip to Tokyo accompanying a has-been comic touring military
bases, the enigma comes to a head, as Bernie discovers the truth behind
her familys erosion, including her own pivotal role.
Bird drew heavily on her own life for this book, including such elements
as the four years at Yokota, the summer return to Okinawa after a year
of college, the dance contest and trip to Tokyo, even the reunion with
the old family servant. Bird has since noted that meeting with the Japanese
woman who worked for her family sent me away with questions it would
take thirty years and the alchemy of fiction to answer. The semi-autobiographical
nature of this work does a lot toward explaining the pains Bird has taken.
Not only are the descriptions full of knowledge of base life, her characters
have real weight. As the novel progresses, the humorous and the tragic
combine to create a genuineness lacking in less complex characters. Bird
has neither liked her characters too much, making them too sympathetic
to sin, nor too little, becoming apathetic about their quirks and details.
For example, Kit, the middle sister whose beauty and outgoing personality
are an anomaly in a family largely lacking social skills, comes through
as having more depth of motivation than a lesser writer would have given
her, making one of the books central observations. If youre
a bad girl, they punish you by making you invisible. If youre a
good girl,
they reward you by making you invisible. Thats
your reward, ghost girl.
Even relatively minor characters get this treatment. When the children
re-name themselves one day, disavowing their Catholic saint names as a
cumbersome nomenclature symbolic of their isolation from the normal
world, Joseph Anthony, the clans youngest and just three at
the time, selected Bob, since it was not only a great name and easy to
spell but also his favorite aquatic activity. These strengths are
noticeable despite the books flaws. The poor Japanese will draw
winces from anyone with knowledge of the language. Misspellings like ohio
for ohayo and skoshi for sukoshii
are the hallmark of those who listen to Japanese but fail to a consult
dictionary or other resource; these errors are even more noticeable given
her otherwise dead-on descriptions of Japan, such as the tropical weather
and food. And while the characterization of Mace as cold and withdrawn
is necessary to the books movement, it nonetheless creates a void
in the book that needs to be addressed. Bernies three brothers are
sufficiently major characters that their responses to their effective
fatherlessness could have helped round out the family portrait. The books
greatest success, though, comes in creating a family that takes on a life
independent of the book. Bird refuses to end all the familys problems
with a neat scene of resolution. Instead, the answers to some of Bernies
questions why does her father seem to blame Moe for the stagnation
of his career? Why does her family so intensely negate Fumikos existence?
only raise more issues about Bernie and her family.
Its possible that Bird will follow up Yokota with a sequel. The
story is ongoing, and Yokotas well crafted and engaging prose will
most likely attract a strong audience. While a sequel could disturb the
delicately poised feel of potential that Yokota leaves the reader with,
Ill be in line, cash in hand, anyway.
© Luciana Lopez - New York 2001
Luciana herself has
lived in Japan, and experienced many of Birds descriptions of
that country. In addition, she also has experience as a reviewer during
her time at the George Mason University poetry MFA program.
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