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The International Writer's Magazine
Our 23rd Year on-line

*Hackwriters is digitally archived by the British Library

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The International Writers Magazine:
Nigeria at 51: Time to Reorganise a Disorganised Society
Adewale T Akande

It is undemocratic and detrimental for leaders to think more about themselves as individuals and not think at all about the people they are representing
Chasing The Center Whilst Kickin’ ‘Round The Fringe
James Campion

"Sometimes you get lost and you find something new." - Dan Bern - In my malaise of self-examination, into town blows Dan Bern, songwriter, troubadour, novelist, painter
You Will Laugh Again
Odimegwu Onwumere

There comes a time in everyone’s life when the big question – why me? – is asked. You could be in this situation right now.  The answer is - it couldn’t have been any else - that was why it was you.

Fall's Gold
Duncan Shaw
I’m a writer, or at least I do some writing on the side.  My mind is immersed in words, in language.  I’m a talker too, a bit of a big mouth.  My life is a little like Mr. Bennet’s in Pride & Prejudice, the father with all girls who likes to tease them and their mother
The Male Necktie
James Morford
While struggling mightily to master an unknown knot, every boy has questioned the purpose behind that piece of cloth society decrees he loops around his neck and drapes down his chest. Grown men are puzzled as well.
Mother's Pride
Marcus De Storm

To rewind time to a decade that saw attitudes and respect levels that were tolerable, many would think that we would have to go back a long, long way - but they would be incorrect

Help floods out in Thailand
Jules Kay
Heavy rains in Thailand caused extreme flooding in many parts of the country this month, in what has become the nation’s most expensive natural disaster.
The Influences of Brubeck
David Russell
Music performed by the Dave Brubeck Quartet so musically satisfied me that I brought a phonograph and Dave’s recordings along on my Honeymoon.
The Cult of Mackintosh   

John Thomson
It was the angular, high-backed chair that first drew my eye to the works of Charles Rennie Mackintosh. I was a first year arts student and my art history professor thought Mackintosh was God’s gift to early twentieth century architecture and design.

Fifth Girl
Duncan Shaw
For five years Lucy’s been tied-tethered-leashed to me on my runs around Hillsborough, North Carolina, USA, her four legs clicking in time with my two like a metronome – a perfect running aid and companion.

A Daughter Returns
Indrani Bhattacharyya
They are poles apart as far as their respective nature, individuality, perspectives towards life are concerned. If the older one is explosively extrovert, the younger firecracker sternly believes in silence

Some ‘Likes’...Few ‘Dislikes’... makes Life
Indrani Bhattacharyya

‘I’m in love I guess.’ In spite of knowing pretty well that this sentence had been directed towards me, I pretended not to hear it and continued reading

Fasting in Amman
David C Clemmons

In an effort to absorb more of the cultural nuances of Jordan, I decided to participate in the fasting aspect of Ramadan

Fighting Fit at K-1 Fight Factory
reparing for an MMA Fight
Antonio Graceffo
On day six of training, with two K-1 Fight Factory instructors pushing me, I broke my personal record
From Hard Drive to Kindle:
My Quest into Online Publishing
Frances Lewis

It really isn't that hard. Even for a technologically inept person like me. What was difficult was the decision to self-publish in The Dukkering Boy in first place.
Capital culture in Bangkok
Jules Kay

The Bangkok International Festival of Dance & Music offers the capital's biggest and most comprehensive showcase of international performing arts.
How to Become Unemployed in 10 Easy Steps
Claire Hopple
1. First, you should graduate from college with a major like Western European Architecture, or Postcolonial Literature, or Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies in Humanity.
Dean Borok
Now that I’m older and miser, I’m not as indulgent as I used to be toward my contemporaries.
Dancing in Amman
Marwan Asmar

The music sent waves of shock, thudding on and on, the songs kept coming, people dancing on the floor, hands in the air, shoes thumping to the beat. We were at an engagement party.
Panama Security
Ginny Guess

Is it me?  Do I look like Alice in Wonderland, or are things really crazy and upside down sometimes?  We do quite a bit of travel abroad, usually involving, of course, flying.
How to walk up a hill in Ireland
Marcel Krueger
I’m panting. My heart is racing, and feels like it will burst my chest any second. “Come on! It’s only 150 metres or so to the summit!” I motivate myself.
'Big Macs' in Tokyo
Benjamin Lawson
Can culture permeate established global corporate identity? (Or - is Mcdonalds always a McDonalds?)
Adventure Racing returns to Koh Samui
Jules Kay
Adventure Racing has been growing in popularity worldwide over the last few years. A dynamic team sport that also draws large crowds of spectators, this multi-disciplinary contest pushes competitors to their limits.
Travis Claeys
It’s funny how some things can be so difficult to understand just because of our habits of logic.
Is Materialism here to stay?
Alexander Clackson

It seems the humanity is enthralled by materialistic objects. Rousseau and Nietzsche were right when they warned us that humanity will fall into a materialistic hole where acquiring possessions has become our main purpose in life.

From London with Love
Hayley Quinn
We’re a community of nymphomaniac nomads that travel the world teaching the art of seduction.
A pilgrimage to Mecca
Marwan Asmar
High-minded, upright, gracious, dignified, stately, awesome pictures travelling between my body, mind and soul, it's inexplicable
Peaceful Withdrawal with Honor (Part 1)Last Days in Saigon
Antonio Graceffo
Tet was the beginning of my own defeat in Vietnam.
Now I’m Talkin’ Vietnamese (Part 2)
Antonio Graceffo
Two older American guys, hanging out in the alley next to my house, introduced me to their Vietnamese friend. When I said my name, one of the Americans asked me, “Es usted Espanol?” I answered, “No, sono Italiano.”

Life, Literature and the Europeans
Allen Gibson

It is a wet and dreary Sunday morning. Cool rain trickling down, birds chirping, green everywhere. The May long weekend – a bank holiday, as the English would say. And I find myself in a very unusual position, reading European literature.

How I Survived Judgement Day
James Campion
I've been listening to Harold Camping on Family Radio since the early nineties; tooling along Route 84 in the wee hours
Postcard from Soweto, January 1999
David Calleja
A homestay visit memory
Your Cash down the You Tube
Tina Hsiao

Ever since the first video was uploaded on April 23, 2005, has grown into the world's largest online video portal

Learning Curve
Dean Borok

Sometimes looking for the good in people can turn you into worse of a misanthrope when they fail to live up to their own good qualities. That’s particularly true when you live in New York

Art of the Giddy Hangover or How Hunter Thompson and The Stones Drove a Spike into Hippie Hearts
James Campion
It was like a snap; the kind of ghastly sound a finely tuned athlete hears when it all goes wrong inside.
Wait, You Did What in New Zealand? 
Bobby Bingle

I WWOOFed in New Zealand.  No, I did not huff exotic forest fumes.  I did not participate in an exciting new sensual act.  And I did not howl at inanimate objects, not in New Zealand at least. 

Without Reason
Dean Borok

If they tried to ban dogs in New York City, it would be the French Revolution all over again, complete with head chopping

Jordan Rally on Dead Sea
Marwan Asmar

It's catching. Watching car racing rallies increases your heartbeats, drives your adrenalin up, and makes you want to fly

David Russell
My first awareness of Halvah was in Brooklyn in the 1940’s, when 2 cents bought a small box of Chocolate coated Joyva Halvah.

The Chinese Calculator & the Coupons of Death
Antonio Graceffo
I was living in a Chinese neighborhood, outside of Kuala Lumpur while doing some martial arts and filming work with my master

Spain needs a Statesman
James Skinner

Financial mayhem aside, the Spanish government is faced once again with an embarrassing situation. ETA, the Basque terrorist group have revealed secret meetings with Zapatero’s government

Amaechi’s Search For Rivers Indigenes Integrity
Odimegwu Onwumere

Why sewage matters in African elections

A Walk in the Bogside: You are now entering Free Derry
Sara Marilungo
A visit to Derry means also a visit to one of the hubs of the history of Northern Ireland

Development East & West
Do they need it?

