Welcome - The International Writers Magazine
- Summer 2009
writing from across the globe.
July is here: Wimbledon is coming to a close, there has been a heatwave
and for once politics hasn't dominated the headlines. There's a relief.
We're on a break at Hackwriters to start a new novel so we shall all
catch up when I return.
Ice Age 3 last night, hiding out in an air-conditioned movie
theatre to escape the heat. Good to know it is still funny, Simon
Pegg not content to steal the best lines in Star Trek steals
this movie wholesale as the weasel. Great that the squirrel, acorn
and new partner get to provide continuous comic refief throughout.
The magic of cinema is right there, no dialogue but those squirrels
are the most loved creatures in the world I should think and there
was more than a smattering of genius in their domestic bliss and
love spats among the dinosaurs. |
the kids at home in the deep freeze and go see this movie, you need
cheering up, especially as headlines now say that by August 100,000's
will be going down with Swine Flu a week! I have said before but say
again, download my book Another
Place to Die if you want to be ready for when the flu pandemic goes
critical. Just today they have announced that this variant of Swine
Flu is resistant to Tamiflu.
Michael is gone, Farrah is gone - it always comes in threes so no surprise
with Karl Malden goes too and throw in Mollie Sugden for good measure.
There has been a huge outpouring of grief over Michael's sudden death.
50 isn't a great age but there's someone who lived very brightly from
an early age. Hearing ABC again on the news takes me back and I guess
that's it. He died relatively young and suddenly, the mourners are not
just Mom and Dad but anyone whose first video fave was Thriller or Billie
Jean. The conspiracies now begin but everything cast aside we already
missed him (and our youth) whilst he was still alive. I hope he finds
happiness wherever he has gone.
said I caught a movie Blood- The Last Vampire. I remain astonished
at just how bad a film can be and of course, here it is released in
summer when no one is really watching. No really, the American's acting
in it is like something of the 1950's or Twilight Zone. You watch because
you can't believe all the terrible clichés.
I know that when I return from France dictators will still run Burma,
Zimbabwe, Iran, and more, but I am going on vacation and I am not going
to check my email or phone or the news. I am going to check the sky
each day and decide if it is a beach day or writing day. Of course part
of me wishes every day could be a beach day but the weekends in particular
are a bit of nightmare on Biarritz beaches. I shall walk the dog, watch
the vultures and eagles circle the fields, stare with astonishment at
the brilliant stars. (They still have stars in the night sky in France).
I know its selfish of me to run away but I suspect all
Dictators (including Gordon) will still be in place come August and
although I will feel better there is that sinking feeling that darn,
I have to go through it all again.
Starting my 20th year of teaching. I know, I am lucky to have a job
and all, but I seem to recall I started doing this for just one term
all those years ago until my luck turns. I guess it never really did.
I kind of wonder just how many people out there end up in jobs they
never planned for, whether because of previous recessions or career
blips. Is there even one artist or writer out there who hasnt
had a career blip? But not all end up as teachers. Must be some definite
psychological flaw I think that kept me in the classroom or lack of
courage. The trouble is once you have been a starving artist, its
not so easy to return to it once fed.
Its been an odd year. Lots of disputes with fellow staff. But
keen and talented students to keep one busy and I wish the departing
grads the best of luck. No use in reminding them that nearly 500,000
grads come onto the market at the same time or that for three years
I have been saying get work placements, do work experience, make
employers aware of you now. I know no one ever listens but sometime
in the next few weeks they are going to wish they had.
When I return we shall make a plan as to how it continues and in what
form. Clearly writers still want to submit, there have been bumper last
two issues see for yourself. But I am strongly mindful that almost
everyone has a blog or twitters all day long and I am thinking we are
past our sell by date
. I shall think more on this as I walk the
beaches. Assuming I dont go mad as I am on my tod this summer
and not used to that at all.
Luckily there is the dog to talk to.
I am going to be developing a new book with hopes of selling it to my
publishers. Cant believe I still have to wait until Jan 2011 before
the first one comes out. Just slightly worried I wont get to enjoy
it long as my Mother's Jehovah carer informs me that the world is going
to end with absolute certainty in 2012. (No specific date) and she lists
the reasons why quite logically. Iran v Israel and Armageddon. North
Korea has the bomb which it wants to attack Japan with for some reason.
The Mayan calendar ceases in 2012 (though they may have just run out
of paper) and I think there were one or two more problems as well.
We have been there before mind you. The World was supposed to end in
63. It failed to do so. I rather suspect 2012 will be somewhat
anti-climatic save for US elections and we shall still have to figure
out how the hell we are going to survive on negligible pensions and
sporadic flu pandemics.
I just
read 1434 by Gavin Menzies. He contends that Leonardo and the
whole Renaissance was triggered by a visit from the Chinese to Venice
in 1434. They left world maps (globes), calculating tools, designs for
everything, including water pumps, locks, toy helicopters and calculating
longtitude and his argument is quite persuasive. You might want to read
it and 1421 his first book that shows the Chinese discovering
America and Australia. Everything you know about history is incorrect.
It might take a while for this correction to take hold but look who
is the ascending power right now and remember the victors get to rewrite
history or in this case, correct it. Fascinating either way.
On that cheery note, I shall leave you to order my book Another
Place to Die your
essential reading before swine flu comes back as a H5N1 hybrid in the
autumn and takes a whole of lot of us with it. Nevermind 2012, getting
through the rest of 2009 will be hard enough.
Right, I have to prepare for the Winchester Writers Conference. See
you there if you are coming.Failing that see you at the Havant Literary
Festival in September.
All the very best for the summer and chill
4th 2009 -
out the summer edition of Hackwriters now- lots of good features and
points of viewIf you
want to help Hackwriters keep going, buy my new book Mean
Tide. A young adult ghost
story set in Greenwhich, London.
All profits go into the magazine.
Mean Tide by Sam North
'Extraordinary novel about a child's psychic
Lulu Press - ISBN: 978-1-4092-0354-4
Review: 'An engaging, unusual and
completely engrossing read'
- Beverly Birch author of 'Rift'
to live with his spooky Grandma by the river in Greenwich, Oliver
(12) discovers a whole world of disturbed people who are probably
even crazier than the ones he left behind. When he finds a dog with
its throat cut on the beach, everything changes.
range 12-16 and adult
are you worried about your health? Read my book 'Another
to Die''
. If you have the slightest worry about how to survive the coming flu
pandemic, you need this book and all the proceeds go to keep Hackwriters
going. See
the review from Calvin
Curse of the Nibelung - A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
by Sam North
ISBN 1-4116-3748-8
Retail - 300 pages - Lulu Press USA
will never be the same again' - Sunday Express
Buy from your favourite on-line retailer
and Noble &
Diamonds - The Rush of '72
Sam North
ISBN: 1-4116-1088-1
now from Amazon.com
terrific piece of storytelling' Historical Novel Society Review
Also printed in the UK and available from
& Waterstones
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