International Writers Magazine - Our Tenth Year: National Health Care
+ Readers
(sort of) for National Health Care
James Campion
Climbing Down From The Fence To Make The Hard Choices
There is little chance anything resembling a pittance of national
health care reform will be constructed much less passed through
the legislative branch of our government any time soon. The time
has long passed for any binding bi-partisan resolution on this subject,
as if this was even a realistic consideration in the first place,
and perhaps that is a good thing.
Anything this convoluted
and as incompetently debated is best left dormant. It's far better to
just leave things the way they are. It's the American way. Laziness,
fear, and stupidity are our most precious resources now. We invent little
and manufacture less with a national psyche so ill-suited for life's
harsh realities we substitute celebrity outrages as the crudest form
of original thought.
The sensitive reader may consider these observations mean-spirited or
perhaps an ironic subjugation to the very points listed; so to be fair,
we shall provide a quick example and move on to the more salient points.
Before sitting down to write this morning, I noticed a newsflash that
the president of the United States has won the Nobel Peace Prize, no
more an insignificant piece of information could be presented when compared
to the greater issues before us. Nonetheless, it will doubtless take
up at least one if not two news cycles, celebrated by Mr. Obama's supporters,
derided by his opponents, and manifest into another in a series of idiotic
referendums on his executive position and personal affect; not unlike
the utterly moronic and endless yammering about his bid to procure the
Olympics for the United States.
In both cases, laziness, fear and stupidity jump to the fore: (Laziness)
No one has the slightest idea how the Olympics base their choice of
country, who makes this call, and what the effect a head of state may
or may not have on the outcome, just like hardly a soul has any idea
what the Nobel Peace prize is, what it stands for or who the hell doles
these things out in the first place. (Fear) Placing great import on
this "story" as a barometer of success or failure for a presidency
or the personality that holds it only serves to battle resistance, which
is considered by lazy people as a kind of barrier to a personal love
or hate of said individual. (Stupidity) Well...
This brings us to a breakdown of National Health Care as it applies
not necessarily to a solution or even a steadfast defense of or opposition
to certain key issues, as it will show that true reform or clear restructuring
of a most pressing and pertinent issue is often parried with no real
focus on the hard choices.
To wit:
The first issue at hand when you consider National Health Care is that
there are too many of us, and we all want to be thin, good-looking and
live to see as many World Series as possible. I get it. But what is
the greater good for society; that you cut out unsightly fat and tuck
drooping skin, create as many useless human burdens as you wish, and
live into decrepit old age to suck every last drop of resources -- utilities
and medicines to keep you breathing, nurses and assistance to move you
around, shelter and sustenance to keep you going -- and for what? Take
up space? So your love ones can watch you breathe? Hard choices must
be made; they are made every day by insurance companies. More people
are sent into the void by lack of funds than any other reason, just
as a preponderance of surgeries is selective and not crucial. Call it
a Death Panel or common sense. Humans do not posses the dignity of elephants.
Deal with it.
The youth are a drain on our society; they're relentless metabolic explosions,
sexual rapaciousness, and penchant for all-things speed, mind-altering
substances and overall daily attempts at cheating death cannot continue
to go unchecked. Don't tell me every time you see these mass protests
with tear gas and baton beatings by police, rock concert mosh pits or
shirtless goons at sub-zero football games, you're not getting out the
national debt calculator? An alarming percentage of these cretins are
undeniably wild and most pressingly uninsured. I should know, I was
one of them, to the point where my parents had to get special (just
incase he impales himself or his liver implodes or is felled by fast-food
abuse we will not be ruined) insurance. Freedom comes with a price,
which is to be determined.
Whether expanded competition across state lines, tort reform, single-payer
options or one blanketed health insurance plan, it sure as hell beats
any argument made by or for insurance companies, which work en masse
on a principle that amounts to the biggest scam in the history of capitalism.
Other than education, insurance is the one commodity Americas are willing
to pay for, and pay for abundantly, and not receive. And more times
than not when received, it is shoddy, rationed or denied in full. But
hey, this is a free trade society and insurance companies, despite their
heart-warming slogans and tearful ads are in business to make money,
not give it away. Charities are for that, and even those are questionable
at best. The very existence of companies based on taking money that
will only be returned if and when disaster hits, and then arbitrarily
deciding if the type of disaster merits a return on your funds is simply
a horror show worth destroying. When people argue about the incompetence
of the federal government, they are correct, but when compared to the
lawlessly insidious practice of any insurance firm, it pales.
Finally, we come to the Big American Lie; that this country was built
and is governed on a moral construct, that we have a universal and binding
obligation to our citizenry to ensure the overall well-being of our
future safety and continued happiness. By buying this nonsense we cannot
make the hard choices that are needed for national survival. It is the
freedom to pursue personal joy, create a political landscape to control
one's own environment, and finally to protect what can be prized from
this faintly controlled anarchy with every fiber of our being that has
erected this 233 year experiment into the richest and most powerful
free society known to modern civilization. All this laziness, fear and
stupidity is part of the very human nature we attempt to regulate, pigeonhole,
and judge when we begin the challenging climb out of the muck. More
times than not, wallowing in the muck beats the climb. It's too hard,
too scary, and too complicated a climb. We know muck. Give us muck;
religion, television, and the occasional thrill, we'll be fine.
READERS RESPONSES October 17th 2009
Editor's Note: EDWARD MOORE
KENNEDY -- 1932 -- 2009 -- provoked the most responses in the long,
sordid history of Reality Check. "My hope was to approach H.L Mencken's
obit on William Jennings Bryan and Hunter S. Thompson's post-mortem
to Richard Nixon, two of the meanest pieces written in the English language."