Antonio Graceffo
Burma ethnics never wanted to be Thai citizens. This was forced on them by a terrible situation, which forced them to become refugees, something else, they never wanted.
Adventures in Real Estate Fiction
Sam North

So I was at the Society of Children’s Writers social the other day where I met several American writers in an extremely noisy Wetherspoons in London.
Live for Adventure
Tabytha Towe

In last said piece I proclaimed that I needed to go away again like a desperate itch that simply won't die and it's true.  When I wake up and think about what I want to work for, the idea of travel is my motivation. 

Learning to Love Toronto
Tabytha Towe
I have clearly gone well over my expected time limit of living in Toronto. By March 2011, it will mark my two-year residency here
Fleeting Moments
Kathleen Radigan

When you see red paint on a piece of paper, or a trace of lingering emotion that someone was struggling to keep hidden crawl across their face.

Strains of Paradise
Oluwatobi Odetola

Ouch! My finger tips are hurting. I pray I have not got frostbite. Here I’m – thousands of miles away from my roots – staring with forlorn at this white mountain made of snow.
First 24 Hours in China
Fiona Marion
Between the four of us, we carried a year's worth of goods through the narrow, lively streets of old Hong Kong.

Snooki Goes to Washington
Dean Borok
The strength of the popular British TV espionage series MI5 (Spooks) lies in its superb writing, which does not avoid complicated story lines yet manages to arrive at a satisfying conclusion at the end of each episode.
A Dr Johnson Moment
Nichol Wilmor
It is a wet, unwelcoming evening. I have been invited to a dictionary launch at Dr Johnson’s House in Gough Square, north of Fleet Street, and am wondering whether or not to go.

Allegory II
Russell Bittner

I watch my little ducklings from a distance.  They are, after all, my little ducklings.  I’ve shown them how to float; how to snatch a lungful of air; how to flutter down on fin-like wings to the bottom of the lake to find weed -- all of which they’ll need to survive. 

Fast track to wireless in Asia
Jules Kay
Business and leisure travellers are often at the forefront of personal connectivity. Smartphones, tablets and laptops are only as useful as the wireless networks they connect to
One in Six
M. Dacre
So the headline reads ‘One in Six in the UK’ will live to be 100 and I quickly felt a migraine coming on.
What Makes a Polyglot?  
Antonio Graceffo

Many people wish to learn a foreign language. Unfortunately, like weight loss, and mastering a foreign language is one of those dreams that people spend a lot of money on, but somehow never achieve.
What Makes a Polyglot?  (Part 2)
And What do Polyglots think
Antonio Graceffo
Are most polyglots made or born?
Challenged individuals in Jordan
Marwan Asmar

It’s a video clip to boost the confidence of the physically-challenged to lead normal lives and to tell parents to be strong.
Why Do Beer Ads Look so Tempting?
David Russell

Today’s brewers are smarter than the Egyptians is having solved the problem of halting the aging process while stabilizing the beer’s taste
Let’s talk about Sox, baby 
David Calleja

In the front office of Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox, Barney is standing in front of me. not too dissimilar to the late John Candy’s lovable character Uncle Buck in the 1989 film of the same name.
Travelling with your iPad
Jules Kay

The iPad is now well established as the world's ultimate personal entertainment companion. For many people, it is also now an indispensable travel accessory.
Last Night They Shot John Lennon
James Campion
Thirty Years Since the Music Died
Meeting by Chance with a Modern Day Che
Ruby Weldon
One tends to meet highly educated Cubans in the most unlikely places.  We were staying at a 'casa particular,' a Cuban bed and breakfast, in a small town known mostly for it's relaxed, convivial atmosphere. 
Not So Pretty in Pink: A Mother’s Angst Over Barbie and Princess Fever
Maija Barnett
Not only is their princess obsession the main focus of their pretend play, but it raises its hairy tresses each morning when we get ready for school.
China in Jordan
Marwan Asmar

The China Products Fair has taken Amman by storm underlining Jordan's ability in attracting international business
The Importance of a Spoon
David Russell

Little did I know when leaving Mainland China’s Hung Hom Rail Station for Hong Kong, that a spoon would be my hero in what was obviously a Chop Stick city
Fake Christmas
Amanda Callendrier

At a time when most of my neighbors and friends bustle about in the frenzy of mailing Christmas cards, choosing trees, and shopping for gifts, my mind is elsewhere.
Rock of Ages: a first time trip to Gibraltar
Chris Mills
Spain (and later, Gibraltar) was swelteringly hot. We should have expected heat - it was mid August after all.
Banyan Tree Resorts
Exclusive New Beach Club Dubai
Banyan Tree Al Wadi in
Ras Al Khaimah has launched its brand new beach club. 
The Dumb Waiter
Ieva Lakute
Have you ever felt embarrassed to order a pizza in Amsterdam?
Can and Can't in Casablanca
Nichol Wilmor
After a four-week teacher training course here I am in Casablanca ready to perform in the classroom — en principe at least.
Outside Santa Fe
Marc Gulezian
And again the dream repeated the day. When darkness came and hatches of insects emerged from and hovered over the sugar cane fields, Will found a place to sleep. He woke in the damp dark night and reached for something that wasn’t there.
Thoughts In The Ceasing Rain: Jim-jil-bangs & Mountain Temples in South Korea
Fiona Marion
Tonight I'm going to go to the jim-jil-bang, which is my favourite evening place to be during the rains. A jim-jil-bang is a Korean bath house. It is a very special experience,
Eaten Alive by Birds
Nick Mistretta
I was growing up fast in this new life of mine, but I still had so much to learn, such as navigating through my first squat toilet experience
Modern Art and New York City
Bonnie Rosenberg
New York houses some of the greatest modern art institutions in the world. Navigating this maze of museums and galleries can prove difficult. Never fear, here is the ultimate beginners’ guide to all things modern and art related in the Big Apple.
A Wild Love Affair
Rym Kechacha
I will proclaim it loudly and clearly - before I met my boyfriend, I was a virgin to the pleasures of the great outdoors. I was a person who, upon the weather being less than inclement would stay inside, cuddled up in front of a fire with a hot chocolate and a good book.
Beauty In 'The Geek'
Lucy Sanderson
Girls who wear glasses now get all the passes

San Francisco Days 
Martin Green 

One of the pleasures of retirement is having a second cup of coffee after breakfast.   I was doing this while reading the morning paper, the Sacramento Bee, a sad shadow of its former self, as, I suppose, am I. 
Another French Halloween
Amanda Callendrier

