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Another Place To Die
by Sam North
Next Great Flu Pandemic is coming.
Are you prepared?
will keep readers in suspense, laced with gritty-gallows humor'
Charlie Dickinson
plausible, and sickeningly addictive, Another Place to Die
will terrify you, thrill you, and make you petrified of anyone
who comes near you...'.
Roxy Williams - Amazon.co.uk
Order Now direct from Publisher :
Another Place To Die
Mr Reality Check |
opinions expressed herein are wholly reflective of the writers and
contributors to hackwriters. All work is copyright of the writers
& hackwriters.com.
is a non-profit , non-paying journal based at an academic institution
but welcomes contributions from writers. We reserve the right to
publish and edit material in accordance with our editorial policy
- see submissions

Welcome - The International Writers Magazine
- JUNE 2008
writing from across the globe.
Alert - June 28th
- I will be speaking at the Winchester Writer's Conference and doing
one to one's with writers. If you are coming, see you there. If not,
well you are missing one of the key lively writers' conferences in the
UK. It happens every year, where aspiring writers can meet up with editors,
agents and of course famous writers. Keynote speakers this year are
Colin Dexter (Morse) and crime writer Graham Hurley. Book now for 2010.
2008 Editorial -
Welcome to St Edmunds. Co-Ed School for Children 2-13.
I was stuck in traffic the other morning in Hindhead. Its a permanent
traffic jam that will run till early 2012 as they dig a tunnel under
a Surrey beauty spot. I must have passed this sign a thousand times,
more probably, but I was staring at it and thinking who the hell sends
their kid to boarding school at two? What kind of monsters are they?
What kind of kids are they? Poor bastards. Kit (our publisher) informs
me that I am making assumptions and it's probably pre-school and the
kid will probably be playing with kittens all day...but I am not sure,
I am inclined to believe that the child will be doing cold fusion theory
in the morning and calculus in the afternoons before twenty laps around
the rugby pitch. By age three it will be contemplating the universe
and mapping influences of the moon on global warming patterns. A lot
of growth can happen between two and three I'm told.
Dont get me wrong, I am not totally against boarding school. I
am a fairly typical product of one. But I recall arriving there at the
great age of six, (fairly terrified at that) and that was it, family
life over. It was something I had buried deep in my psyche and forgotten,
but that sign just brought it all back with a horrible rush.
It was St Hughs in Woodhall Spa, now oh so long ago, and meeting there
the infamous Miss Potter who got us up every morning and forced us to
go the toilet number two EVERY DAY, whether we wanted to go or not.
(She would check and keep you prisoner in the loo for hours if necessary).
I put down a lifetime of constipation down to that woman. Dont
talk to me about syrup of figs
.being force fed that stuff whilst
being held down on a formica table - yuk.
It was also where Bungle lived, Mr Watney, (brother or cousin to the
famous beer family and ex-high commissioner in Uganda). Bungle had dead
animal heads all over his quarters, I shot this rhino with this
gun, took down this lion with just a 12 bore
He was pretty
terrifying, but actually quite nice under his severe exterior. For all
you health and safety nuts, he personally taught me how to scythe grass
with a full sized weapon and made me and another kid remove every blade
of long grass over one inch from the orchard. He also taught me how
to shoot. I was just six. I was pretty bad at it and did get banned
from the shooting range for shooting a hole in someone watering can,
but its a useful skill. He would have probably taught us all man
to man knife combat if wed asked. Never know when you might
need it, hed say. Hed often mutter something about
the Mau-Mau too and although you could tell he missed Africa, he wouldnt
go back. Drove a battered 1939 Austin 12, all the green paint faded
and still with East African numberplates. Bought it new, it will
last forever. He didnt see the point of progress.
These were indelible British characters. He took me for Bible class,
Geography and briefly History, when Bronze Age our real history teacher
went missing for term after a nervous breakdown. He was quite good at
teaching geography, but the textbook expired in 1929. As did the history
book and this is as far as we got. I think something bad happened after
1929, but who knows
It doesnt matter, all the important
stuff happened before then, he told us.
Oddly enough he was probably right. World War Two was fought over all
the stupid things decided after World War One and at least we covered
the coming of electricity, the petrol engine and telephone which shaped
a whole century. There were some Royals in it too but I wasnt
listening to that.
The Bible however never bloody ended and we all amused ourselves by
doing dramatic readings and hed whack us every time with his fly-whisk
when we overdid the begets.
My school was full of the worlds most eccentric people. The French
tutor who kept a cream bun under his beret and hed take it out
from time to time and nibble on it. The scary Latin master who had a
huge goitre and was horribly vicious as he twisted our ears off as we
struggled with Agricolas daughter. Oh and the teacher who accidentally
shot himself when out walking with the boys. We had to endless walks,
crocodile fashion all over the place. (I have to confess I still enjoy
walking because of it). Then there was Miss Spottiswood whose Alsation
dog drove off in her car....
Then there were the torturers, seniors who used to make you do jacks
and hold out your arms for hours and then beat you if you drooped. I
still have scars. We were only only allowed to see half of TV shows.
Never a whole one. On Saturdays though we always got to see a movie
and I developed my love of cinema there, sitting on the overheated radiators
in the gym. 16mm I can still hear the chatter of the film going
through the projector.
