
The International Writers Magazine: Movie Talk
Year at the Movies Dec 2004 - Dec 2005
Robert Cottingham
year, more than ever, the best films were the unexpected triumphs
from some new names and old favorites. It was a golden year in
particular for the old guard: January alone saw films from Scorsese,
Clint Eastwood and Mike Leigh. By Oscar time, it was clear that
thetre was only room for one winner. Perhaps few were surprised
when Million Dollar Baby won all but one of the major five

Nine Songs
It had everything
the Academy loves; a strong female lead struggling against adversity,
Morgan Freeman and Eastwood, whose career couldnt be any more
highly regarded right now. Unfortunately the film itself was rubbish,
and I would do anything to avoid having to sit through it again. Much,
much, better was Sideways, which picked up Best Screenplay, although
the Academys failure to recognise Paul Giamatti was nothing short
of travesty. Sideways was my favorite film this year because
it succeeded in creating brilliant and believable characters, and then
gave them a brilliant premise. It had a freewheeling quality typical
of the best American films from Easy Rider to Annie Hall.
It also said something about the nature of male friendsip that no eighties
buddy movie starring Mel Gibson could get near. We never found out how
Miles and Jack became friends because the film didnt need to explain
it gave us two men whose lives could not be more different, the
only thing in common being their dependence on each other. Like the
Pinot wine that Miles so adores, I predict that the film will improve
with age.
Along with Sideways, Wes Andersons Life Aquatic starring
Bill Murray was another crossover hit. I wasnt sure about
it when it came out, it felt too whimsical, but after having seen it
again recently I have a different view, It was just as good as The
Royal Tenenbaums and Rushmore, possibly better because Andersons
collaboration with Noah Baumbach gave the film a more expansive feel.
There was a glut of biopics that had begun the previous year with Kevin
Spaceys (pretty dire) Beyond The Sea. I found Taylor Hackfords
Ray hackneyed and cliched, and thought that Jamie Fox impersonated
rather than acted the part of Ray Charles. Kinsey was better,
perhaps partly because no one has any idea what the real Kinsey was
like, leaving Liam Neeson the freedom to interpret the role as he wished.
The film told the story of Kinseys life in the early part of the
last century and went right up to the period when he wrote Sexual
Behavior in The Human Male. As a biopic it didnt break the
mould but it showed an honesty in dealing with sexuality that was commendable
in an American film. Even now, in these supposedly enlightened times,
there was protest at the films portrayal of Kinsey as an American
hero. I have no doubt that some of Kinseys research methods may
have been a little flawed, such as interviewing a notorious sex criminal
in order to understand the workings of male desire, but on trhe whole
he was a force for good. Kinsey may have been all about sex, or talk
about sex, but Nine Songs really was all about sex. Apart from
Star Wars Episode 1, this was probably the most talked about
film of the year, in the UK at least. Some called it pornography, others
cinema verite. It was a bold move for Winterbottom to make it in the
first place, now the film has been released there should hopefully be
no more fuss about real sex in films. In any case, Nine Songs
has hardly been the first to show, uncensored, the sexual act as it
really is, rather than the writhing limbs we are so used to seeing.
Actually, Nine Songs was all a bit of a letdown. After five minutes
of seeing the lovers in coitus I was ready to move on, but the film
wasnt. Plus the songs, recorded live by some of the so called
best bands of today sounded appalling.
Kai Wai confounded people with 2046, but visually the film
was the most sensual of the year. Chris Doyle said in an interview
that the film was shot over a five year period with no script, allowing
the actors to improvise. One of the films key sequence was
seft on a train in the futuure that allows charcters to access the
past and their memories. It was a lovely idea but all in all the
film was too cold and clinical, particularly in its treatment of
the female characters to whom the writer was so irresistable. French
Cinema gave us 5x2 and The Last Mitterand, as well
as A Very Long Engagement which felt like a very long time
spent in the cinema. (Although it was stunningly tragically beautiful). |
one film this year stood head and shoulders above the rest: Oliver
Hirschelbergs Downfall. Some thought that the film
went too far to show Hitler as human, as if the terrible acts he
perpetrated prevented him from being made up of flesh and blood.
What was troubling about Bruno Ganzs staggering portrayal
of Hitler was the refusal to make him a monster without feeling.
fact the film was made more chilling precisely because he was given
a well rounded characterisation. On the one hand, he was so cold
hearted as to abandon the German people for what he saw as their
waekness in giving in to the invading allies, and yet in another
scene we saw his love for his dog and his young mistress. The film
stayed close to the facts of the final days of the Reich, yet in
style and erxecution, the film was closer to a thriller than any
other film this year. |
What else was there?
I saw plenty of films this year, some at the cinema, some on DVD because
most of the films I wanted to see werent on at the cinema, at
least, not at any cinema near me. As the gap between a films cinema
release and DVD release grows ever shorter, people perhaps wont
bother to see a film in theatres, because a: thats becoming more
and more costly and b: the range of home cinemas available means that
viewers can create the cinema experience within their own homes without
having to sit through half an hour of irrelevant trailers, drinking
overpriced drinks anfd having some complete arsehole spend the entire
film taliking on his mobile or explaining each plot detail to the person
next to them. My feeling is that its not the films that are spoiling
the cinema experience but the idiots who are going to see them.
Even so I managed to enjoy Me You and Everyone We Know, Mysterious
Skin and Kung Fu Hustle, so things havent been all
that bad. So for what its worth, my top five films this year were;
The Life Aquatic
Me, You and Everyone We Know
© Robert Cottingham Dec 6th 2005
Editorial Staff choice top six are:
- starring Matt Dillon
Serenity - Directed by Joss Whedon
Crash (2005) - starring Matt Dillion,
Dir Paul Haggis
The Cat Returns - (Jap Animation) Dir H Morita
Mr and Mrs Smith - starring Brad and Jolie
City - starring Bruce Willis |
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