My favorite holiday has always been Halloween. No Christmas for me, with its orgy of gifts and spending, nor Thanksgiving with all that food – and food that no one really likes, no less.
China Experience
Nicky Millman
In May 2000 I embarked on a trip to Beijing, China. This was no ordinary trip! I was about to participate in a language course at the Beijing Language and Culture university.
Lost Books: ‘Other’ book groups are out there
Chris Mills
I thought that it would be interesting to scout around and see what other sorts of book clubs are out there.
If London Became the New Venice
Lyn Funnel
I’ve always known that Venice is a city with canals instead of roads. But nothing, I mean nothing, prepares you for the Real Thing.
Deep Tank to Wierd Blood
Jersey Shore Music Icon Rob Monte Says Good-Bye - James Campion
It's a steamy, late-afternoon on the Friday before the titular summer's end and Robert Montesdeoca, aka Rob Monte, The Columbian Freak Boy is about to head southeast to do what he has done for the past 20 years; sing, prance and entertain over every inch of a packed barroom.
Have you ever been exfoliated
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger
Unless you have been very lucky, the end of a holiday generally spells more fatigue than its beginning.  I have just discovered a wonderful antidote to the prospective jet lag.
Creepy Crawlies
Amanda Callendrier
We finished building our new house in the French Alps about a year and a half ago. All in all, the construction, including the permits and such, took about two years. In American time, this translates to at least a quarter of a lifetime.
BookCrossing for beginners: how not to do it if you want to be successful - Chris Mills
Recently I decided to log on to the BookCrossing site again ( and take a look to see if anyone had by any lucky chance registered a copy of a children’s book that I’d love get my mitts on.
Brighton Beach Social Networking
Dean Borok

few hundred youngish people dressed in black tie and evening gowns had descended on Brighton Beach and proceeded to jump in the ocean
Never Forget
Nicky Millman

In May I embarked on a Jewish organised tour of Poland. The name of the Jewish Organisation is called Aish UK and the trip was an intense and challenging experience.
Tharu Culture in Turmoil: Sauraha, Nepal
Scott Maier
Nepal has been civil war-free for exactly one year.  While this is progress to be sure, it hasn’t mitigated the accompanying cultural and social strife, including skirmishes, random violence, strikes, and blockades of important resources to the capital, Kathmandu, such as petrol. 
A Bridge To Enlightenment
David Russell
What inspires a story?  In this case, it may have been seeing pictures of this year’s last Cherry Blossoms in Tokyo.
Over the Moon for Orange Cows: Easing the Plight of Vietnamese Farmers
David Calleja
A familiar children’s nursery rhyme is famous for telling the tale of a cow jumping over the moon. But what about the villagers who jumped over the moon when a herd of cows arrived?
Protecting Marine Resources in Asia
Jules Kay
The Asia Pacific is an important region for marine resources and home to over half of the world’s underwater species. Coral reefs provide the ecosystems that support this diversity and also provide an important source of their livelihood for people in Asia, mainly from fishing and tourism.
What do I have to do around here to get a drink?
Dean Borok
My girlfriend, Magpie, is a very moralistic person. She is convinced that the individual can make a difference in constructing a more wholesome world. Unfortunately, having no impact on society at large, all her efforts at reform are centered upon me. This is the curse of American womanhood summed up in a nutshell.
Camping, Dinosaurs and Earplugs
James L Carey
I’ve been camping many, many times.  Probably the going rate for a child of middle-class suburban Midwestern parents to whom the smell of burning wood is quite the novelty. 
It's Nearly All Over
Dean Borok on the World Cup

I’ll feel relieved when the current tournament ends. My sensibilities have been bleached white and tattered by the ongoing theater of human emotions
My Conversation with the LSAT
Katharine Mackel

Section 1:Logical Reasoning
Time-35 minutes - 25 Questions
Letter from Krakow
John M Edwards
I thought the pale sky above Wawel Castle looked a little sick. The factories pumping out smoke beside this legendary Polish city, had turned the clouds the color of colostomy bags.
The Last Green Bottle
Oluwatobi Odetola
Aaarrggghhh! I moaned as I leaned forwards on the wooden chair to ease my sore back.
Safety in the Skies
Nicky Millman
In June 2007, I embarked upon a summer school entitled, “Aviation Psychology summer school” which was based at the University of Graz in Austria.
A Television Anniversary
James Morford

The other night on television I saw results of Arabs killing Israelis and Israelis killing Arabs. A quick calculation and I was surprised to learn I’d been watching this for over half a century now.
Da Grin: Made Popular by Death
Odimegwu Onwumere
The first time to hear that a young man called Olaitan Olaonipekun, popularly known as Da Grin was living was when he died, but not the last to hear the name.
The Real Battle of the World Cup
Dean Borok

Everybody knows that Ohio State and Michigan don't like each other very much, but what if an American football game caused a shooting war that resulted in hundreds of thousands of displaced refugees and thousands of people being hacked to death by axes and swords or lined up and machine-gunned by firing squads?
Rainy Day Memories
Michael Chacko Daniels 
The wind shakes the aluminum frame of Rainbow Orchard’s stand within range of Simon Bolivar’s sword at San Francisco’s Heart of the City Farmers’ Market.
I Ride My Bicycle
Don Bagley
I just finished my bicycle ride, and I’m a little winded. I would say I’m out of shape, but the fact is I do have a shape. It resembles an elephant sea lion with two pasty white legs sprouting from its lower end.
Beach Weddings in Thailand
Jules Kay
The image of a marriage with white sand between your toes and calm blue seas as a backdrop is enough to tempt many couples to take the plunge
Surname: Why Not Mother's Name?
Odimegwu Onwumere
Life for the African wife is hard with little reward
Redefining Thai Flavour
Mark Currie
Thai food is now on the menus of cafes and restaurants in most countries around the world and rated alongside Italian and Indian as one of the world's finest feasts.
Future: Certain
Andrew Peake

This is what I do most afternoons: visit one of my two favourite cafés. I do it, not for the coffee but for the entertainment, a distraction from the business of living
Andrew Peake

Keep it out of consciousness, if you can, the grey noise. Along with the jagged mutterings of strangers tugging at your sleeve
Is Gold Your Friend or Foe
Michael Levy
In the past 10 years there have been a number of bubbles that went pop.
Suffering in Silence
Abigail George on Depression
The illness was there for a long time. Now when I look back the truth about it is undeniable.
A Beautiful Baby called Anne Marie
Living with HIV in Cambodia
David Calleja
on partners in compassion
My Generation
Naomi Spicer
We stay young for as long as possible, taking gap years; anything to prolong entering ‘adulthood’ and getting a career
Landmines and Redemption in Cambodia
Antonio Graceffo
Aki Ra risks his life and freedom in the face of political pressure in order to help landmine victims. He dreams of a day when there will be no more mines in Cambodia
Amanda Callendrier
In France, bread is a serious thing
Wilton’s Music Hall
Susan Radcliffe

If you think London theatre is all about the neon lights and the velvet curtains of the West End, think again.  If you really want to experience something special, find your way to Wilton’s Music Hall in East London
hopping Hell
Don Bagley

I’m standing in a long line on the verge of a panic attack, and the guy at the front of the line is trying to pay for his groceries with a Blockbuster membership card
Independence Day in Huanchaco, Peru
Carlie Sorosiak

Smash a mirror into a million insignificant pieces, and then quickly glue the fragments back together. The mirror looks different than before: less iridescent, cracked, but still polished glass.  Such is my life after two months in Huanchaco, Peru, breaking and rebuilding my body, sex and mind, like a sculptor crushing and remolding her clay
Life in Fashion Hell
Dean Borok on Fashion Show Mayhem

If the world had evolved differently, I would have been at the top of my industry, with a beautiful Manhattan condo and a luxury automobile. Instead, I am stuck in a circle of hell.
Part Two- The Calderon Years
Bags and Belts - the leather apprentice
Fashion Asylum Part I
Dean Borok
I started working at Harmal Industries in Long Island City on April Fools Day, 1985.
Fashion Asylum Pts 3/4
Dean Borok
Garment District Memoirs
Original Health and Healing
Jules Kay

With spa culture gripping the globe, there are now so many health and wellness centres offering modern massage and indulgent body treatments that it is sometimes easy to forget the original healing powers of more traditional techniques
Peace Prints
Jeannine M Pitas
She did not even think about what she’d be missing out on by taking up this life. She was destined to live simply, to help those in need, to teach the message of peace by example
Education to End Poverty
‘Results – The power to end poverty’ is the UK based charity awareness group intent on changing western ignorance towards international poverty
Emasculation in the City
Dean Borok
Magpie belongs to the Sisterhood of the Cell Phone, a gang of vigilant females whose rallying cry is, “I’m gonna get the cops!
The Moa Stalker Part One
John M Edwards