Often wed hear nothing in class because we were very near to a
Vulcan bomber base and they were deafening as they banked over out playing
fields, and did I mention the missile base at the bottom of the Rugby
pitch? In those days the UK was an airstrip ready for nuclear war. I
couldnt wait. Anything to get me out of Latin.
I spent eight years there, prisoner 209. Then more years somewhere else.
I came home at 18 a total stranger. Been a stranger ever since probably.
So Im thinking of those poor kids, age two, locked up in the tower
of this school and they wont even get to appreciate that it is
co-ed until they are about thirteen. Meanwhile the girls will torment
them and the elder boy will bully them. What a life. Sixteen years of
hell ahead. I guess school doesnt have to be terrifying, but it
really has to be when starting age two. It will form character. It creates
layers of fears and doubts, year after year new ones cropping up with
each test social and academic and there will never be anyone to hug
you when you fall or fail. Never. Mother will be at the end of a mobile
in Nice shopping most likely.
So thats what I was thinking as I was stuck in traffic the other
North: Editor June 2008
PS: Just another thought. Last month the Sunday Times listed Portsmouth
as the 18th most desirable place to live in the UK. On the 20th of June
the Daily Mail lists Portsmouth as the 6th most depressed city. Draw
your own conclusions.
to the June Edition of Hackwriters. If you want to help us keep going,
buy my new book Mean Tide.
You dont have to read it, give to a friend. I guarantee theyll
love it. Meanwhile ...look below
Vol 2 A Literary Spark -
ISBN: 978-1-4092-0494-7
University of Portsmouth publication from the School of Creative
Arts, Film and Media- Available from Lulu Press now
Borderlines Vol 2 - A literary Anthology of new fiction, travel
writing and poetry from the Creative Writing Programme and invited
writers at the University of Portsmouth, UK under the editorship
of Freya Scott, Ryan Sirmons, Aby Davis and Sam North
'An exciting insight into the amazing talent and diversity of
new writers out there today' Stuart
Olesker - Playwright
22nd: Announcing the Winners of the Sherlock Holmes Short Story
(Arthur Conan Doyle - Richard Lancelyn Green Prize)
Overall Winner: Susannah Rickards - The Partners of the Periphery
($2000 dollar prize).
Adventure Fiction Category: John Millard - The Darkness
Historical Fiction: Gary Corby - The Pasion Contract
Contemporary Fiction: R R Rama Varma - The Chettiar herloom
prizegiving evening was a low key event but graced by the presence
of Michelle Spring the Canadian Crime Writer and she gave an excellent
talk on writing crime fiction. The winning story was read by guest
actor/writer Stuart Olesker who really brought it to life. So
thanks to all who submitted. Thanks to Michelle for picking the
winners and Claire Looney for organising the event at Portsmouth
City Council and Stuart for his reading.
you worried about your health? Read my book 'Another
to Die''
. If you have the slightest worry about how to survive the coming flu
pandemic, you need this book and all the proceeds go to keep Hackwriters
going. In the UK newspapers 31.08.07 they were quoting a Home Office
paper called: Planning for a possible Influenza Edpidemic and
predicting 650,000 'extra' deaths this winter in the UK if it breaks
out. There will also be a shortage of coffins, not that you need them
in a mass grave. It's all in my book, you don't need this report. Another
Place to Die is a guide on how to survive the pandemic. So order
now for your autumn reading. (Maybe Amazon will do you a deal on a coffin
too!) You will not be disappointed.
See the review from
Calvin Hussey
at Hacks are self-supporting and if you want to support us, buy Sam's
books - All the funds from the sale of the books go back into the site.
If you live in New York they can be ordered at the Mysterious
Bookshop at 58 Warren Street. These titles are able to be ordered
at Amazon
who keep stock see below and can be ordered from Waterstones
all over the UK and Hatchards
in London and for less cost direct from Lulu.com
in the UK and USA
June 2008 - Mean Tide by Sam
'Extraordinary novel about a child's psychic
Lulu Press - ISBN: 978-1-4092-0354-4
'An engaging, unusual and completely engrossing read' - Beverly
Birch author of 'Rift'
Be one of the first to read it - Order now
to live with his spooky Grandma by the river in Greenwich, Oliver
(12) discovers a whole world of disturbed people who are probably
even crazier than the ones he left behind. When he finds a dog with
its throat cut on the beach, everything changes.
range 12-16 and adult
Place To Die
by Sam North
ISBN: 978-1-84753-899-4
The Great Flu Pandemic is coming. Are you prepared?
will keep readers in suspense, laced with gritty-gallows humor'
Charlie Dickinson
plausible, and sickeningly addictive, Another Place to Die
will terrify you, thrill you, and make you petrified of anyone who
comes near you...'.
Roxy Williams - Amazon.co.uk
Fascinating, frightening and compelling, Another Place to Die
is the ultimate page-turner which I guarantee will result in many
late nights under the bedside light with you uttering, just
one more chapter!! Ian Middleton
the first chapter on line
Order Now direct from Publisher : Another
Place To Die |
Curse of the Nibelung - A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
by Sam North
ISBN 1-4116-3748-8
Retail - 300 pages - Lulu Press USA
will never be the same again' - Sunday Express
Buy from your favourite on-line retailer
Barnes and Noble &
Diamonds - The Rush of '72 is also available
from the publishers direct
- The Rush of '72
By Sam North
ISBN: 1-4116-1088-1
Buy now from Amazon.com
terrific piece of storytelling' Historical Novel Society Review
Also printed in the UK and available from
& Waterstones
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