Trade Centre RIP
All of us at Hackwriters send our best wishes
to the surviors and their families and our condolences to the bereaved.
New York under
attack, the Pentagon half destroyed, the World Trade Centre destroyed.
My God, this is war. Only, in a war you can see the enemy. Who are they?
Laden says no but it looks increasingly likely it was planned by him.
Palestinians say no, but someone planned and coordinated this.
We know more now as passengers on the hijacked planes were able to call
people to tell of men with knives taking control of their planes.
With 50,000 people working in the World Trade Centre and hundreds in
the Pentagon, almost all of New York and Washington will know someone
in the targeted buildings and they'll be mourning for a long while.
I just heard the people I know in New York are alive, but for literally
thousands, it isn't so. Another day that will live on in infamy. The
age of innocence is over for America and their relaxed lifestyle may
go forever. This has the scent of mankinds most terrible curse, the
religious war. All war is terrible, but religious wars are the most
unreasonable and lethal.
will be asked about US intelligence procedures. They have already made
arrests in Boston and Florida. Arabic language flight manuals have been
found, but nothing will bring back the dead and a special kind of peace
and way of life has also been murdered here. Americans will recover
from their shock and then be very angry. A lot of mistakes can be made
when people are angry and we hope that the facts will be gathered first
before Presdent Bush acts. he will act, he has to.
The world watches and at last count it's four planes, one car bomb,
the world economy teters and many thousands are dead of all nationalities.
This is a scary moment in history. We must all bow our heads and pray
for reason and for the lives of those lost. Pray too that the consequences
don't lead us to something we might all regret. All our prayers are
with America.
on Hackwriters
The end of August us a very sad time for some. Summer comes crashing to
an end, mothers force kids into Woolies or Marksand Sparks or Ambercrombie
and Fitch if they are lucky for new school kit, whilst regret and recriminations
stalk the lives of those who have managed to miss out on the good weather
or a decent summer relationship; or at the very least a monumental hangover.
for Hazel, Oliver, Nathan, Stuart, James, Jess and Jim the end of August
brought blessed relief. At last their screenplays are complete or the
novels done and they can run skip and hide for the last of the summer
rays. Now they must find jobs and given the fact that the newspapers
bleat on how no one is actually hiring anymore, it's a bit sobering.
Of course these are the same papers that were only last month encouraging
everyone to take out mortages at six times your income to get in on
the housing boom. No doubt they will be documenting the mass of repossessions
later this winter.
how have our writers done? Hazel has completed her exciting Highwayman
novel and it has great promise, Oliver has written something amazingly
witty that deserves attention from Hollywood, Stuart completed this
environmental love story set in the Australian outback, Jim gives us
a morality thriller about the Four Horsemen who have taken an interest
in genetically modified food and James puts an original spin on the
Falklands war. Nathan meanwhile has written a wonderful kids' TV series
about an ancient briton in our strange world. As you can see, an abundance
of talent lurks at Hackwriter inc. Oh yes, and Scriptshop.co.uk
have put another one of my screenplays on their site, so hopefully some
producer will be taking a look at that when they are back from their
penance cruising the Med.
is leading the pack at the moment, freelancing for the 'Irish Times'
and Stuart is following up close, starting editing for 'The Builder
Group'. Just like Big Brother, I will bring you updates as our writers
secure jobs or resort to robbing banks, whichever comes first.
are lucky, later this month Jayne Sharratt returns to give us 'Holly
- the loneliest child in the world' which we will be serialising on
Hacks. Jayne is currently writing a new novel and has high hopes for
this one. Certainly 'Holly' deserves publication and we hope exposure
like this will help it along.
will be changes over the next couple of months- more of this later and
we also hope to bring you news of new developments later on, but first
we shall wait to see if it happens. Don't worry, you'll be first to
Skinner on Argentina. Just why does the IMF have to keep rescuing a
country so rich in resources?
Oliver Moor has finally popped the question and then goes looking for
a diamond ring. Had he know then what he knows now, a silverplated ringpull
would have looked great.
Stuart Macdonald has promised us his article on Prague, but then again,
we were promised it last month...
Nathan is the lone voice in praise of 'Planet of the Apes' and Sam goes
for 'At the Height of Summer' a wonderful film from Vietnam.
Lisa Scott shows us how to live the lie and Barry Mitchell is here to
rant and rave, something he is pretty good at.
went to San Francisco and all she came back with was this T-shirt. I
think we should write and complain. Did she see nothing? Speak to no
one? We should be told.
Check for stories too on Nepal, a new piece by Finn Grant 'Just another
breakdown', review of Black Tiger and more
will be more. And if you want to write for us we look forward to hearing
from you.
the best
Sam North - Managing Editor
Carine Thomas - Publisher - A Brighter Image Company