Bumbling into a Big Bird better than Popeye’s in a primary rainforest on a remote New Zealand isle, John M. Edwards raves, 'Don’t mess with dinner!'
The Moa Stalker Part Two here
John M Edwards
Eat Your Vegetables
Amanda Callendrier on dining in Rome
I was sick of the guide book.  I never wanted to see the guide book again.  Screw the guide book.
Summer with James Joyce
Frances Burke-Gaffney

Come to Dublin and study this summer
Smart Travel Technology
Jules Kay
Travellers have long used the web as a guide when choosing a holiday destination, but recent additions to the technological landscape have made the world even smaller and more accessible
Developing an Island Infrastructure
Jules Kay
Infrastructure issues on popular tourist islands present an increasingly difficult challenge for those in charge of holiday destinations
The Cemetery Pales
James D Evans
discovers Brookwood
500 acres of oaks and ghosts in deepest Surrey
Birthday at the Shangri-la, Harbin China
Darren Skelton
Down at the ice-bar
One City - One Book - Dublin 2010
Chris Mills

When is a book group not a book group? When it’s a month in Dublin city
When is a book group not a book group? When it’s a month in Dublin city
Front of House
Jeffrey A Kaufman
Waitress tips from the Chef
Waiting for my shot at the big time
Abigail George
It is much more seductive to live without than to be so much hungry for more
War and Peace in Taiwan
Maria Ausherman
Exchanging notes at the Taipei American School
The Writer's Life - Our New Weekly Cartoon
Wayne E Pollard

Drink Now - Pay Later
Faye Joice
Alcohol dependancy in slowly destroying campus life
Jerome David Salinger 1919-2010
James Campion
The life of a reclusive American icon
A Brief History of Haiti
Norman Rubin

A troubled country needs our help
Funny Men
Dean Borok
Comedy is no laughing matter
Empty Compliments and the Language Learner
Antonio Graceffo
Why you may never speak like a native
I am a Camera
James Morford
Taking photographs of each other has suddenly become a mania
Kids on a Plane
Amanda Callendrier
There is a little circle of hell that only those of us who travel with children know exist.
A Sauna in Taipei
Andrew Reece
Social Customs in Taiwan steam rooms
Walking Away
Daniel Taverne
walking reduces my problems to nothing more than whimpers
The Criterion Restaurant
Dine with Tracey Doxey but make sure you have a reservation
Harry & Tea: A Japanese Memory
David Russell
we were instructed to relish the lips receiving the liquid with a pure, clear mind
Her Majesty's Taxi Driver
James Skinner in Vigo

Who really looks after stranded Brits abroad
The Other Me
Tyrel Nelson
Only fitting that the boy named after a book character has grown up to be a writer.
Marianne de Nazareth
I am here in freezing Copenhagen covering the UN Climate Change COP15. It is chaotic and literally a circus
On Wind and Climates
Marianne de Nazareth at Samso

As we come in for the COP15 in Copenhagen, every morning from Malmo, Sweden, the sight of lines wind turbines in an off shore wind farm visible through the panes of the train window, never fail to stun me
Had Enough of Celebrity Culture?
Dean Borok
Life has always been messy, but now, with the 24-hour media cycle, we are having it relentless pushed in our faces on a continuous basis.
Country Life in France
Amanda Callendrier
I had lived in my small village in the middle of the French countryside for almost a year.  The honeymoon was over, and I was fed up with small-town life.
Fighting in Hanoi Park
Antonio Graceffo
Training to fight in Vietnam
I Like My English Grilled: A Video Biography of Students in Rural Cambodia
David Calleja -
A simple rule in Cambodia is that if lessons are not fun, students will get bored
Trouble and Strife
James Skinner

Women's Right to Justice World-wide
Wrestling with the Vietnamese Language
By Antonio Graceffo
Vietnamese is by far the hardest language I have ever tried to learn
Fear and Loathing at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival Adam Graupe
We were about 25 minutes north of the Twin Cities when my doctor and I pulled the rented Dodge Charger into the drive thru of the Forest Lake Starbucks.  I ordered “two Venti non-fat lattes with a dozen chasers.

Cheese making in Coonoor
Marianne De Nazareth
Looking out of the large French windows in Acres Wild, I woke up to an unusual phenomenon for a city dweller - big fluffy clouds had enveloped the house in a complete embrace
Helmholtz Orchestra on Tour in Jordan and Syria
Ibtihal Ahmad

A meeting place between western classical and Arabic traditional melodies in Damascus
Finding Myself
Andrew Lofthouse
I needed a change. The daily grind of monotony was eroding away my desire to get up in the morning, never mind in time for work.
What is Cool?
Aaron Falloon
Can we pin point what it is to be cool? What is it that makes something in and another, which may be quite similar, out?

The real Sword in the Stone is in Tuscany
Zara Nelson
A mysterious sword in a stone - but it is not in Camelot, and not even in Britain
University Tuition Fees
Lauren Macpherson

How will students benefit from rising fees?

Training Rivers StateTeachers
Odimegwu Onwumere
Basic Education is very important in any child’s life. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), being in the forefront in seeing that the Universal Basic Education programme was enforced, is highly commendable.

A Two Year Old's First Words
Gordon Ray Bourgon

Children eighteen to twenty four months old are supposed to have a vocabulary of around two hundred words. Two hundred. That’s a lot of words.

Here Comes Goodbye
Jaime Muckinhaupt
It was the afternoon, and my 15-year-old yellow lab was lying at my side, her head resting on my thigh with my hand stroking her head gently.

Wendell R. Mangibin
Truth be told, Sam, my time away wasn’t as Kerouac as you thought. I never made it to San Diego. It was somewhere two hundred miles northwest of New York City where the old Subaru broke down, in a place called Endicott.

How to Brave the Budapest Baths
John M Edwards
So as the Danubians do: Say goodbye to 'Bliss' and splash around au naturale in the 'Eau de vie' of a real thermal Spa

The Quality Of A Good Politician In
A Democratic Society

Adewale T. Akande
A good and responsible politician will give high regard for morality, law abiding with no tendencies to corrupt even a single cent or kobo. The greatest strength of good politicians is deriving joy in serving people and not to steal tax payers money.
A shaking Arab Spring
Marwan Asmar

It started in Tunisia with the removal of Zein Al Abedin Ben Ali, swept Mubarak off his feet, clung at Gaddafi's throat and forced Yemen's ruler to step down. Now the world is watching the fate of Syria's Bashar Al Assad. What has happened to the Arab world?
All Hail the Super Committee

James Campion

The Super Committee is in control.
By now you know their names; if not, look them up -- six Republicans and six Democrats -- half of which represent the House and the other half, the Senate
Penn State - Institution Defeats humanity Again
James Campion
Big Time College Sport is a cesspool, and Big Time College Football is its bilge pump.

Final Countdown to General Elections in Spain
James Skinner
Events are taking place so fast that it is difficult to keep up with the news, especially in Europe where all hell seems to be let loose.

