- Update Oct 16th
you even have a basement? How deep do you have to go to escape a smart
bomb? How much time? Do we even know how to deal with an emergency?
"If you want
a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--forever."
Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell
Extract from Larry King Live discussing the Anthrax incidents in Baton
'And the scary thing about this, Larry, is that it could happen to anybody.
It could happen to -- it could happen to Time Warner. It could -- it
could happen to "The New York Times." It could happen to basically anybody.
And the fear and hysteria is incredible. As a matter of fact, what is
so amazing to me is after everyone has worked, after all my employees
worked this hard to get the papers out, I'm getting calls from retailers
throughout the United States that people, that our customers are afraid
to touch...
KING: To buy it? Afraid to touch the paper?
PECKER: Are afraid to actually touch the papers, because they're afraid
that anthrax can be communicated. And -- and -- and what I'd like to
do, Larry, if you don't mind, the Center for Disease Control yesterday
had a press conference at 5:30. And there was an excerpt that I think
is very important for people to hear, and I'm hoping to relieve some
of the hysteria. And what they said was "We're aware of concerns that
have been expressed by the general public about anthrax being transmitted
to paper and ink. The public is at no risk of disease from handling
printed paper. There is no risk of exposure of anthrax being transmitted
by handling any tabloids or any publications published by American Media."
The phoney war is over. 50 Tomahawk missiles fired from submarines fired
at Afghanistan signaled the start of the either a global conflict between
Islam and Christianity or the demolition of a country that is already
up to its neck in rubble. Time will tell.
Just the first 50 missiles cost £670,000 each to fire. It might
be churlish to mention this right now but someone has to pay for all
this and so far only the UK and USA are in the battle. Add
the Stealth bombers, B52 Stratofortresses, submarines, battleships,
hundreds of fighter jets and other assorted war planes, ground forces,
supply logistics and catering this is modern warfare and it is expensive.
No wonder then so many countries in Europe dont want to play.
Much better to carry on selling the Mercedes or chocolates and let the
other suckers pay the increased taxes.
Right now we have been bombing for nearly two weeks and other than destablising
Pakistan, it doesn't seem to have affected the Taliban much at all.
In the end, all we are doing is rearranging rubble. Perhaps someone
in the Pentagon will realise that it is changing hearts and minds that
wins wars rather than providing the enemy with scrap metal. My own informed
sources say that the Taliban will eventually hand over Bin Laden to
the US. But it's pub talk and they are also saying that three weeks
of bombing will leave the Taliban intact. We shall see.
In the UK we became
aware of the attack at around 5.30 pm on the Sunday afternoon.
From our situation in Cafe Nero on the Kings Road the instant
topic of conversation became what are the targets for reprisal
. The realisation that one works in the city another
in a sensitive telecommunications building and all have to use the underground
to get to work is sobering. Although nothing has happened here in the
UK, you stop to think for a moment of how much fear there must be on
the ground in Kabul or Jalababad.
None of us save the old know what it is like to live with planes bombing,
the panic as the air is ignited all around you, the complete lack of
security. Think about it right now. Look around you where you are reading
this. Where would you go? Where could you hide? Do you even have a basement?
How deep do you have to go to escape a smart bomb? How much time? Do
we even know how to deal with an emergency, where do you go for help,
is there a Civil Defence organisation anymore? Do you even own a fire
extinguisher? Do you stay home or risk running in the street to save
the kids from school. What about food, light, heat, cooking gas, your
deep freeze, your dog or cat. Do you know how to stop bleeding or bandage
a wound? Put yourself in their shoes today and tomorrow. Hear the bombs
falling, how strong is your heart?
Our leaders talk of revenge, right or wrong, the Sept 11th attack was
heinous and evil by any standard, but it doesnt bring the victims
back. Now we, like those in Afghanistan who have been waiting three
weeks for the bombs to drop, we must wait for the reprisals in London,
New York, Washington or more likely softer targets, cities with no strategic
value but a vulnerable population taken unawares.
Oct 16th
Almost nine days has gone by and Afghanistan is pretty much crippled
now. The Taliban are defiant, but what else could they be? The real
problem is dealing with the aftermath now. Who should rule Afghanistan?
