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Another Place To Die
by Sam North
Next Great Flu Pandemic is coming.
Are you prepared?
will keep readers in suspense, laced with gritty-gallows humor'
Charlie Dickinson
plausible, and sickeningly addictive, Another Place to Die
will terrify you, thrill you, and make you petrified of anyone
who comes near you...'.
Roxy Williams - Amazon.co.uk
Order Now direct from Publisher :
Another Place To Die
Mr Reality Check |
opinions expressed herein are wholly reflective of the writers and
contributors to hackwriters. All work is copyright of the writers
& hackwriters.com.
is a non-profit , non-paying journal based at an academic institution
but welcomes contributions from writers. We reserve the right to
publish and edit material in accordance with our editorial policy
- see submissions

Welcome - The International Writers Magazine
- April 2008
writing from across the globe.
to the April Edition of Hackwriters:
Get used to it.
you waiting for the election result in Zimbabwe? Were you expecting
a democratic, honest result from a dictator who as I write this
is wondering whether to fire up the escape plane to Malaysia or
turn the guns on the ungrateful electorate who dont seem to
understand that 100,000% inflation rate is nothing to what it could
be in a years time. A million, two million, who knows? Dictators
like old actors never know when to leave the stage and remember
Apres moi le déluge or whatever tyrants say in
dusty Africa. It is already Wednesday April 2- swords are being
sharpened I fear. The Death card has been drawn. Pray I am wrong.
* |
19th has come - still no result. The tyrant wins and South Africa is
the clear loser for not taking a stand. A shame on Africa. Listening
to the President of South Africa Thabo Mbeki speak in the UN this week
you realise just how weak leadership is in Africa. Has no one got the
moral guts to take a stand against Mugabe? Morgan Tzvangirai won. Let
the result stand for Zimbabwe's sake.
Then theres Obamba in the USA who stands for hope, a fresh start,
honesty in politics, and an articulate, intelligent man. You seriously
think the special interests that have grown fat off Bush and Cheneys
war in Iraq and have their hooks well into Bill and Hilary are going
to let Obama in the White House? You dont hand it over to Jimmy
Stewart and hope for a wonderful life. See Obama, get Bobby Kennedy
and remember what happened to him. But here's praying that he beats
Hillary in next weeks primaries. The USA needs him, hell the world needs
him to be President.
Similarly in the UK we have local elections happening on May 1st. London
has the choice of an incumbent and paranoid Mayor who has been allegedly
less than honest with political donations who,may, no doubt, encourage
others to stuff the ballot box with truckloads of postal votes all neatly
filled in for Labour. (Can I help you with that dear?) I just hope Boris
Johnson wins despite this. We need a Mayor with a sense of humour and
Such is our distrust of this Government that we think there is a warehouse
somewhere right now printing off votes for Labour and this is England.
We may scoff at Kenya and Zimbabwe, but vote rigging goes on here and
if reading this in the USA dont forget Florida and the chads,
which isnt a sixties pop group.
There has been a huge loss of faith in politics, banking, and statistics
since Labour came to power in 1997. Everything that can be massaged
has been massaged and corrupted. We can no longer have faith in anything
anyone in authority says. Faith in UK stats has plummeted to the bottom
of all of Europe behind Romania!
(Source BBC Radio 4 1.4.08)
Education is meddled with to such an extent qualifications are devalued
as they chop and change between Btec, HND, GNVQ, BI, Diplomas, A-Levels,
GCSE's, all for an ideological class war and mask the utter inadequacies
of the school system.
I asked students here yesterday what they believed in. Nothing was the
answer. Not God, not anything.
They are all writing sci-fi screenplays for me at present and the themes
are very topical and reveal much about what they do care about. A future
in the UK with Islam top dog, gays being lynched, women oppressed, a
UK where feral kids on council estates are automatically forced into
education camps from age of four, schools run by the Mafia, the black
economy dominant, drugs rife, pandemics, a whole society run down with
almost total break down of road, rail and infrastructure. Their vision
of the UK is bleak, corrupt, and unpleasant, you wouldnt want
to live there. They take their cues from corrupt politicians, celebrity
culture and what they see happening around them.
Think it cant happen here? My colleague told me yesterday that
in their nice middle class estate in Hampshire the headmaster next door
stabbed his partner to death on the weekend. Ruined our whole
weekend she said.
Disappointed? Get used to it.
content comes from all over the world - explore our fiction, travel
writing, opinion and lifestyle features and our reviews as well as muse
on the future of the 21st Century. Want to contribute?
The May edition will be accepting submissions until April 27th.
Enjoy this month and spread the word. We
are based at the University of Portsmouth England.
North: Editor updated April 19th 2008
* The MA
in Creative Writing at Portsmouth
University started another year this October. Apply now for 2008
current students have all got their major projects under way now.
Novels, screenplays, children's fiction, speculation fiction, crime
novels, you name it... If you need support and like a good encouraging
peer group, join us. Might do you good to live in Portsmouth for
a year, but you don't have to. Students come down from London once
a week and further afield. Apply now to avoid
being disappointed. You do not have to be published to join us,
but you do have to have a portfolio of some interesting writing
already to hand. *Hackwriter published writers especially welcome.
Come to Sherlock Holmes country (yes this is where it all started
on Elm Grove in Southsea).
you worried about your health this spring? Read my book 'Another
to Die''
. If you have the slightest worry about how to survive the coming flu
pandemic, you need this book and all the proceeds go to keep Hackwriters
going. In the UK newspapers 31.08.07 they were quoting a Home Office
paper called: Planning for a possible Influenza Edpidemic and
predicting 650,000 'extra' deaths this winter in the UK if it breaks
out. There will also be a shortage of coffins, not that you need them
in a mass grave. It's all in my book, you don't need this report. Another
Place to Die is a guide on how to survive the pandemic. So order
now for your autumn reading. (Maybe Amazon will do you a deal on a coffin
too!) You will not be disappointed.
See the review from
Calvin Hussey
at Hacks are self-supporting and if you want to support us, buy Sam's
books - All the funds from the sale of the books go back into the site.
If you live in New York they can be ordered at the Mysterious
Bookshop at 58 Warren Street. These titles are able to be ordered
at Amazon
who keep stock see below and can be ordered from Waterstones
all over the UK and Hatchards
in London and for less cost direct from Lulu.com
in the UK and USA
Place To Die
by Sam North
ISBN: 978-1-84753-899-4
The Next Great Flu Pandemic is coming. Are you prepared?
will keep readers in suspense, laced with gritty-gallows humor'
Charlie Dickinson
plausible, and sickeningly addictive, Another Place to Die
will terrify you, thrill you, and make you petrified of anyone who
comes near you...'.
Roxy Williams - Amazon.co.uk
Fascinating, frightening and compelling, Another Place to Die
is the ultimate page-turner which I guarantee will result in many
late nights under the bedside light with you uttering, just
one more chapter!! Ian Middleton
the first chapter on line
Order Now direct from Publisher : Another
Place To Die |
Curse of the Nibelung - A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
by Sam North
ISBN 1-4116-3748-8
Retail - 300 pages - Lulu Press USA
will never be the same again' - Sunday Express
Buy from your favourite on-line retailer
Barnes and Noble &
Diamonds - The Rush of '72 is also available
from the publishers direct
- The Rush of '72
By Sam North
ISBN: 1-4116-1088-1
Buy now from Amazon.com
terrific piece of storytelling' Historical Novel Society Review
Also printed in the UK and available from
& Waterstones
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