American Youth Movement - Fad or Voice?
Occupy Wall St., Maintain a Presence
James Campion
All you people in the streets from NYC to Chicago to Seattle and all points in between; when the signs come down and the chants die out and FOXNEWS and MSNBC are not frightened or titillated by you anymore, there is something you need to hear: Anger and protest only gets you so far, and in most cases it gets you nowhere.
Dean Borok

For a writer who has long lamented in this space the tendency of the younger generation to forsake three-dimensional life in favor of dopey little consumer toys and games, it’s a bit of a dereliction not to have visited the Occupy Wall Street demonstration in Zuccotti Park “to get my fair share of the views”, as the Rolling Stones once put it.
Pissed Populist Resistance Shifts Left
James Campion

The Occupy Wall St. movement, which began noisily enough in late September, has now reached into the thousands over three weeks and has spread to cities across the fruited plain.
Nationalism, Bullfighting & Economic Woes
James Skinner

I’ve said all along that Spain could turn into another Balkans but without the armed conflict.
Sucker Punch
Dean Borok

I am not that loveable of a person. Hell, you think I don’t know about it, with suckers reminding me about it on a daily basis?
Class Warfare, Job Creators & Other Myths
James Campion

This week's "blank" is "filled" by the customary ideological arguments every time a capitalist society tanks it. Tanking is what has been happening for some time now, in case you haven't noticed; and by capitalist society we mean most of the free world, since we're all attached at the proverbial hip these days. It is what most brain damaged economists call conjoined fiscal tragedy.
The Joe Cool Double Reverse Hail Mary - James Campion
Let it be known that on 9/8/11 at 7:10 pm in a joint session of congress on Capitol Hill, the 2012 presidential election campaign of Barack Hussein Obama began in earnest.
Turkey's smart gamble
Saleem Ayoub Quna

Are the modern Ottomans coming back to their ancestor' previous backyards in North Africa and the Fertile Crescent they were forced to evacuate a century ago?

Titans Out

James Campion

The story this week should be the overthrow of one of the world's most celebrated tyrants. It's not. That kind of thing -- Axis of Evil, Matters of National Security or Taking the Fight to the Enemy -- is so 2003. We're out of the oughts and into the money game now. Moahmmar Gadhafi and his kind no longer rate.

No, Thanks
James Campion on 9/11

I don't want to heal. I like to rub the scar and all the scars that followed that terrible morning...
We Suck (Apparently)
James Campion

The stock market is crashing! My house is worthless! The Middle East is a tinderbox! Too much government! Too little government! Get me a job! Protect my kids! Save the poor! To hell with the poor! Whose fault is this? The Democrats? The Republicans? The Arabs? The Debt? Taxes? Regulations? Corporations

ETA, the Pope and Spain

James Skinner

August has been a rather hectic month with all kinds of horrors occurring in the world. Libya and Syria have contributed with the never-ending saga of citizens’ revolts that nobody really knows how it’s all going to end
S & P vs. U.S. of A.
Re-Birth of Consumerism, Rise of the Machines & The Great Corporate Revolution
James Campion

The ratings shift is nothing but a smokescreen, an excuse to instigate a growing crisis of government and its lean on the industrial landscape of the nation and the world.

Averting The Crisis That Wasn't
James Campion + Readers Letters

Ho-ho, fans of democracy; we have ourselves a deal. No crisis, as if there ever was one, and no belly up for the debt-addled United States of America. Armageddon avoided.  Spin doctoring for all.
Superstitions, Myths, Folklore and Gold
Mike Levy

From the beginning of time gold has been embroiled in myths, superstition, folklore and fairy tales about gods, goddesses, wizards and heroes. The myths are endless -
Which Bubble Will Pop First, Gold or Treasuries?
Michael Levy
Ever since tulip bulb mania in Holland, speculators have always managed to find commodities or financial paper on which to wager their hard earned money. Two of the biggest overvalued trades today are gold and US Treasuries.
Rupert Murdoch - A Tribute
James Campion

Keith Rupert Murdoch, champion of the fourth estate, whose international media empire and its unhinged influence on law, politics, power and celebrity is this generation's William Randolph Hearst -- a true media giant; no shame, no principle, no soul.
Zapatero's Game Plan - Spain will vote
James Skinner
The decision has finally been taken. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the President of Spain has announced on Friday the 29th of July, just before everyone’s off on holiday that early general elections will take place on the 20th of November instead of March next year, the official due date.
Late Arab Spring, any cause for celebration?
Saleem Ayoub Quna
Before the first unarmed popular uprising in January 2010 in Tunisia hit the news and took everyone by surprise, the Arab world seemingly was going through the last hours of one of its longest political hibernation periods in modern history.

Bring It On
James Campion
Republican Principle or Economic Catastrophe?

Let's get this straight; the debt ceiling will be increased by August 2, 2011. The United States of America will not go into default. It will not lose its platinum credit rating. There will be no implosion of our federal government's ability to wage war, tax or provide a bevy of entitlements.
One Vote Away

James Campion
It is one vote away in its state senate to ratify a basic civil right; the right for a particular group of adult taxpaying citizens to marry.
Open For Fun
James Skinner on Spain

Spain kicks off the summer with a big unwritten sign at all corners of the land that says: ‘Welcome to the land of make believe where the sun always shines, ... and the government is shut down for the time being!’
Debt Ceiling Stare Down
James Campion

By August 2 we will learn the final and binding results of the 2010 mid-term elections. This is when the nation's debt ceiling needs to be raised, as it's been some 70 times over the past half century

Anatomy 101

Dean Borok
We may be witnessing another defining moment in North Atlantic relations similar to Charles de Gaulles’ historical antagonism toward the U.S. for its humiliating treatment of him during World War II produced a trough in French-American relations that endured for 60 years.
The Courtship of Chris Christie
James Campion
Desperate Republicans Beg New Jersey Governor to Beat Obama
Christie has been governor for a little over a year and has done so in the very opposite manner of quietly.
The Continuing Saga of Congressional Dipshits
James Campion
I'm not sure a middle-aged man whose penchant for taking lewd photos of his body and sharing them with college students, and thus, through the magic of Twitter, the entire planet
Who will control Somali Pirates?
Marianne de Nazareth

Every once in a while for a week there will be stories on CNN, IBN, the BBC, or in our regular mainstream print media about a ship being attacked off the coast of Somalia and taken hostage.
Vox Schizophrenia
James Campion
Okay, I think I get it.
Fourteen months ago a majority of Americans, anywhere from 52 to 58 percent depending on the politically bias nature of the polling, were against government-run health care
Time's Up in Spain
James Skinner
There is mayhem within the Socialist Party (PSOE) whilst the opposition sits back and contemplates its navel.
Brutish Beasts
Dean Borok
Morality and Chemical Defense in the USA
French Kiss
Dean Borok
It’s a dream come true for me to have French presidential politics determined in a New York City hotel room on the basis of a blowjob. Lately I haven’t been able to afford a visit to France, so France has come to me!
Osama & Out

James Campion

He was a man who forever changed the culture, economies and domestic and foreign policies of the entire Western world
Save The Cheers
James Morford
As time goes on there seems to be more and more questions raised about the death of Osama Bin Laden

No Sympathy For The Devil
Dean Borok
The people complaining about disrespectful treatment of Osama bin Laden’s corpse are in outer space. Hell, bin Laden never respected anybody else’s person

Crucial Month For Spain
James Skinner
The main opposition party, the conservative PP continues to rant and rave about the whole bloody mess the country is in, starting with the corruption scandals in Andalucía, a socialist fiefdom, that have squandered millions of Euros

Shan Refugees in Malaysia
(Part 1)
Antonio Graceffo
For seven days, they were locked in a container, traveling in the back of a truck, With no idea where they were going, they may just as well have been sold into slavery

Shan Refugees in Malaysia
(Pt 2)

Antonio Graceffo

For many of the Shan, suffering inside of Burma, escaping to Malaysia would be an unobtainable dream

Okay - Donald Trump
James Campion

I have tried to ignore Donald Trump. But he will not go away. He is everywhere, interviewed by everyone, and invited to speak anywhere more than two people are gathered. Some part of this is showbiz, but most of it is politics.
Opening Act
Staged Drama in the Final Minutes to Avoid Government Shutdown - James Campion

