The International Writers Magazine: Review
by Eric Darnell/ Tom McGrath
Ben Stiller
- Alex the Lion
Chris Rock
- Zebra
David Schwimmer - Giraffe
Jade Pinket Smith - Hippo
A Danielle Ward Review
The eagerly awaited
Madagascar opened July 15th in the UK. It has high expectations to live
up to as its creators also brought us Shrek and Sharks Tale.
Ben Stiller voices Alex the Lion, London zoos main attraction. His best
friend is Zebra, voiced by Chris Rock. While they are pampered on a
daily basis Zebra is restless to see the rest of the world. Giraffe,
voiced by David Schwimmer and Hippo, voiced by Jade Pinket Smith are
also residents at the zoo. They accompany Alex as he searches for Zebra
when he finally leaves one night. Captured at Central Station the four
friends find themselves on a ship for Africa. After the plotting Penguins
take over the ship the wild animals find themselves shipwrecked on the
island of Madagascar. Cue lots of mayhem and confusion from both the
New York animals and the creatures of the island.
This is a magical film that is a refreshing change from the likes of
Shrek, which has been around for too long! The colours and details in
the scenes provide as much entertainment as the story and the characters
do. There are subtle and comic references to other films dotted around.
The magic of this film is created by the background characters, which
start their own quirky things to capture your attention away from the
main action. Not a single audience member will come away having not
laughed there are some great jokes. I think that everyone will
come away wishing it was longer
we certainly did!
The plotting
© Danielle Ward July 18th 2005
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