Editorial Archive 2001-2025 - A random record of thoughts
from the past years.
2024 January: Miami - a glimpse of the future February: A turning point March: Distant drums April: Spring in my step May: Bleak Times ahead
June: Election Warnings July: The sudden rise of Kamala August: Faith in Democracy September: Debate fallout October: What Nex?t and a break in Bath November: Trump Wins - World Loses December: End of the Road
2022 January - A Good Year Ahead? February - Putin destroys democracy March - Ukraine April - Still Ukraine May - Everything but June - Relative Poverty July - Pessimism Rules August - NHS Under Threat
September - What do we do now? October - Putin and the Bomb November - Hospital Interruption December - Brief Escapes
2023 January - What will 2023 be like? February - Will evil triumph? March - Trust Issues April - The Inconvenience Truth May - Five Days in Paris 2023 June - Take Five July- I take the Cure Aug - Fragile state of mind Sept - It's true nations decay from within Oct -
What are you afraid of? Nov - War? What is it good for?
2020 January - No one expects the unexpected February - 80,000 Infected - where next? March -
Who's Not afraid? April - Survival of the fittest?
May - Scenarios for a new cold war June - Who's afraid of the new normal? July - I guess we're all confused now August - Be ready for anything September - A small ray of sunshine October - Dangerous Times November - Trump Loses! December - Lockdown Christmas
2021 January - Contact and Trace Blues February - The Death toll March - Trying to be positive April - Vaccine success May - What did we learn from Covid? June - Corner turned? July/August - As we emerge from our caves September - Afghanistan October - Simple Pleasures November - Going Green December - Omicron
2018 January - End of the Road? February - Living with pain
March - Cape Town April - Calpe - Spain May - Who knows? June - Interesting Times July - You have been Trumped August - House Buying - Trauma Sept - Making Plans Ain't easy Nov - USA in the Fall Dec - Predictions for 2019
2019 Jan - The predictions revised Feb - The Future March - Brexit despair April -Yet more despair May - Elections and More
June - End of the road? July - 1969 August - No Deal Blues
Sept - Proroguing Oct - Biarritz escape
Nov- The Importance of a hard head Dec - Boris Triumphs
2017 Jan/February - Trumped March - Selfie Culture April - Student Opportunities May - Scams and Writing June -On Castles and Clouds July -Summer in France Aug - The World Goes Crazy
September - Ignore Trump see if that works October - Shifting Sands Nov - End of the Road
2015 January - A Dog's Life February - An Ending March - In memory of Joanna
April - Testing the Market May - Elections
June - Politics July - Inspiration August- A Bad Education Sept - Heart to Heart October - Selling a home is harder than you think November - World Population Scares December - Driverless Cars and other conspiracies
2012 January - Reprieve from Death Row February - House Search March - Sam Hawksmoor guest Ed April - Homeless again May - Decision time June - Crunch Delayed July - The Adjustment Bureau Aug - Hawksmoor Guest Editorial Sept - Future in Meltdown Nov - In which I drown Dec - End of the World?
2013 January - A Dog is for Christmas February - A perfectly good rant March - Caring isn't for everyone April - Bang Bang I shoot you down May - On the importance of librarians June - A Matter of Health July - Cherries and Rain in Spain August - Coulda Woulda Shoulda September - Upcoming Tour October - Dystopia Rules November - The Canadian Book Tour December - A Christmas to forget
2009 January - Reasons to
be cheerful February - Facts about living March - Why Hacks
might close May - Marking Time and Swine Flu June - Summer Puddings July - Summer Escape Looms August - On France
and Chickens September - Text vanished October - Bad Moon
Rising November - 10 Years of digital history December - Winter Strikes Back