Boehner's gamble to include ridiculously frivolous ideological riders struck gold.
Rivers Guber 2011
Amaechi, Sekibo or Omehia.
Who is the best candidate for the Rivers State People?
Eze Chukwuemeka Eze

Countdown to Compromise
How Congress Stretches Credibility & Avoids 2011 Government Shutdown
James Campion
Tea Party runs the risk of a third federal government shutdown of the past sixteen years.
What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Dean Borok

When I was a kid I refused to accord credibility to any party who did not adhere to classical European leftwing values. Now that I am older, I am starting to discover the charm of utter nonsense. That’s the only way you can appreciate American politics, through Alice’s looking glass.
Panic in Spain
James Skinner

Panic. This is how I see the present situation in Spain resulting from the latest ‘off the cuff’ decisions taken by the Zapatero government to ease the continuing economic pain that this country is suffering.
The Ides of Libya
James Campion
How To Take An Arab Sucker Punch
This thing in Libya, the "humanitarian effort" -- or whatever the strategic bombing of a sovereign nation embroiled in civil war is now called -- is wrong.
The Cake has been Taken Pack Your Sanity In Your Old Kit Bag And Puke, Puke, Puke
James Campion
If you had a dime for every time a government official has used national security to railroad some segment of society, you'd never have to work again. The pitiable history of humanity is ripe with this kind of stench.

James Campion

Jobs is the word of the year. It was the word last year. Everything from the price of wheat and oil and fabric and milk shifts on it.
Live in a Worker’s Paradise
The Myth of Communism
Antonio Graceffo

There were 171 people killed attempting to escape over the Berlin Wall. None were killed trying to go the other way.
A Libyan tragic-comedy
Marwan Asma
As we watch the Libyan drama unfold, it has become a Kamikaze theatrical as blood is spilled
While You're Away
Tips For A Pending Federal Government Shutdown
James Campion

The Perils of Gadaffi Duck
Dean Borok
Gadaffi is living exactly the same as I would if I were loaded
The Return of Andalus
James Skinner

Mudslinging, insults and hundreds of lawsuits against corrupt politicians is going on throughout Spain
Enemy of the People
Marwan Asmar
Now we have bloodshed and violence against Libyan civilians by their own leader, Mommar Al Qaddafi, who is going after his people in a desperate bid to stay in power
Let The Games Begin!
Dean Borok

Massachusetts Republican senator Scott Brown, who won temporary rights to Edward Kennedy’s old seat last year in a close by-election, is up for re-election next year for a full six year term
The Revolution Train
Marwan Asmar

Protests in the streets are creating a cyclone of turbulence from Morocco, Algeria, to Libya, Jordan, Yemen and Bahrain.
Mubarak Steps Down
Marwan Asmar  
As Egyptian President Husni Mubarak stepped down and handed power to the High Military Council to rule the country, people in the streets shouted in jubilation.
The Tea Party Man
Rand Paul's Maverick Battle For The New Right
James Campion
Rand Paul is a dangerous man. The thing is it's difficult to tell whether the Freshman Senator from Kentucky is more dangerous to the Left or the Right.
Unkiss The Austerity
Jerry Cunningham

Wall Street and London have us rubbing our national eyes over the new word that the banksters have oozed out of insatiable, intestinal worm machine: “austerity”
Cairo: Egyptian Experiment in Anarchy
Human Rights, Crude Oil & The Jeffersonian Con
James Campion
State-strangling corruption leads to economic strife, which then leads to a failure to feed the kids and keep the heat on. This is what we have unfolding on our television set
Middle East Dominoes 4.2.11
Marwan Asmar

Changes in the political map of the Middle East are imminent and 2011 could well be remembered as the year of political hurricanes. 
The Joe Cool Comeback Rally
James Campion
Inside Barack Obama's State of the Union Call to Charm
Game over Mubarak

Marwan Asmar

It’s a social phantasmal, spectral war, not between the people vis-à-vis the police or army, but between the street on the one hand  and the one-party regime
Walk like an Egyptian
Saleem Ayoub Quna

Eight days now and counting after hundreds of thousands of Egyptians took to the streets in their own cities and townships to express their dissatisfaction with their leadership, under President Husni Mubarak.
Tunisia's startling revolution
Marwan Asmar
It took a flicker to start a revolution that toppled a ruler after 23 years in power. Many are calling it the "Jasmine Revolution" after the nation's national flower
Reforms at Last in Spain
James Skinner
‘If I could only keep my head whilst all about me are losing theirs and blaming it on me’. So goes Kipling’s famous poem ‘If’?  Well I’m distorting the opening phrase to focus on my essay on Spanish woes as the rest of the world seems to be going to pot.
The Echoes of Tucson in The United States of Fantasyland
James Campion
The Great American Experiment plods along, wounded again as it has and always will be by those whose sense of freedom goes beyond rational boundaries into the well-worn satchel of destruction
Congress Circa 112

James Campion
The 30th president of the United States was a horrible jackass with an incurable rash of brain warts and a queer brand of constructionist that ran a counterbalance to all known modes of reasoning.
Let them eat snow
Dean Borok digs his way out of Manhattan.
I have a low tolerance for appreciating cringe-inducing behavior, particularly after having indulged in it myself during so many periods of my life.
Oyo State is not a battleground
Adewale T Akande

The recent gruesome murder of the Chairman of the State National Union of Road Transport Workers, Alhaji Lateef Salako (aka Elewe-omo) spells danger as the general election draws near
Citizen Health Care

James Campion
The new year will begin for the federal government in the courts, where the Health Care Law, derisively dubbed Obamacare, will be deconstructed and hammered about, as it should be.
Spanish Bridges & Economic Choices
James Skinner
Spain’s banking system, the pride and joy of President Rodriguez Zapatero, is in a shambles on equal footing to the other members of the European ‘Finance’ Club
The Politics of the Tax Cut
James Campion
The current posturing in Washington D.C. over the expiration of the "Bush Tax Cuts" is predictably reminiscent of what occurs when...well, you fill in the blank. This latest lame duck congress has one option, extend the cuts, all the cuts, period. The time for discussing options has passed.
Spain Needs Statesmenship
James Skinner

Amidst campaign propaganda using pornographic videos, Pac Man computer games gobbling up illegal immigrants and one showing a man running through the streets dressed as mainland Spain stealing the wallets of innocent bystanders Catalonian citizens finally went to the polls.
Romance in the Euro Zone
John M. Edwards
Can't buy me love on the Reeperbahn
There has been a lingering suspicion in the world economic community that evil bankers attend multilateral gatherings more for the after-hours thrills than for the joy of listening to the setpiece speeches.
The Remaking of 'The Wizard of Oz'
James Campion

It is official. This is the worst period in the history of Hollywood.
There, I said it.
Spanish Economics Take Two
James Skinner

Spain is a problem child that requires constant supervision by the European Union hierarchy
Elephant Avalanche
Republicans Demolish Democratic Brand and Usher in the Year of Vengeance - James Campion
An historic political beating takes place on Capitol Hill, a mere two years after the exact opposite transpired on Pennsylvania Avenue
Consumer vs. Cablevision Vs. News Corp
One Man's Journey Into the Conglomerate Abyss
James Campion
For those not at the mercy of Cablevision's stranglehold on cable television provisions up here in the northeast, it is important to begin this week with what corporate shenanigans have been transpiring over the past fourteen days.

