
- June 2004 Issue -
The International Writers Magazine
this months magazine:
Antonio Graceffo on travel writing, Ernest
Hemingway and on becoming a martial arts movie star in Cambodia!
James Campion taking the political pulse of America
John Duerden on how being Korean is suddenly 'cool'.
Antonio Hernandez on Buddah versus Noah and how the Catholic church
is meddling in the US election
Clive Branson on pondlife in Ottawa and other stories whilst Tolu
Ogunlesi discusses what it is makes one an 'adult'.
James Skinner on Princesses and terror, but not in that order
- whilst Fred Pattison discovers that terror begins at the US
In Hacktreks
travel Kathy Sharrad reveals the Jade Sea in Africa whilst Marie Olson
shows us a different more violent Nepal. Sara Towe meanwhile is sailing
to Alaska...
In our Dreamscapes fiction Brodie Parker
is continuing with his exciting on-line novel 'The Great Beyond', Will
Carpenter is having an identity crisis and Bill Moake gives us a tale
of film noir in Hawaii with Ruby Moon.
Meanwhile Phil Mershon discusses the politics of boredom and G David
Schwartz has found the lost books of the bible. Dan Schneider catches
up on Y Tu Mama Tambien and Lost in Translation
Sam watches Day After Tomorrow and Harry Potter.
Hackwriters an international cornucopia of exciting writing
June - Orwellian Times
is about priorities. Whilst many are trying to figure out how to survive
without Friends, Frasier, 24 and whatever else has finally come to a shuddering
halt on TV; in another part of the world a few million people are wondering
when the Americans will finally admit defeat and quit Iraq.
Nearly 1000 US and British soldiers dead, possibly as many as 10,000 Iraqis
- this really is George Orwell's future come true. 'Peace is War' is GW
Bush and Dick Cheney's mantra and the body bags are shipped home daily
but they try to hide the pictures from the American public. Sometimes
people make mistakes. The best thing you can do is admit it, move on.
This is not an administration that knows how to say sorry. Kill and maim
innocent people in Iraqi jails is suddenly 'unamerican' but it's OK in
Guantanamo, where that other 'newspeak' applys. 'No rule of law for 'evildoers'.
Liberation equals oppression.
Sometimes it good to recognise that we can, by overreaction create and
multipy our enemies. Ask yourself is Israel a more peaceful place now,
after Sharon has bulldozed hundreds of homes in Gaza (some with people
inside them), or less. Creating new martyrs is no way to solve problems,
either there or in Iraq or that other forgotten warzone Afghanistan. Let
us hope that in Iraq this new Government in waiting will be accepted by
the population as a whole and that the whole country rediscovers peace.
America is either the defender of 'peace' or the new world dictator. You
either abide by the internationally accepted rules or you discover that,
in fact, the current American administration is only equal to the worst
that Mugabe in Zimbabwe can do. They torture people in North Korea too,
but it doesn't make it right.
America is a society in denial. Not just with what their soldiers do when
abroad, or their Immigration officals do in airports. (Travel to America
from Europe is 30% down because of the appalling abuse some people are
suffering at US airports
- I personally know two people now who have been manacled and held without
reason or access to lawyers in the USA and refused entry for no reason
at all. One such occasion is detailed in Hacks this month.)
Considering America is the de facto ruler of the world, it is an extraordinarily
frightened place. Under constant terror alerts (which if you care to check
your dog eared copy of 1984) is exactly how to keep Dictators in power,
the Homeland security is ramping up every posssible enemy and taking lessons
from McCarthy.
The population complain at gas prices at $2 bucks a gallon and rising
fast following the recent attack in Saudi, but drive SUVs which are one:
totally uncessary and two: get just 11 miles to the gallon. (In the UK
we pay nearly $8 bucks a gallon!) Circles can't be squared.
Americans are regularlly lied to by Rumsfeld and pals and it is sad to
see the one nation that has almost singlehanded ensured global peace since
1946 being led by such paranoid old men. Will they be gone in November.
I'm a cynic. I believe America will vote for more of the same. This makes
me worry. What will Cheney's next target be? What will happen to the US
economy as they try to pay for this stupid war in Iraq. What will they
cut to pay for it? Medicare? Pensions? Or will GW be like his father and
be forced to raise taxes (after November of course.) Will Kerry find his
voice? It is noted that at last he has begun spending on advertising in
Virginia and other states? Or is there someone else, with a vision still
to come? Where the hell is President Bartlett when we need him. For an
informed US opinion on all this read the latest by James Campion on Kerry's
chances in Georgetown Part
OK it's summer,
who cares, the beach beckons, schools out, time to worry about this
stuff in September.
So that's what we are going to do. We're going on haitus from the end
of June until September.
After five years of continuous issues we need a break. Yes we will be
back. No we won't respond to anything whilst we are gone. We're taking
a break! Thanks for reading us and come back September.
If you missed anything, there are over 2100 choices in the archives
to catch up on -travel stories, features, reviews, original fiction,
first chapters, comment, it's amazing just how much is there, take a
look. Enjoy.
I hope it's a more
peaceful world in September, but don't count on it. Remember it is the
year of the monkey, after all, much mischief ahead I think. See you
September. Sell the SUV, you won't regret it.
January edition - it's here
February edtion -it's here
March edition - it's here
Missed April edition - it's here
May Edition - it's here
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