Two of us on Hackwriters Hacktreks
pages are winners of the Skylines Travel Writer of the Year award
held in London's Dorchester Hotel . Rosemary North won Travel Writer
of the Year for her pieces on Sri Lanka (Two air tickets to anywhere
in Europe and a Revo Psion machine - not bad)
I won enough to pay for the speeding ticket I got driving up there.
(Have you noticed that whever a bill is, that is the exact amount you
win). Good time was had by all and a big thanks to Skylines Magazine
and Blendon Communications for hosting the event. Judith Chalmers was
charming, as you expect.
Its great that we can win prizes and a measure of how far weve
come. Our travel section is a growing list of travel destinations -
with mostly positive reports from places as far apart as Cuba and Japan.
This month we have Lauren Packman who is new to us with her piece on
Global Travel and our
own Stuart Macdonald will be sending us tales of his week in the Czech
Republic. If you have something to say about a city you have visited,
let us know. John Prohaska has sent us a really interesting piece on
his Jamaican Journey
where he went to bury his mother.
Yes, summer has come to Cornwall after skipping it entirely for two
years and any minute now the headlines will be screaming about water
shortages and the damp houses cracking as they dry out.
That aside, it does make living down here more tolerable. Hackwriter
articles get written at the sunlit tables on The Three Mackerels veranda
overlooking Falmouth Bay. Yes, we are entirely fuelled by lattes and
the fresh catch of the day. It does beg one question - how special would
England be with a Mediterranean climate? How different would our nations
character be if every day we could sit out in the sun like this. We
suspect that we would be more open, certainly more tolerant and friendly.
Oliver, one of our two editors, has rather more to say about the weather
as he missed this burst of sunshine. He was running the Byte-Sized conference
website, held down here in Penryn. There was much tearing out of hair
as he tried to get live video streaming to work on a PC. It turned out
to be a rather inexact science, even with a T3 connection and there
were many curses called down on Bill Gates. (This is why we normally
use Macs). People gathered from all over who are involved with community
TV and community schemes. The best idea, it was judged by those gathered,
was a Liverpool residential Tower Tenants Spin on Superchannel.
I snuck off to see the award winning Taiwanese fi lm
One and a Two. In the three hours of this film
I learned more about community and family than any conference could
ever reveal. The tale of three generations living in one rather lavish
flat is very contemporary and reveals much about how the modern Taiwanese
live, their obsessions and searching for meaning in a pretty materialistic
world. A delight and a good reminder that the best community is building
on family and extended family, your friends.
Congrats to Oliver Moor for also gaining two highly commendeds at the
21st Winchester Writer's Festival last weekend. (For The Hopeless Gost
and Sunrising). Great start
to you new career Oliver. Congratulations too to our own Hazel Marshall
who looks like she has secured an agent for her wonderful novel 'Blanco'
I just know it will sell soon.
June was our fiction month and it was great to be able to showcase so
much talent from all over the world. Here is an appeal to get the balance
right. More female writers. I think we are curiously under-represented
from fiction from women. Though we are dong great with Travel, Diaries
and lifestyles material. We are building on our fiction area all the
time and want to keep the quality high in readiness for a printed anthology.
So if you think you have something worthy of going in the anthology...submit.
Its pretty painless. If you dont make the cut, dont
take it personally, Oliver and Stuart are picky. A sample of good writing?
Try Kelvin's story on Prison Artists in Zimbabwe
featured on our front page.
The Insiders or experimental writing try Alexandra
Coman's work in Dreamsacpes
On a personal note for San Francisco readers, I was very sorry to hear
about the death of SPEAK
magazine. It was a truly eccentric, eclectic but sometimes absorbing
magazine. Its a shame something like that cant survive.
If you havent read it, well, they are still selling back copies.
(Their web
site was always way too wierd to navigate but copies of the last issue
are still out there somewhere).
A big welcome back to Tabytha
Towe, whose new piece continues the documentation of her life in
Vancouver and a crazy mixed up one it is too. I hope youll be
able to email her with good advice.
We also got sent some Erotic Email. OK we dont usually print this
stuff, but since I know it to be a genuine instant messaging exchange
- I thought it very public spirited of us to print it verbatim.
The culprits will have to take it on the chin if their bosses ever find
out. Kezia Richmond has
come back to us with a great piece on young girls out clubbing and we
have a big welcome to Zia Zaman
whose travel articles are wonderfully informative and amusing.
I want to thank all those who are sending copy in and for coming back
to us. As ever, if you like us, tell your friends.
Enjoy the summer and check back on us from time to time, we change all
the time.
Come back for news too of changes happening here at Hacks. Stuart is
heading back up to London, Hazel going to Scotland to cover the Festival,
Nathan is at the Tomorrow's World Conference, all will be reporting
back asap. Yours truly is making plans too - more to be revealed when
known. But never fear Hacks is not a travel magazine for nothing...the
machine will be fed...
And anyone spotted
my new novel 'Diamonds'

Remember that prize of one tall latte in New York still stands to first
person who can prove they can buy it in paperback or hardback form..
Yes allegedly you can order it now and even read it on-line. Click on
Diamonds and see for yourself. God knows we need the money here...
all the best
Sam North - managing