The International Writers Magazine:DVD Review
Stoker's Dracula
ISBN: 014062063X
Rebecca Kingsbury
Bram Stokers Dracula and Francis Ford Coppolas adaptation
the novel, does the added romance work?
When Bram Stoker sat down and wrote
Dracula he created one of the immortal fictional monsters. The
classic horror of the undead Count and his lust for the blood
of the living, over a century old, has been adapted to film countless
times. From the very first film, Nosferatu in 1922, to the famous
Christopher Lee Hammer Horror in 1958, the novel of Dracula has
been told on the big screen in almost every decade.
Winona Ryder as Mina
But it wasnt
until 1992, when Francis Ford Coppola released his version, that Dracula
became a romance. Its hard to believe that such a well-known horror
figure could be the leading man in a love story, but the film works
surprisingly well. Taking the original main characters and settings
of the novel, as well as the history behind the menacing Count, Coppola
created a tragic figure with a broken heart, who waits centuries to
find his lost love. This tragic figure, based on the legend of Vlad
the Impaler, and played by Gary Oldman, is introduced to us at the very
start of the film, armed and ready to go into battle. He is a Romanian
Knight, off to fight the Muslim Turks in 1462. His bride, Elisabeta,
played by Winona Ryder, fears that he shall not return to her and cries
while kissing him. After victory is established and the battlefield
littered with the impaled enemy, Dracula returns to his castle to find
Elisabeta dead. The Turks had posted false news of his death and she
had, feeling all was lost, thrown herself into the river. Her suicide
means she is damned to hell for which Dracula renounces God and swears
to avenge her with all the powers of darkness.
This very first scene of the film, and one of the most dramatic, tells
the audience the importance of the whole story, the reason for his journey
to London after seeing Minas picture, the reason that Dracula
lives in death. It is in Mina that he finds his love again, for she
is Elisabeta reincarnated.
I have to admit that when I first read the book and saw the film, they
did not strike me as being different, but on a second look I have no
idea how I came to that conclusion. The film is very clear with its
take on the story with its tagline being Love never dies,
introducing Dracula to the romantic genre. The book, despite containing
romance, is a horror novel, the romance being simply between Jonathon
Harker and Mina, husband and wife. Even though it is the love between
these two characters that gets them through their ordeal, it is not
focused upon, whereas in the film the main theme other than horror,
is love, with the invented romance between Mina and the Count.
Of course Hollywood has a part to play in this new exaggerated romance,
for the film contains so much more sex than the book implies to help
sell it to us, a sex-mad society. However, in this twisted version,
it seems fitting for it to be more seductive, more romantic, for that
is what the film is about. We are following this tortured soul who has
waited 400 years to find his love and cannot keep his hands off her.
It is this different take on the story of the Count that makes the film
differ from the book, for Mina loves the Count back. In fact when she
goes to Jonathon to be married she says she feels confused and
lost without her Prince. The difference between the
two is even clearer in the vampire baptism scene. Dracula
says he cannot let her become a vampire like him for he loves her too
much, yet Mina begs him and he gives in. This scene is full of both
romance and sex as it takes place on a bed with both Oldman and Ryder
sucking at necks and nipples alike, and declaring their love. It never
appeared in the book as a love scene but as more of a rape as Dracula
holds Minas hands and forces her lips to his bleeding chest. Mina
is horrified by the memory of this incident for the rest of the novel
as she is slowly becoming like the Count. In the film of course Mina
wants to change, to be like her Prince, so she can be with him for always.
But that cannot happen because then it wouldnt be a great love
The ending had to be heartbreaking for Mina and indeed it is as she
watches her husband slit the throat of her lover, which consequently
kills him and reunites his soul with Elisabetas. This is a far
more Hollywood-style, tragic romance ending with a better climax than
the book, where Mina watches in relief as the Count is killed and turns
into dust, her horrifying experience over in a quick anti-climax. I
enjoyed reading Stokers novel and am glad it is one of the classics
of literature that has appealed to people for so long. It is the horror
that has brought us so many films and spin-off ideas such as Buffy
the Vampire Slayer, and that people can still find scary even as
a book. I equally enjoyed Coppolas film and find the new loving
side of this famous terrifying figure an interesting and successful
story that is believable even though it has no mention in the book.
The seductive and romantic aspect of Bram Stoker's Dracula seems
to have done well, with the film making $200,000,000 worldwide. It seems
that no matter how many adaptations appear from this nineteenth century
novel, the Count will always be popular, and waiting for his next feed.
© Rebecca Kingsbury Nov 16th 2005
Rebecca is Creative Writing student at the University of Portsmouth
Bram Stoker's Dracula review here
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