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Sam Editorial:
MARCH 2018

Slight delay in getting back to business here in Hackwriters. Stupidly fell over on slippery stone steps in Bradford upon Avon and can't now use my right arm. We all feel stupid when this happens. Used to be one bounced back and not these days it seems and several x-rays later discovered tendonitus lessions on my shoulders which would explain the daily pain issues.

Meanwhile Trump marches on steadily taking the world to ruin with him and no doubt John Bolton at his side will only speed this up. Sadly there's nowhere to hide when it all goes down. Meanwhile missing Cape Town so much I'm planning to go to Spain in April and look for somewhere to live there. If I fall over at least it will be sand I land on I hope.

Citroen I returned from the Cape in March. And if wishes were fishes I'd have come back with this vehicle found in Sedgefield. 1954 Citroen in running order. Sedgefield is a small beach town in the Western Cape with amazing beaches and a cruel rip tide. Surfers head to Piri-Piri for lunch and then over the dunes to the perfect white sand beach and the freezing ocean.

I headed up the coast from Cape Town to Knysna via Worcester and Robertson (Wine Country) and although the Cape is in the grip of a drought - the vines are thriving (although grapes will be smaller this year) and the roads in the Western Cape are amazing and well maintained (put the UK to shame really). Drove 2000 ks in all. The weather was warm but never unpleasant and everywhere you go people are welcoming. I was surprised to come across so many German tourists - busloads of them everywhere. You are only allowed 50 litres of water a day so you shower in a bucket and flush the loo with the grey water and even wash clothes in it but you soon get used to it. Although I experienced rain in Stamford it only lasted 30 minutes and that doesn't help a drought. Flew SAA and although inconvenient to go via JoBurg the flight was excellent, the vegetarian option was tasty (I recommend) and the crew friendly. Visit now whilst the weather is still good, you won't regret it and you will discover a vibrant, exciting culture.
Layla at the Biscuit Mill Woodstock
Turbine Hotel View
Turbine Hotel View over Thesen Island - Knysna
Wilderness on a stormy Evening
Buiscuit Facoty Food Mart
Biscuit Mill Saturday Food Market Woodstock
Woodstock Street Art
Woodstock Street Art
Silo Gallery
Zeitz MOCAA Gallery interior - Cape Town

Will reflect on the visit later but it was an exciting time to be there with Zuma's downfall and Ramaphosa's rise. One wishes the country good luck to bring honesty back into government.

Do explore our archives - there is bound to be something you'd enjoy and want to share with someone.

© Sam Hawksmoor March 24th 2018
Be one of the first to read: Girl with Cat (Blue)
'London doesn't exist; has never existed and those who say it does are liars... '

*As ever Hackwriters is supported by sales of our books - so do buy, print or kindle, we aren't picky.
The Sam North Novels - still available to order on Lulu or Amazon
** The Heaviness, Another Place to Die: Endtime Chronicles are recommended also read The Repercussions of Tomas D

J&K 4Ever - Love and Devotion in the Wastelands
Sixty years after the end of everything the city of Bluette survives, controlled by a malignant sect.  A place where men rule, girls receive no education and are matched at 16 to the highest bidder.  No one is ever permitted to leave the city and outside is a murderous wasteland of despair. Orphans Kruge and Jeyna have been devoted to each other through all the years of terror in this harsh regime and sworn never to be parted.  But the beautiful Jeyna has been betrayed by the Warden. Kruge has been swiftly banished to the Scraps, under the control of the Keeper. Jeyna is heartbroken; she will not accept her fate and escapes to find Kruge.  She is pursued by ruthless Enforcers on horseback, whose task it is to bring runaways back, dead or alive. 'A genuine romance in a bleak but plausible and terrifying setting'.
Marikka MARIKKA- exclusively on Amazon Print and kindle 2

Based on a tragic real life event, Marikka flees from an arson attack on her home to the sea, where she meets Starfish boy – a runaway working for Jackson, a scarred man hiding a sinister secret from the world. Meanwhile her real father searches for her with the aide of Anya, ‘the girl who can read objects’. More about the writing of this book

Long after my tears dried, my heart stayed with Marikka, Starfish Boy and the strange girl who reads objects.’ CT
You will smile, you will gasp with shock, and you will struggle to read the words through your tears. Gemma Williams - Amazon.co.uk 2015

By Sam Hawksmoor and Sam North
Could you live in a world where antibiotics no longer work?
Print & Kindle
Q&A interview with the authors here
A city gripped by fear as a lethal virus approaches from the East. No one knows how many are dying. People are petrified of being thrown into quarantine. Best friends Kira and Liz once parted are scared they will never see each other again. Teen lovers, Chris and Rachel, prepare to escape to the islands. Do you stay and hide, or do you flee?

Review from the First Edition:
'Beautiful, plausible, and sickeningly addictive, Another Place to Die will terrify you, thrill you, and make you petrified of anyone who comes near you...' Roxy West - Amazon.co.uk

Another Place To Die

Repercussions Spy/Romance thriller set during the Blitz in WW2 - Kindle download
All proceeds go to keeping Hackwriters going

The Repercussions of Tomas D
A Hero? Or Englands Greatest Traitor? USA Paperback here

'Disturbing and very poignant YA love story that presents a chilling alternate future for an England that lost the war.' Marcel d'Agneau
'A brilliant imagining of living in the Blitz, well researched.' Amazon UK
'This is Man in the High Castle for teens and scarily plausible with alternative facts '
*download the Kindle version or buy the paperback from Hammer & Tong
'The Heaviness' for any reader who likes to think about such things as betrayal, revenge, relationships and the laws of gravity. An original Genie Magee story

Genie & Renée have just 36 hours to save Rian or he dies

'Without a doubt, one of the best YA Sci Fi series out there.' Evie Seo Bookish
Kindle & print

Thanks to readers who have been buying this title. If you enjoyed it, please post a remark on Amazon or Goodreads. It all helps. * Now published as Rüya by Marti Yayincilik - The Turkish publishers of TOZ & Golge
The Heaviness of Genie Magee Ruya

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