The International Writers Magazine:
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy (2005)
Dir: Garth Jennings - based on Douglas Adams screenplay
Martin Freeman Arthur
Zooey Deschanel Trillion
Sam Rockwell Zaphod Beeblebrox
Bill Nighy Slartibartfast
John Malkovich Humma Kavula
Alan Rickman Marvin (voice)
Before I am cursed
to the end of the universe, let me confess this: prior to this film,
I have very limited experience of The Hitchhikers Guide To
The Galaxy, in any of its previous incarnations. However, a friend
of mine obsessed with all things Hiker (yes, he will be first
in line for the Marvin toy) assured me that this film is fabulous
(I quote directly), and it may even drag me kicking and screaming out
of my current Constantine obsession. Sadly, Hitchhiker has enabled
Constantines grip to tighten, because twenty minutes after
Stephen Frys inimitable tones accompanied an opening of dancing
dolphins, I was bored.
Dont get me wrong the faintly surreal Thanks For All
The Fish was actually quite fun. And, up until the Vogon poetry,
I was thinking yes, this lives up to the trailer (which totally cracked
me up). Then
what happened? Im struggling to remember, but
I think it just became predictable and boring.
Even the fantastic ensemble cast couldnt save it. Martin Freeman
is always enjoyable, and his performance in this was no exception. Casting
Alan Rickmans voice for Marvin was a stroke of genius, and waiting
for Bill Nighys all-too-brief appearance sustained me through
its preceding boredom. And, appealing as Martin Freeman in a dressing
gown is, I have to say that the Guide itself was my favourite character
in the film. Stephen Frys narration is perfect, and the animations
were far more entertaining than the rather tame special effects used
to create the rest of the galaxy and its inhabitants. I suppose I should
pity Zooey Deschanel rather than criticise her she did the best
she could with what she was given. Perhaps its inevitable that, once
Disney becomes involved, a love story that is as sickly as it is predictable
should be cobbled in somewhere (or maybe Im just cynical). Still,
she gets to run around a spaceship in hotpants fun for her, Im
In spite of the efforts of the cast, there was no hiding the hopeless
lack of tension throughout the film. Blame the screenplay! (Apparently
the original radio material is sacred). Perhaps Im alone in the
following assumption, but surely a tour of the galaxy should be at least
slightly exhilarating. Instead, there was a feeling of oh well
then, thats that at the end, instead of the ohmigod
I wanna see it again experienced at the end of, say The Fifth
At the end of the day, The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy
was too predictable we always know that Arthur and Ford are going
to be rescued, that Arthur will end up with Trillion, and the President
will end up with his Vice-President (the sadly under-used Anna Chancellor).
And, love him as I did, I wasnt at all worried when Marvin was
shot in the head given the predictability experienced thus far,
a Terminator alternate-power-source moment was inevitable. (But I have
to admit that the sight of the Vogon army gone suicidal did make me
Im told that the film has another area of appeal lost on me entirely
something about cameos. Indeed, as I left the cinema I couldnt
help overhearing two Hitchhiker fanatics excitedly discussing who they
had recognised from previous incarnations. As I said, lost on me, but
by all means, if you like Hitchhiker in its other forms, see the movie.
Its pleasant enough, but lacks the excitement promised by its
© Lily
Parker (lost in space) May 2005
Lily studies film at Portsmouth University
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