International Writers Magazine: Film 2007
Best and the Worst of 2007 Filmgoing
Sam North makes a personal
Its a challenge
to think of the best and worst films of the year. If you have seen
at least fifty or more, I like to think where, when and why I went
as well. Often there is so much anticipation and then acute disappointment.
To select ten of the best does that mean there are ten equally as
bad? Its more like 10 good, 20 so-so and 50 stinkers. Anyway
here goes:
best in no particular order:
I: Golden
Compass particularly for not disappointing. Great care has
been taken to completely envision Philip Pullmans parallel world,
the casting was excellent and the excitement was real. (Even if the
Bear was way too OTT with that McKellen voice)
2: Michael Clayton: a real throwback to the way thrillers used
to be and nice shades of Three Days of the Condor. Clooney was
great and weary and it was a quality movie.
3: Superbad: Hilarious. No film that makes you laugh that much
can be left out.
4: Blades of Glory: Stupid, ridiculous, wonderful. Hump that.
5: Smokin Aces: Why the hell wasnt this bigger? Makes no
sense at all.
6: Waitress: Charming, funny and sad and poignant given that
the Director was murdered.
7: The Last Mimzy: Shoot the marketing people. Very neat kids
movie with some great special effects
8: 1408: At last John Cusak makes a good movie. When will he
get the message and make Gross Point 11?
9: Bourne Ultimatum: Like a fantastic roller coaster ride. Keep
your heart pumping
10: Die Hard 4: Funny, great special effects and nicely cynical.
11: Shoot Em Up: This only made $12 million in the USA.
Whats wrong with you people? Best and funniest violent movie of
the decade and you dont go to see it?
12: The Darjeeling Limited: Finally a Wes Anderson movie you
can love. Great eccentric performances by the bickering brothers in
13: Ecoute Le Temps starring Emille Dequenne. Intense and spooky.
Darn DVD only in French so far. But brilliant low budget movie.
The Worst in no particular order:
1: Elizabeth: The Golden Age Dull, great frocks will win
an Oscar though.
2: Transformers: Junk. If only it didn't have those monsters
in it, might have been a good movie.
3: The Simpsons Movie: And the jokes will be inserted later
4: Stardust: Saved by De Nero in drag and Sienna Miller can act?
Not in this she can't.
5: The Number 23: Well that was surprise - er well not exactly.
Great trailer though.
6: Mr Magoriums Wonder Emporium: Natalie Portman used to
be sexy, Hoffman used not to have a speech impediment
7: Spider Man 3: Three villains? No plot? No charisma? Plain
bad That Disco Jive? Puke.
8: Run Fat Boy Run: Just not funny. Not even fat!
9: Atonement: God I hope it doesnt win an Oscar. I love
Keira but this was turgid and mawkish tosh the novel overrated
too and conceited.
10: The Assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford:
Great performances, brilliant photography but I was only one awake in
11: Lust and Caution: It's 1940's Shanghai. A 1980's London taxi
drops off the heroine and the film crumbles to dust. I'm in the mood
for love it ain't. Avoid.
I just checked the top 150 grossing movies of this year and realised
that I skipped at least half of them. Thanks god. Next up 'I am Legend'
when it gets here. I hope it is as good as they say. You will have your
own list but hey. I paid my dollar. This is my list! Black Sheep didn't
make it on to either list. Just loved the trailer.
Happy Moviegoing
in 2008 Hackreader.
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