Brooklyn Nets and Nutz
Dean Borok
Make way for the next Sports Capital of the World, ladies and gentlemen, and I ain’t talkin’ about Rio de Janeiro or even freakin London, England. I’m talking about Brooklyn!
Political Reality in Europe
James Skinner

As France Riots, Spain remains in political turmoil - they'll be storm clouds ahead
March of the Crazies
James Campion

TEA Party Candidates Fight for the Soul of the Republican Party
The Grand Old Party's pre-hatched chickens have already been accounted for. Many predict a nearly 60-seat Republican push in the House and a fair challenge to the Senate.
US Election Politics
Dean Borok

s Election Day nears, the electorate is concluding that it can’t close the deal to bring the Republicans back to power in Congress, like a groom who gets cold feet right before the marriage ceremony. Marry in haste and repent at leisure.
Democrats Circle the Wagons
James Campion

Last Ditch Effort To Fire-Up, Insult & Beg Progressives to Stem GOP Tide
'Circle the wagons with hefty Custer-like denials...'
Thailand Tourism Trends
Jules Kay
Despite global economic concerns and political woes on the domestic front, it seems Thailand continues to attract tourists from around the globe.
Reject IBB for President
Adewale T Akande

The recent declaration of the former military leader, General Babangida of his intention to contest the 2011 Presidency should not be seen as a surprise to all Nigerians
The Money Season
James Campion

"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin to slit throats." - H. L. Mencken
Grand Old Party
James Campion

Trends, Polls & History Spell Mid-Term Democrat Doom - Republican gains could approach 60
The Vacation Nation
James Skinner

Influx of tourists saves the Spanish economy for now- but the real pain is coming very soon
Speech Redux
James Campion

Let's say I am in no mood for another thousand-word lecture on Freedom of Speech, a subject, whilst as near and dear to my soul as any, has never truly been grasped by an alarming majority of the citizens of these United States.
Victory for Liberty & Justice for all
James Campion

God bless America. It is the greatest nation on the planet, for its governed by the rule of law and not that of majority moral conviction, religious fervor or the whims of the elite or the blather of ignorance and fear.
Jonathan’s Pledge for N20 Billion Red Cross Appeal Fund
Odimegwu Onwumere
The extrajudicial killings in Nigeria is spreading gradually without any strong measure in place to abate the ugly trend.
Forget International Justice: Africa should rebuild her own
Ronald Elly Wanda  
The beginning of June saw Uganda’s capital Kampala, the heartbeat of Africa, play host to the first ever Review Conference of the Rome Statute, which in 2002 gave birth to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Lebron James Plays Basketball
James Campion
By all accounts among many of the sporting, national and celebrity press, LeBron James is the most famous man on planet earth
Vacation Time in Spain
James Skinner
This is the latest of my series on this country’s situation in the world’s present day fight against the international financial crisis.
Joker in Camp
James Campion

U.S. Military's Revolving Generals & Endless Campaigns of Chaos. reeks of a symptom of a disease beyond this president and his war or his commanders and their last vestiges of a "strategy"
Exit Stage Left
James Campion
Obama at a Crossroads with Progressives
The Proper Fix to Mend the Economy - Higher Interest Rates...Lower House Prices
Michael Levy
The big problem at this moment in time is the savers
Empires of Football
Dean Borok

That the Brazilians long ago made the connection between dancing and sport, there can be no doubt.
An Open Letter to BP
James Campion

If you can't plug the thing, at least cop to it... I can take greedy, apathetic monsters for my Oil Men, just not ineffectual boobs
A Case for the Logical libertarian or Keep Rand Paul off My Philosophies
James Campion

From goofy comparisons of deadly weapons and hate speech to skin hue or religious persuasion, Paul's philosophical libertarianism is replete with hypocrisy
N.J. Faux Revolution 2010
James Campion

Checking in on Governor Chris Christie's Reduce-Government Experiment
Will Spain Survive?
James Skinner
The financial meltdown threatens Spain's social structures

Arizona Calling
James Campion
Arizona now has a Wild West showdown of murderous proportions, whose death toll rivals the slaughterhouses in Iraq and Afghanistan
Changing Higher Ed
M D'Agneau
Why not getting into College may be the best solution for you
James Campion
Humanity Against Financial Reform
Nothing in the realm of human nature is as strongly defined, nurtured, and set alight than greed.

Sex Appeal
Naomi Spicer

To a lot of people in today’s society one's image is often more important than your actual financial status or, even, your true personality
How Safe are those ionized mangoes?
Andres Botero
Food irradiation represents a hazard to health because it produces radiolitic molecules, chromosome disruption, and loss of foods’ nutritional values.
The Wonder Woman Factor
Nicole Cirone
There is something about the Wonder Woman Factor that lingers, something so intrinsically scarring that to this day my sister has not completely reconciled the issue
Tax Day Speech 2010
NJ TEA Party Coalition Rally
James Campion

The following is a transcript of a speech given by the author at the First Anniversary of the NJTPC on 4/15/2010 at 4:30 pm on the Hackensack Green, Hackensack, NJ.
The Comeback
James Morford

Tiger, have you learned anything?
Health Care USA
James Campion on the big vote
Agree, disagree, whoop it up or gnash your teeth, this is a big one. As far as presidents and history go, a really big one; politically, socially, and perhaps even indefinably
The Curious Case of 'The Al Qaeda 7'
Defining the Enemy in the Age of Hypocrisy
James Campion

Here we go again; more political agenda masquerading as public outrage with cheaply framed ham-fisted watchdog techniques.
Health Care Summit?
Death Rattle With Suits
James Campion

The forty-fourth president of the United States appears to be as possessed by a doomed agenda as the last one
Save the P.I.G.S.
James Skinner on the Eurozone finance crisis
Never mind Greece, what of Spain and the deficit?
Generation F: Decoding the 21st Century
Rosanne Stewart

‘Cause people read status updates, not books’ ... this is a slogan for our generation
Caution: Tuna Melts
Chef Jeffrey Allen Kaufman

Before you open that can of Tuna, or bake off a Salmon Fillet, take a little moment here and think about what exactly you are putting into your body.

The Independents Sweepstakes
Jamess Campion
Tea Party to Green Party to Reform Party
The Robin Hood Tax
Gemma Roxanne Williams

Turning a crisis into a worldwide benefit
Musin: To Live or Not, To Leave
Lakunle Jaiyesimi

The absence of law in Nigeria
On Retardation in US Politics
Dean Borok
I am suffering in mute, nostril agony as I examine correspondence that recounts a scenario of insurance companies denying claims
We The People
James Campion

Did I miss something? Are the Russians running our banking system?
Coffee for Everyone
James Skinner
A town called Vic and Immigration Law in Spain
Chile's Leap of Faith with the New Right
David Calleja

Piñera’s immediate focus will be the economy. He has pledged strong growth through the creation of one million jobs

Mr Brown Goes to Washington
James Campion
How The Bluest State Threw Up The Red Stop Light On Health Care
Last Man Standing
Dean Borok
Major Sea Change in US Politics
Olive Picking in Palestine
Gemma Roxanne Williams
He said that the only way for them to fight back was to continue to exist
Barack Obama's America: Year One
James Campion
The moment Barack Obama raised his hand to swear his oath as leader of the free world, there was change
2010: Year of the Faux Revolution
James Campion

This year we will separate the wheat from the chaff and see who is on board for a steaming bowl of unflinching reappraisals
Conquistadors Invade Europe
James Skinner
on Zapatero's Presidency of Europe 2010
Somalia, Land of Angry Men and False Ideals
Norman A Rubin

Things to know about Africa's poorest country
The Ghost of Free Market Past
James Campion
How Ayn Rand's Individualist Orthodoxy Spirits The New Right
Health Care Finale
James Campion

The Clock is ticking for Democrats. Can they get something done?
Saving Nigeria
Adewale T. Akande
What must be done to save Nigeria from itself?
Minaret phobia
Saleem Ayoub Quna
The Sound of Music and Moslem Prayer

