
Review by Alex Grant
Acclaimed British film
scholar David Thomson this week had published his Fourth Edition of his
durable 1975 A BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF FILM, a grandly erudite and
infuriatingly opinionated tome of 963 pages. For me it is still the film
"Bible" in the English language [ New Testament].Thomson has
updated the 1994 3rd edition with 300 new entries., He has spent 27years
on this worthy undertaking.An outspoken humanist in the F.R.Leavis British
morality-literary tradition, and a hopeless romantic akin to fellow scribe
Robin Wood, sans the trappings of gay liberation, Thomson shares a sophisticated
world-view with the late great Anglo-Swiss film scholar Raymond Durgnat.
As often as not in THE NEW BDF the author winnows the wheat from the chaff
leaving in his threshing wake spun-gold kernels of wisdom.Strongly partisan
he respects filmmakers who have no ideological axes to grind, whose work
fully reveals the ambiguity, richness and complexity of our lives as we
experience them within our souls, daily and inevitably. Our constant awareness
of the deaths, the diseases, the corruption, the hypocrisy, the remorse
that swirl around us our grandeur as thinking, feeling persons
and our pathetic pettiness.
A thoroughgoing
admirer of Jean-Luc Godard, of Howard Hawks, of Kenji Mizoguchi, of
Max Ophuls, of Nagisa Oshima, of Yasujiro Ozu, of Jean Renoir, Orson
Welles, and Raoul Walsh Thomson can also applaud the genius of David
Lynchs MULHOLLAND DRIVE and the discipline and bravura of Paul
T. Andersons HARD EIGHT [SYDNEY] made when the director of MAGNOLIA
was barely 26,Thomson has contempt for that lamentable Danish opportunist
Lars von Trier, for the asinine abjectly schmaltzy uberclown Roberto
Begnini and especially for that soulless bean-counter and pedestrian
purveyor of CGI claptrap George Lucas, a latter-day mega-mogul of barren
recycling.Thomson declares in THE NEW BDF # 4 a powerful allegiance
to many actors and directors of colour including Hispanics
even J-Lo, Jennifer Lopez. Yet in a dazzling capsule commentary
on the wit of Samuel L. Jackson the author errs in listing both THE
51ST STATE and FORMULA 51 as films the star has appeared in in 2001
and 2002. These are one and the same film of course.
Such minor errors seldom are to be found although the demise of Dean
Stockwell is not recorded and there is NO distaff director known as
Amy HerKerling! Thomson positions the influx into Hollywood of new black
thespians with astringency, navigating the shoals of racism with aplomb
in pinning down Angela Bassett, Halle Berry and Ving Rhames. Athough,
as before, he provides pride pf place to performers and directors paying
scant attention to composers, editors and writers Thomson is at his
astutest in depicting the whims and wantoness of producers. Today everybody
and his dog wants to produce a film, even bland Ben Affleck and the
effulgent Liz Hurley have done so. The writers principal forte
is his apt deflation of the oversized reputations of the "auteuriste"
theory of the Sixties, the notion that a film director operated solo
in giving vent to his world-view like a painter or a poet. The majority
of the more plausible auteurs were the fast and furious "B"
movie directors NOT the Henry Kings, the David Leans, the George
Stevenses, the William Wylers and the Fred Zinnemans, BUT the Andre
de Toths, with whom I collaborated in the late 70s, the Byron
Haskinses, the Phil Karlsons, the Joseph E. Lewises the Rudolph Mates
and the Edgar G. Ulmers.Men often European émigrés who
could think fast on their feet and who were acutely aware of the tensions
of post-war U.S. affluence and the criminal conspiracy that was [is
think of ENRON/ Dick Cheney/ George W. Bush/ Kenneth Lay ] AMERICA.
There is a fistful
of much-hyped modern "auteurs" such as the late ornate seer
of synchronicity Krzyztof Kieslowski and the austere soft-touch emperor
of improv Mike Leigh who get up Thomsons nose, inflaming his inner
skeptic. He freely admits to having a blind spot for the stream of agit-prop
blue-collar films of the unsinkable Ken Loach. Thomson vigorously applies
the bastinado the the feet of those smirking, smarmy show-offs the Brothers
Coen, Ethan and Joel. And rightly so. Plagiarists of an unwholesome
stripe the Coens have ripped off systematically in chronological order
of their feature films Jim Thompson, Chuck Jones, Dashiell Hammett,
Nathanael West, Fritz Lang, Raymond Chandler (TWICE !! } and David Mamet.
At least they purloin their fake pearl strings from the best
a thief, ALWAYS a thief, boys!
Thomson has the good grace to pay homage to THE X-FILESs Dr. Dana
Scully, Gillian Anderson for her piercing role in Teremce Davies
THE HOUSE OF MIRTH. Few outstanding newcomers slip his net. The author
is at his best delivering memorable eulogies to the enduring males of
post-war U.S. cinema Glenn Ford, Burt Lancaster, Lee Marvin,
Robert Mitchum, and Richard Widmark, the first and last named still
among the living.These men personified natural authentic maleness. They
were always simply "there" on screen., dominant icons who
grasped that the camera wants less not more that stillness always trounces
busyness, that being triumphs over acting.Thomson also thoroughly appreciates
the women who must constantly go to war with ageism implicit in the
fate of actresses feisty females like Gloria Grahame, Jessica
Lange, Ida Lupino, Kim Novak, Jane Russell and Susan Sarandon. The European
actress is encouraged to flourish in middle and old-age Nathalie
Baye, Geraldine Chaplin, Catherine Deneuve, Jeanne Moreau, Lena Olin,
Vanessa Redgrave, Emma Thompspn, Live Ullmann and Alida Valli.
At his most waspish the author of THE NEW BDF a man who does NOT suffer
fools gladly tramples upon the pretentious slackness of Dustin Hoffman,
director Neil Jordan, and Sam Shepard yet he entirely overlooks Antonia
Bird the Britisher who fashioned the delirious masterpiece RAVENOUS,
and he neglects its star Guy Pearce [L.A.CONFIDENTIAL, MEMENTO].
Thomson is very accepting of a wide array of contemporary actors who
daily maintain their artistic integrity in defiance of an appallingly
false, flaccid, frail and faltering film industry world-wide
Drew Barrymore, Cate Blanchett, Sandrine Bonnaire, Vincent DOnofrio,
Kirsten Dunst, Brendan Fraser, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and veterans
Gabriel Byrne and David Strathairn. He mistakenly almost deifies Nicole
Kidman and her trashy camp catastrophe MOULIN ROUGE. Now that I resent,
total kitsch on the hoof. Although the author constantly harps on the
imminent collapse of cinema as we used to know it, Thomsons faith
in youth, Eros Melanie Griffith just keeps on going seductively
like The Energizer Bunny and in the unbearable lightness
of "show-biz"always gives his pessimism pause.
Any cineaste who has yet to delve into Thomsons THE NEW BIOGRAPHICAL
DICTIONARY OF FILM has a treat in store. It should be compulsory reading
for the shallow sensation-sniffing poseurs who are driving the VIFF
event swiftly into a well deserved oblivion. They can read THE NEW BDF
and weep. BUT theyre probably to proud to admit their ignorance
of this rssential reading.
© Alex Grant. October 2002
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