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March Hare Welcome to the year of the Fire Horse and this March edition of Hackwriters.
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WELCOME: The Year of the Horse really galloped in all guns blazing.  First to feel the effects were the Ukraine and Venezuela – then chickens came home to roost in Northern Ireland with all these secret amnesty’s revealed.  One wonders where it will strike next – Thailand is still suffering, now with the Prime Minister under threat of impeachment.  And of course the mysterious Boeing 777 that has disappeared on its way to China (Obviously taken by aliens one reader has informed me). Could it be that it is in North Korea?

Of course we have Putin itching for a fight in Europe – things may get even more exciting.  I just discovered that Europe signed a treaty with the Ukraine to come to their defence if Russia invades.  Correct me if I am wrong – but isn’t that how the UK got into WW1 100 years ago – just substituting Belgium for Kiev.  To be honest I’d rather go at my own choosing than have an atomic bomb dropped on my house. In the end though I suspect we shall let Putin grab the Ukraine for fear of losing all Germany's gas supplies. I image other Baltic states and Poland are quaking in case Putin decides to grab them too. This Sunday the Crimea votes and already Russian troops are massing on the borders of Ukraine. *This does spark all those childhood nightmares I used to have when I was SURE I was going to die in an atomic explosion and kept my bed on bricks so I could crawl under when it came time to duck and cover!   I had a stash of crisps and dandelion and burdock under there to help me get through the first few days.

Meanwhile here at the beach residence.  I’m just happy the daffodils are flowering and wondering if there will be a late showing of snow in March.  I finally washed the car so something bad is bound to happen.

I want to salute one teacher called Lesley.  She read my Repossession and The Hunting and wrote to me to say she enjoyed them.  I offered her a first look at book three and she jumped at it and sent me a load of corrections and really useful notes. The perfect reader.  'The Heaviness' of Genie Magee is looking a lot better now and with luck it will be available to anyone who read the first two in around two months – either in print or e-book.  So a huge thank you to Lesley.  Every writer has their doubts  - particularly about the third in a series and she really cheered me up in giving The Heaviness the thumbs up.  News on this soon.

So the March Issue of Hackwriters is on-line now and there will be more to come as the month progresses. 
Happy reading and share anything you like.
© Sam Hawksmoor MARCH 2014


The Repossession & The Hunting by Sam Hawksmoor released across Canada Flag Available in Chapters/Indigo/ Albany Books, Hager and Kids Books Broadway - Vancouver + Bolens Books (Victoria), Mables Fables, Type Books in Toronto,
Smart, dark and graceful, this story is sure to send chills down your spine…’ Evie Seo
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The Repossession

The Repossession by Sam Hawksmoor.
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Sam North- joint editor of Hackwriters is the author of
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