If the US imposes a government or makes it a protectorate, how long
will they have to be there? How stable is Saudi Arabia or anywhere in
that region. Is the anthrax scare in the USA overblown or can we expect
more surprises in the mail? More importantly, has anyone in the States
woken up to the fact that oil supplies could become very erratic in
the future and maybe, just maybe, huge Dodge V8s and other monsters
of the road are not a great idea anymore. I guess not.
Osama bin Laden must be laughing his head off, following a report
that bizarre office accidents are injuring thousands of UK workers.
Bombs? Anthrax? Crashing hijackers jet-liners? Nope.
According to the Ananova newswire, "The Department of Trade
and Industry says rubber bands, paperclips, pencil sharpeners and
staplers were among the innocent-looking items which turned on their
users" in a continuing barrage of office injuries. Paperclips
caused 238 accidents, while 402 people hurt themselves with rubber
bands. 955 office workers suffered a serious injury as a result
of a fall in the last five years, while workplace accidents in the
UK last year alone reached 29,315. So how do we defeat terrorism?
It's obvious. Send them rubber bands, paperclips, pencil sharpeners
and staplers -- the items most likely to cause damage, according
to the DTI. John Lewell
email: jrl@trel.demon.co.uk
Strange conversations
took place last Sunday night in Cafe Pasta on High Street Kensington.
If you were them how would you do it? How would you take
The curious thing is that you do not need to explode anything or bomb
To strangle London all you need is to whisper in the ear of a union
leader of the RMT and London's Underground trains will be brought to
a halt. All you need is to park a stolen truck across the entry roads
such as the A3, M3, M1, A1, the North Circular and thats it. London
would be completely crippled. No one would get in or out. Do it for
a week and the city economy would probably collapse. One only has to
see just how strategic placed the road works are that are in progress
now on all these roads. Virtually all of them have been narrowed to
one lane , the traffic is backed up for miles for hours every day in
both directions. Add this to the trains that invariably run late, the
bankrupt Railtrack, you really dont have to do much to destroy
London. Successive local governments and the anti-motorist Mayor Ken
Livingston are doing the terrorists work for them.
London is virtually unnavigable at the best of times with traffic being
deliberately choked off at key points of entry. Decades of under investment
in rail, road, the underground, you name it, has left most of the city
as sophisticated and organised as Calcutta. The lack of vision is stunning,
the indifference monumental. The motorist gets the blame, but to be
truthful London may well be fabulous in Holland Park or St Johns Wood,
but it is not the great city it could be, it is not safe, clean or even
possessed of a city plan to make it better. Property prices may have
doubled in the last three years, but in truth, all it reveals is how
tacky and miserable the place is. To pay half a million to live in a
flat in West Kensington or Camden or worse Hackney with garbage strewn
all over the pavement and virtually ever car getting broken into every
month is not the best advert for our way of life. For some
older people they already live a life of terror confined to their homes
as they too scared to go outside because of urban crime and or racial
abuse (on both sides).
We may now have a feeling of superiority over the soon to be vanquished,
but the seeds of our destruction are visible in our London streets.
We are not a cohesive society, we dont seem to be a society that
cares about the immediate environment outside our homes, let alone the
next neighbourhood. Now is the time to reflect on what it is exactly
we value and why. If you really want to do this vicariously then go
and see the film SOUTH WEST 9 - Brixton life as you have never seen
it before.
It is also a time to make sure to contribute something towards a charity
that will aide the innocent Afghans caught up in this battle. Even before
this war the population of 20.9 million (WHO 1988 figures) had appalling
statistics. 35% of the children under five have malnutrition, life expectancy
is only 40-45 years, only 12 percent of the population had access to
safe water.
They need to know you care. £25 could help feed two people for
the winter.
You can help by going to www.oxfam.org.uk/afghanistan
Sam North - Managing Editor
Carine Thomas - Publisher - A Brighter Image Company
Making Peace by Michael
New York Reality - Robert
A new view of New York - A.Ashman
Before the bombs fell
- editorial