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Another Place To Die
by Sam North
Next Great Flu Pandemic is coming.
Are you prepared?
will keep readers in suspense, laced with gritty-gallows humor'
Charlie Dickinson
plausible, and sickeningly addictive, Another Place to Die
will terrify you, thrill you, and make you petrified of anyone
who comes near you...'.
Roxy Williams - Amazon.co.uk
Order Now direct from Publisher :
Another Place To Die
Mr Reality Check |
opinions expressed herein are wholly reflective of the writers and
contributors to hackwriters. All work is copyright of the writers
& hackwriters.com.
is a non-profit , non-paying journal based at an academic institution
but welcomes contributions from writers. We reserve the right to
publish and edit material in accordance with our editorial policy
- see submissions
- The International Writers Magazine - November 2007
writing from across the globe. Many thanks for writers for making October
such a brilliant and huge issue.
Fall Edition
comes in with floods and high winds masking the menace of
winter under a muted fall palette of oranges and brown. I tend to
love autumn because of the rich colours, the hazy sunlight and even
the nip in the air at night. November always has potential. Ill
ignore the fact that it always leads to Christmas and the inevitable
Term at this University is in full swing, Freshers flu is
receding, its week six, so a good thirty percent of the students
are either not attending classes or realising that they may have
to do some work at some time in the future. The others, I am happy
to report are getting on with it with some exciting ideas.
Reading this I am hoping you are now are thinking of ways to reduce
your liabilities to the coming recession. Yes, it looks like its
finally here. Headlines in the USA talk of two million people will
face having their homes repossessed in the next six months. Thats
a lot of homeowners. Over here in the UK, they reckon there is a
trillion pounds tied up in mortgages and hey, I am one of those,
struggling to find over $2000 a month to keep this rather sad railway
cottage in my name rather than the banks. Banks are discovering
new ways to bankrupt us, piling charges on everything. Worrying
times ahead I guess. Will oil breach $100 a barrel? Of course it
will and we shall all be sorry.... (except the oil producers of
Millais 'Autumn' |
talk of this? It came up in class today. I was trying to persuade my
Critical Review students to tap into the zeitgeist of the times and
find that contemporary novel that tells us about ourselves. Whether
Chick Lit or action novel, what is the decade about? Has been defined?
Is anyone really defining it? I want them to seek it out.
I asked my students if they read newspapers (any) only three out of
25 in class did and never regularly, none ever listened to Radio 4 on
the BBC, none watch TV news. You might say, so what? Well, if you want
to review books and films, shouldnt you know about the context
they are written in? If examining Eastern Promises by David Cronenberg,
should you know something about all the Eastern Europeans flooding in
the UK now and bringing the rather violent criminal activities they
are used to over there, over here. Like you, Id rather read about
Russian criminals in Martin Cruz Smith novels; than admit they are over
here running prostitution rackets and Buy to Let scams on a huge scale.
Maybe you can just respond to culture as it is, without any coverage
of the issues? You are then responding to just the artefact. But then
again, do we see things in isolation from one another? It's a debate.
Should I be asking my students to question things? Investigate? One
asked if she had to use the library to research when there was Wickipedia
to do to for her. Well, OK, at least she knows Wickipedia exists and
thats a good thing, right? Perhaps. Trouble is it is hard to get
out of the confines of Facebook these days and Facebook is altogether
another phenomenon. Do we really know how it works and why evil Microsoft
have bought into it? Who is gathering all the information we willingly
give them? And why?
I provoke and tell them that they are the apathy generation. But they
just say that nothing interests them. Perhaps the music and even that,
most acknowledge, is hugely derivative.
Capitalism is moving towards one of its periodic waterfalls and all
will flow over the edge. What floats will survive. A whole generation
has grown up not knowing about recessions, or making do and some, thankfully
some, do know that the planet is at risk and will recycle plastic bags,
but that may well be the full extent of their awareness. They wont
know and dont care to know about how people got through recessions
before them.
Id like to see it mandatory that students, all students, at University
in the UK, no matter what they are studying, are reading a quality newspaper
(Guardian, Times, Independent, Telegraph), if not everyday, at least
every week. This isnt about being elitist; it is about being informed.
To be informed enables you to make sense of your world. It will help
one make decisions about career choices, money, morals, culture and
choices. It may even inspire you to be a journalist.
