The International Writers Magazine:Movie Review
Directed by Len Wiseman
Screenplay by Danny McBride - Story by Len Wiseman
Starring: Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman,Tony
Curran, Derek Jacobi, Bill Nighy
Kate Maskell
Blood Feud which has existed for CenturiesUnderworld: Evolution
is a sequel to Len Wisemans 2003 thrilling and chilling
tale of the "underworld" life of Vampires and Lycans
(Werewolves), between who a blood feud has raged for centuries.
Underworld: Evolution
finally sheds light on the history of the war between these two breeds
of creatures, which has been hidden from humanity, and delves far deeper
into this unexplained world. If you havent seen Underworld then
this is no good reason to miss the sequel as the film opens further
back in time than audiences of the first had knowledge of. And its
easy to catch up as the basic plot of the first film is summed up by
the sexy voice of the beautiful vampire Selene (Kate Beckinsdale). But
if you have seen the first then this is not just another sequel "for
the sake of it"; it involves the same characters audiences grew
to love, hate and fear, it starts from where it left off and reveals
everything that wasnt explained previously, including the real
reason why Selenes family were brutally murdered by Vampires.
The film journeys back in time to where the blood feud began, when the
two sons of Alexander Corvinus were separated into different blood lines,
"one bitten by Bat and one by Wolf". After the war between
the two species begins, Marcus is forced to imprison his brother William,
the Lycan, who is unable to change back to human form. Then back to
where we left off; after all the chaos of Victors plight to kill
Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman), descendant of Corvinus, Lycan blood
awakens Marcus who rages when he sees the memories of the Lycan. He,
like Michael, has become a hybrid, and with his new found strength and
Victor dead, hunts Selene in order to find the prison where his brother
has been kept. Because of Selenes past, she is the only one left
who knows how to get to the concealed prison and, with the help of Michael,
must stop Marcus from releasing his dangerous brother into the world.
Len Wiseman has certainly spiced the story up a bit after the first
film by adding a lot more blood and gore. True, in this film, audiences
wont see liquid silver pulsing through the veins of Lycans
as it slides through their blood streams but instead heads roll,
bodies are sliced open in order to find concealed keys, vampires
are pinned against walls by huge wings through their chests and
forget the stake through the heart, in Underworld: Evolution its
more like a wooden pole, soaked in blood, right through the stomach. |
There are more
teeth, more guts and lots and lots of blood, which holds the memories
that will lead Marcus to his brother. But of course other than blood
and guts a film would not be a complete without a pinch of sex, and
there is certainly that. A very graphic sex scene takes place in an
abandoned garage, in an old storage locker, between Selene and Michael
lit by glow sticks, which not only gives the audience a break after
all the shooting, stabbing and eating but also gives the two gorgeous
leads a chance to flash their curves. If werewolves and vampires arent
your sort of thing then you may want to watch just to see Kate Beckensdale
and Scott Speedman strip off.
One of the best things about the film is Kate Beckinsdales character
Selene, who has improved her role since Underworld. Beckinsdale is said
to have wanted to base her heroine character on roles from films such
as Aliens and the Terminator trilogy but instead Director
Len Wiseman, also her husband, suggested she look more at Russell Crowe
in LA Confidential. Dark heroine Selene is a strong woman who
never shows her fear, but at the same time has a softer side, especially
when it comes to Michael. One of her best lines in the film is when
exiled Vampire Tanis says, "You dont scare me Selene"
and with a sexy but sly smile she says softly "I guess Im
going to have to work on that" just before hybrid Michael pounces
to the rescue baring his large teeth and his huge muscles.
As enjoyable as the film is, the ending is left very open as it was
before. If this is because there is a possibility of there being a third
Underworld, Len Wiseman needs to be reminded of the phrase, "you
can have too much of a good thing". Underworld: Evolution works
brilliantly as a sequel and follows on perfectly from the first film
but a third one would only spoil its magic. If you are fascinated by
the unknown and a world which only appears to be true in myth and legend,
then it would definitely be a disgrace to miss this film.
© Kate Maskell Jan 27th 2006
(University of Portsmouth - Creative Writing Major)
www.imdb.com .(2006), Underworld: Evolution.
www.easycinema.com. (2006), Box Office Review: Underworld:Evolution
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