
The International Writers Magazine: Film Reviews: The Cooler
Dir Wayne Kramer
Starring William H Macy, Maria Bello, Alec Balwin Paul Sorvino,
when all there is at the cinema is a choice between blockbuster
sequel or teen flicks, it just a surprise when something turns up
that is mature, witty and clearly aimed at an audience that likes
to reflect and think about things than just be thrilled or amused.
Although The Cooler has done the rounds of multiplexs in
Australia and South Africa before getting around to opening in the
UK, it has arrived at a perfect time. Everyone who is going to see
Day After Tomorrow has already done so and half-term is over
so Harry Potter is no competition and The Whole Ten Yards
wasnt funny when it was nine yards, so quite why theyd
bother I dont know.
The Cooler is
one of those great concept movies. Find the worlds biggest loser with
bad luck so contagious that he brings everyone misfortune and set him
to work in a Casino in Las Vegas, just standing next to people having
a good run of luck. Apparently Coolers have been used for years to minimise
risk in the casinos and William H Macy was born to play
this role. He, like Steven Buscemi, have the bad luck faces that provide
a lucrative career for both of them.
There are however layers upon layers in this gem of a movie that adds
much to the gambling movie genre and Las Vegas movies in
particular. It feels more David Mamet in its undercurrent of fear
and self-loathing and indeed neatly reverses William H Macy and Alex
Baldwin from their roles in the wonderful State and Main a Mamet
directed piece about film-making.
Baldwin gets his teeth into a small role that he has stamped a great
deal of authority on. He successfully uses his big personality to
be very authentically one of the old school Casino bosses in Las
Vegas and as Shelly Kaplow only slowly reveal his menacing and violent
side as the story progresses. If you wonder how he has kept his
job for 16 years at the beginning, you understand very well when
he breaks arms and legs and kicks pregnant women in the stomach.
Youll understand why people and Bernie in particular are afraid
of him. |
William H Macy as
Bernie Lootz, loser and cooler is no cipher and Macy plays his lead
role for all its worth, truly getting under the skin of a man destined
to have no luck with life, love or gambling, living along in a motel,
just biding his time to get out from under the grip Shelly has on him
( the extent of which is only gradually revealed as the film progresses).
He is a loser extreme until a waitress Maria Bello (ex ER ) falls for
Clearly, we as audience are just as wary, as Bernie is sceptical. We,
like he, cant believe an attractive woman like this would ever
fall for a loser like him and sure enough, much later in the film the
truth is revealed, but not before the love a good woman has completely
transformed Bernies attitude to life. Under the heady influence
of love, he is no longer 'The Cooler' but 'Jackpotman' who just has
to be in the Casino and everyone starts winning. Bernie finds himself
smiling probably for the first time in his life, even his missing cat
returns. Love can be very powerful in the hands of a man who never experienced
it before. Maria Bello is an inspiration and grabs this pivotal role
with both hands. She makes us believe she is in love.
Shelly isnt about to let that happen for long and hes got
problems of his own as the partners, read organised crime,
want a PHD guy in there to run things and increase profits. Shelly sets
out to ruin Berniess life again to restore his run of bad luck
and get his Cooler back. But the course of true love (even
bought and paid for love) isnt smooth and love, once turned on,
cant be turned off so easy.
to the main story a long lost gambling son with a very pregnant
wife; an old crooner (Paul Sorvino) with a heroin habit, there is
more than enough going on this film. It is extraordinarily human,
very funny, sad, savage, sexually charged and engaging in a way
a hundred big budget movies arent and if you havent
seen The Cooler and these brilliant performances, then seek
it out. |
Sam North ©
June 19th 2004
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