Why We Care About Tiger Woods
James Campion

Can a tarnish hero recover his saintly status?
Algeria v Eygpt: Soccer Madness
Saleem Ayoub Quna

Tensions rise in World Cup qualifying

Collectivism on Parade
James Campion

Forget National Health Care and bailouts or Cap & TRade laws sending us into a tyrannical existence. We're already there suckers
Fort Hood Sociological Backlash
James Campion
Here we go again: Crazy person runs amok, kills randomly, & society scrambles to explain it.
Foul Nectar of the Beatdown
New Republicanism & The New York Yankees Carry The Day - James Campion
November can be a cruel month for some. Turkeys would not describe it as a "fine time".
A Healthcare Pledge for Conservatives
Larry S. Rolirad
As a Conservative who DOES NOT have Health Insurance: I do hereby pledge to refuse all health care paid for by the government...
Burma VJ
David Calleja
There are very few movies or documentaries that show just how severe life is for civilians in Burma. It is only fitting that a group of committed local Burmese reporters from the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) fill this void
Roman Captured
Dean Borok
Exposing Roman Polanski to the wrath of the U.S. criminal justice system would be the equivalent of a death sentence for the 75 year-old film director.
Rob Astorino: in the land of Scum
James Campion
Not one hour ago I received a link to a story that turned my stomach, something that rarely happens to cynical old hacks who've not only seen but done it all twice.
Solution for National Health Care
James Campion + Readers Responses
There is little chance anything resembling a pittance of national health care reform will be constructed much less passed through the legislative branch of our government any time soon
A lack of urgency in Bangkok?
Marianne de Nazareth
How much more death and devastation does the world need to sit up and realise that the catastrophic effects of Climate Change are already upon us?
Dean Borok
I don’t much like David Letterman’s comedy act, but I certainly don’t have anything against the guy personally.
Afghanistan: The Original Quagmire -James Campion
The United States must leave Afghanistan now. Not in eleven months or after careful discussion and continued study to determine an undisclosed time, but now. Soon after, it must leave Iraq
The Race Illusion
James Campion
Jimmy Carter, America's political equivalent of Liz Taylor, who emerges every so often to stammer out the most insane gibberish known to freethinking man...
Hopeville in Autumn
James Campion

This past Wednesday, Barack Obama proved his political pedigree, unleashing his thus far unforeseen feral side in an historic address to congress upon its autumnal reconvening.
Burma Terror
"We do not understand why the military is doing this to us" - David Calleja
An exiled monk living in fear poses the one question that nobody can truthfully answer.
Edward Moore Kennedy 1932-2009
James Campion + Readers Letters
It is a good thing Ted Kennedy is Irish Catholic. He is going to heaven. That's how it works. No matter what kind of sham your life is
Deep blue in trouble
Historically, the oceans were an endless supply of resources. For long, it was assumed that this resource could be exploited and used as a dumping ground. But, no more.
Make Drugs legal?
James Skinner on the reality of drug crime
The worldwide campaign against drugs is just not working and hasn't been for decades. Millions in the Western world continue to indulge ‘secretly’,whynot make it legal and tax it?
Clunker Bonanza ends
Dean Borok
The government’s "Cash for Clunkers" program expired yesterday like a Looney Tunes auto breathing its last gasp, even as frantic buyers were still banging down the door.
Is Health Care a Right?
James Morford
Near the axis of the current tumult and shouting over universal health care, lies a philosophical question: is health care a right that should be guaranteed by the State, yes or no?
Last Temptation of Obama
James Campion
Joe Cool Must Rally To Save Progressive Movement - Barack Obama is, as stated more than once in this space for over a year, the yin to Reagan's yang
Un-American is Un-American
James Campion
the Speaker of The House and its Majority Leader decided it would be a good idea to deftly illustrate how arguments can be utterly bereft of reason while simultaneously driving home the point of their opponents.
Crisis? What Crisis?
Joe Swain
As the world continues to reel from the after-effects of macro economics' version of Hurricane Ha-Ha, Joe Swain sifts through the wreckage for survivors, lessons, and scapegoats
Stupidly, Stupidly, Stupidly
James Campion
Life Is But A Dream
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated
Michael Jackson 1958-2009
James Campion
From the start, Michael Jackson was the bread-winning, bacon-hauling strength and breath of the Jackson Five
The Allah Stomp
How The Streets Of Iran Are Burning The Fumes of the '79 Revolution
James Campion
Thomas Jefferson, one of history's most articulate dreamers, saw uprisings as a kind of spiritual right of passage for the human spirit, a Jesus/Mohammad king-hell joust with tyranny
Iran Stands Up Against Tyranny
Dean Borok
What is happening in Iran, with mass street demonstrations and civil unrest over the stealing of the election that should have gone to Moussavi, is an indication of the more comprehensive cultural values that the Persian people enjoy as a result of their ancient civilization and culture.
The New Oil Bubble
Michael Levy
Sadly, the lessons of the past few years has not taught the financial markets anything other that more of the same
Tiananmen - Twenty years On
Dean Borok
China still detains up to 30 democracy protestors who were given the life or death sentences that were commuted to life imprisonment for their activities of 20 years ago
Dinosaurs on Sixth Avenue
James Campion
A rainy, windswept late-spring evening on Manhattan Island ruined by a dismal assignment to "cover" the final brain flatus of two dying breeds, Karl Rove and James Carville
Siberia USA
Dean Borok
I never believed in the durability of the previous economic bubble when I saw the quality of the knuckleheads who were getting rich
Human behaviour
Dean Borok

No kid ever liked me very much because I have always had a total lack of interest about them. People got kids, so what? I was only invited over for drinks. “Nice kid you got there”, and the kid would glare at me

Life and Nothing But
Dean Borok

My girlfriend, The Magpie, gave me a queen size piece of her mind on the way out the door. "You’re never going to get a job with all the vituperative invective you spew on the Internet, you chump!" Slam
Modern Day Hal
James Skinner
They ran the old sci-fi movie ‘2001, A Space Odyssey’ on one of the TV channels the other night.
Toronto - Desperate Times
Tabytha Towe
Time flies – like it’s invisible. You can’t catch it, save it, or see it, not until it’s behind you. But at least you can remember it, cherish it and hopefully learn from it.
Where's That Smell?
Paul Lynch

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single sniff" - not exactly the Lao Tzu quote that made the philosopher famous, but it’s close enough. Point being, do cities or countries possess a unique odour?
Buying a new car
Jerry Slafsky
There are many "life experiences" that are rather unpleasant and that most people try hard to avoid
Thoughts Whilst Shaving
Norman A Rubin
While lathering my lower face for the ritual of the morning shave I got to thinking on the situation in the world today, especially on my country Israel
Alt Palestinian History
Norman A Rubin
Sheikh Tayseer Rajab Tamimi claimed that there was no evidence that the Jewish people ever lived in Jerusalem

Hmong Searching for Home (Pt 3)
Antonio Graceffo

“I think it will soon end, because no one will come to help them.”

PhD - An Abstract on the ‘Paranormal Human Disorder’!
Indrani Bhattacharyya

Impossible, this is highly impossible; I threw my hands in despair after going through the 4th DNA sequencing report. It didn’t work this time too!

Far Rockaway
Dean Borok
Every summer about this time, the Fort Tilden Beach in Far Rockaway gets hit by an infestation of biting flies that incubate in the Gateway National Recreation Area, which lies directly behind it
Carmelita Pope
David Russell
The recent PBS Special on the life of Elia Kazan flashed back memories of Carmelita, whom I last saw 25 years ago. Most of U.S. readers would have known her as the lady who did the TV commercials for PAM.

Life 1
Life 3
Life 4
Life 5/6
Life 7
Life 8

Life 9
2016 -2019


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