Here is just a sample of your feedback:
When you nail it on the head, you nail it on the head. Good for you
for articulating what many of us were thinking.
That's absolutely
the most honest article I've read on Teddy. I couldn't have worded it
better. Glad to see someone kick the rock over that he hid under for
so long.
I do not understand
this climate from what seems to be a growing number of people who feel
that if you do not agree with someone that the person must be TRASHED
and any accomplishments that they have must be BELITTLED, DENIGRATED,
or RIDICULED. We used to disagree respectfully and work for compromise
instead of trying to KILL the opposition. I know that all of this is
not a Christian concept, which supposedly is a strong value that several
of these same people claim is most important to the founding and working
of this country. I certainly pray that when I die that all of my failings
are not listed on a large placard for my funeral with only a footnote
added that I might have done some good and repented from my sins and
tried to recover to a better life after sinning. Much of the rhetoric
I see today from the conservative group only underlines the profound
IGNORANCE spewing from the mouths of those from a failed educational
system. For a wise, EDUCATED person can weigh both sides, disagree respectfully,
and work for consensus and peace.
M. Short
I heard a good one the other day. Teddy-Boy was the Kennedy clan's Fredo.
Sonny and Michael (Jack and Bobby) had brains, ambition and the wherewithal
to get it done......Fredo (Teddy-Boy) was the running joke.
I do hope Mary Jo upon seeing Ted does indeed kick him in the nads twice
and then finishes him with a vicious upper cut. Good column as usual,
my friend.
Bill Roberts
Well done, sir.
Maybe the most vicious and beautiful closing statement I have ever read.
You forget the MANY things Ted did in his day job: Anti-Apartheid Sanctions
over Reagan's wishes, AIDS funding during the same period, opposition
to the "secret wars" in Nicaragua and Salvador, the American's
with Disabilities Act, Title 9 funding for women's sports, voted AGAINST
Iraq War, pushed for funding for 9/11 victims med care, championed Obama,
giving the candidate extra push to the top. Yes, he fucked up many times,
and his name saved his ass from prison, and gave him a career, but to
be fair, he did much good.
Chris Barrera
Finally something political we agree on!
Kim Cercena
But other then all
that... he was a good guy, right? ;)
Bo Blaze
Jim ,
Don't mince words... Did you like this guy or not?
Kevin McCormick
This article is
so one sided I am surprised it hasn't fallen off the side of the page.
While the story about the loss of an innocent girls life at Chappaquiddick
is true, there is no mention of all the lives he saved by being one
of the major forces behind the Irish peace process. Furthermore there
is no mention of all his other political achievements the main one being,
chosen by his own electorate for 47 years. In most balanced articles
a good journalist would include both sides and let the public decide.
In this one it's obvious the journalist in question has an agenda. When
you tell it as it is you must tell both sides in order to be objective.
Alan Lawes
James -
This Kennedy was mediocre at best; the deepest, slimiest sleaze ball
hypocrite at worst, though I know better adjectives exist out there
to describe his utter lack of integrity, character and intelligence.
Your article says it all. That anyone could even think about lauding
him, on any level, or pretend to for the sake of form or history, suggests
that we are still in deep trouble. I'm trying to remember the circles
of hell in Dante's inferno and which one a man of such weasleness would
descend to.
He was not his brothers.
bldg #2
Brilliant summary
of Ted's curriculum vitae; I found your uncharacteristic niceness perfectly
logical, given his then-oh-so-recent passing--to be a bit more than
even his memory deserves. I personally had written him off as a bitter
and frightened man, wearing the mask of royal ancestry, haunted by [as
you mentioned] the thuggery which bought the crown he seemed to wear
so reluctantly.
For an enlightening view of the commoners who worshiped the Kennedys
long after Camelot had been sacked, see "The Moth" episode
where Michaela Murphy describes a typical summer day on a Hyannis port
beach, as the adults spy and comment on the storied family, appropriately
titled The Kennedy Obsession: http://www.prx.org/pieces/37745-moth-radio-hour-1
Glass houses...
do not throw stones!!!
We are human, and no one is perfect. Those in the spot light just get
"magnified" for even the slightest infraction of 'perfect
person syndrome' as compared to the everyday "goings on" in
the general public. The good deeds and sacrifices that have been achieved
(for us) by this family far out way their 'human errors' in my opinion.
Why I am even responding to such ignorance could be an error in judgment
on my part... but so be it!!
Wow -- have you
no shame? We all have warts -- you should let the guy rest in peace.
What will they write about you on your last day? Perhaps that you were
mean spirited and unkind. Get a heart man.
Reputations precede
us and the truth hurts! Karma is also a bitch.
How sad that to
gain "fame", one must trash another person. Edward Kennedy
was no saint, but few humans are. He lost more than 1/2 of his family
by the time he was in his mid 30's. He could have easily retired and
merely sailed for the rest of his life. Instead he chose public service
-- writing and endorsing over 100 laws that aid nearly all Americans
at a point in one's life. So, please, Mr. Campion, never take FMLA,
do not allow any female member of your family to obtain a mammogram,
or partake of any of the many other services that were initiated or
endorsed by Senator Kennedy. Thus, you can then really ignore his significance.
© James Campion
Oct 10-17th 2009
The Original Quagmire -James Campion
The United States must leave Afghanistan now. Not in eleven months
or after careful discussion and continued study to determine an undisclosed
time, but now. Soon after, it must leave Iraq
Moore Kennedy 1932-2009
James Campion + Readers Letters
is a good thing Ted Kennedy is Irish Catholic. He is going to heaven.
That's how it works. No matter what kind of sham your life is
Hackwriters 1999-2009
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