To live in a vacuum, without information, will mean one inevitably makes
more mistakes than are necessary. It means come election time some are
not informed about the issues under discussion. It means your opinions
(and everyone has one) has no foundation in fact. It ends up with putting
a man like Bush in the White House and Blair in Downing Street.
To know is to live and is a path to freedom.
I know no one reads these little missives and I also know that my students
think Im mad for even thinking that they should read papers or
listen to the radio, (radio is for old people they say) but it doesnt
necessarily mean that I am wrong.
Nov 9th update:
week we had the author Jon Grimwood visit us at the University of Portsmouth.
(9 Tail Fox and Arabesque and more). Great to have him
over and much was learned about the current state of publishing. You
will see that Hacks is pretty busy this month. Many reviews by our students
and some pretty good apocalyptic fiction too. Take a day off and read
us, you might find it very rewarding. These are tomorrows writers.
publisher Kit is in New York this week, I have to stay in Portsmouth,
not quite fair. But I did catch a great little movie last night called
'The Lookout'.
It will disappear fast but seek it out. Tonight I am off to see Elizabeth.
I rather suspect it will not be so rewarding.
November and oh yes. Our Vancouver Girl has returned. Catch Tabytha
Towe's European Diary on the front page. Some people have all the
© Sam North - Editor
The MA
in Creative Writing at Portsmouth
University started another year this October. Apply now for 2008
current students have all got their major projects under way now.
Novels, screenplays, children's fiction, speculation fiction, crime
novels, you name it... If you need support and like a good encouraging
peer group, join us. Might do you good to live in Portsmouth for
a year, but you don't have to. Students come down from London once
a week and further afield. Apply now to avoid
being disappointed. You do not have to be published to join us,
but you do have to have a portfolio of some interesting writing
already to hand. *Hackwriter published writers especially welcome.
Come to Sherlock Holmes country (yes this is where it all started
on Elm Grove in Southsea).
you worried about your health this winter? Read my book 'Another
to Die''
. If you have the slightest worry about how to survive the coming flu
pandemic, you need this book and all the proceeds go to keep Hackwriters
going. In the UK newspapers 31.08.07 they were quoting a Home Office
paper called: Planning for a possible Influenza Edpidemic and
predicting 650,000 'extra' deaths this winter in the UK if it breaks
out. There will also be a shortage of coffins, not that you need them
in a mass grave. It's all in my book, you don't need this report. Another
Place to Die is a guide on how to survive the pandemic. So order
now for your autumn reading. (Maybe Amazon will do you a deal on a coffin
too!) You will not be disappointed.
See the review from Ian
Someone who just read it described it as: Thought-provoking, horrifying
and moving Its essential reading for anyone who wants to
survive the next flu pandemic. You just might want to be prepared. The
Government is taking it seriously. Are you? Order
the book now. If you want to be prepared for the coming flu pandemic
you will need
to Die'
at Hacks are self-supporting and if you want to support us, buy Sam's
books - All the funds from the sale of the books go back into the site.
If you live in New York they can be ordered at the Mysterious
Bookshop at 58 Warren Street. These titles are able to be ordered
at Amazon
who keep stock see below and can be ordered from Waterstones
all over the UK and Hatchards
in London and for less cost direct from Lulu.com
in the UK and USA
Place To Die
by Sam North
ISBN: 978-1-84753-899-4
The Next Great Flu Pandemic is coming. Are you prepared?
will keep readers in suspense, laced with gritty-gallows humor'
Charlie Dickinson
plausible, and sickeningly addictive, Another Place to Die
will terrify you, thrill you, and make you petrified of anyone who
comes near you...'.
Roxy Williams - Amazon.co.uk
Fascinating, frightening and compelling, Another Place to Die
is the ultimate page-turner which I guarantee will result in many
late nights under the bedside light with you uttering, just
one more chapter!! Ian Middleton
the first chapter on line
Order Now direct from Publisher : Another
Place To Die |
Curse of the Nibelung - A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
by Sam North
ISBN 1-4116-3748-8
Retail - 300 pages - Lulu Press USA
will never be the same again' - Sunday Express
Buy from your favourite on-line retailer
Barnes and Noble &
Diamonds - The Rush of '72 is available
$19.95 from Amazon.com in the USA or from the Lulu publishers
- The Rush of '72
By Sam North
ISBN: 1-4116-1088-1
Buy now from Amazon.com
terrific piece of storytelling' Historical Novel Society Review
Now printed in the UK and available from
& Waterstones
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