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International Writers Magazine - Our Tenth Year: Comment - The Financial Crisis 2009
What Crisis?
the world continues to reel from the after-effects of macro economics'
version of Hurricane Ha-Ha, Joe Swain sifts through the wreckage
for survivors, lessons, scapegoats, loose change, anything really... Im no expert,
but when it comes to analysis of the current global economy, I cant
help but be reminded of the words of Woody Allen: "More than any
time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair
and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that
we have the wisdom to choose correctly."
Im sure he wasnt thinking about global economics at the
time, the rights and wrongs of marrying your own stepdaughter more likely,
but his words do seem strangely appropriate.Not that being an economics
expert is that impressive a claim these days, with so many of them wearing
enough egg on their faces to suggest that omelets have suddenly become
a de rigeur fashion accessory. And while some of these ner-do-wells
have had the decency to take their own lives, or at the very least return
to their previous occupations as village idiots, a stubborn few are
still refusing to admit they were wrong. Such as UK Prime Minister Gordon
Brown, who is now ironically considered the man best equipped to lead
his country out of recession. Probably because, as Boomtime Blairs
main dance partner, hes the only one left who knows where they
planted all those free market financial time bombs in the
first place. Which is a bit like McAfee or Norton employing the spottiest
little loft-troll, computer geeks they can get their hands on to pump
the internet full of nasty Trojans, just so they can flog us expensive
antidotes. A wholly inappropriate thought obviously. Or worse still,
like Londons new mayor, Boris Johnson, giving the post of Commissioner
of the Metropolitan Police to the Yorkshire Ripper. Again, a wholly
inappropriate thought, but this time for reasons of taste rather than
Of course we all knew the good times would have to end some day, but
didnt they promise us a soft landing?
"Go on, jump," they urged. "Youll be alright, youve
got a parachute. Made out of a jam sandwich Ill grant you, but
beautifully crafted dont you think?" And like the spoiled
little consumer brats wed all become, we believed them. "Spend,
borrow, spend, borrow. Enjoy today, bollocks to tomorrow," we sang
in unison as we signed up for mortgages 27 times the size of our salaries.
As a friend of mine so aptly put it recently, "To say I was living
beyond my means would be a serious understatement - we were virtually
in different countries."
However, knowing were in a bit of a pickle is one thing, understanding
how we got there is another. As Slades lead-singer Noddy Holder
put it during an episode of Have I Got News For You recently:
"What I dont understand is where all the money the banks
have lost has gone. It must be somewhere mustnt it?" A question
which Private Eyes editor Ian Hislop tried to answer, rather glibly
as it turned out, by saying, "Well thats the problem Noddy,
the money doesnt really exist, it never did." To which Holder
retorted with faultless clarity, "Well I dont know what were
all worrying about then."
But theres no ignoring the facts. Like an over-sized, gas guzzling,
8-litre Ford Mustang, the worlds economy has, over the last 18
months, gradually ground to a halt. Complete with all the clunks, screeches
and groans one might reasonably expect to hear when such a ravenous
beast is deprived, not of its major working parts or its fuel, but its
lubrication.A demise with lexicology to suit. When the sub-prime mortgage
problem first surfaced in America, they gave it the surprisingly jocular
title of credit squeeze, as if a naughty little schoolboy
had goosed the Federal Reserves bottom before scampering off to
scrump a few low-hanging apples from Fannie Maes orchard. By the
time the ripple had reached Europe and Northern Rock had gone blubbing
to Uncle Gordon, the term had darkened a shade to credit crunch,
a little more serious perhaps, but still more reminiscent of a Ben and
Jerry ice cream than an economic calamity.Then, as the skies really
began to bruise towards the end of last year and investment bankers
and stockbrokers were flopping out of upper story windows in CBDs the
world over, the media began trotting out ever more ominous words like
slump, drought, catastrophe and
crisis. Each metamorphossi quicker than the last, as the
newspapers and TV commentators vied for the title of Only Smartarse
Economist Who Actually Saw It Coming.
As we currently stand, recession has been sent home without
so much as a screen test, and depression, apocalypse
and Armageddon are clearing their throats in the wings waiting
for the casting directors cue. A combination of nobody wanting
to be seen as the weatherman who didnt predict the Hurricane,
and an underlying feeling that the sooner we reach absolute rock bottom,
the sooner we can all jump on the next freedom bus to Recovery City
and get back to the party.
And therein lies one of the ultimate ironies. For while we seem to have
a plethora of words for bad economic times, how many can you think of
for the good times? That dont start with b and end
with oom? How, for example, would you describe two consecutive
quarters of positive growth (the technical definition I believe for
the complete opposite of a recession)? A hint of boom? Quite boomyish?
A sustained period of underlying boomyness? With such an unimaginative
armoury of words with which to counteract the well-marshaled troops
of the dark side, is it any wonder confidence is so low? And at the
end of the day, whatever the politicians might say about the size of
their rescue packages, confidence is the only thing thats ever
really going to get us on that bus. A view which I apparently share
with the chief economist/village idiot at the Washington Post,
who last week concluded that our only feasible solution is to carry
on doing exactly what it was we were doing that got us into trouble
in the first place. In other words, we must all completely ignore our
newly-discovered penny-pinching instincts and reinvigorate instead our
spend, spend, spend mindset of before.
This alone will turn the tide of ominous statistics just enough to allow
a life-saving trickle of lubricating credit back into the worlds
otherwise perfectly functional economic engine. A hair of the
dog logic, I cant help but admire. So heres my plan:
two weeks next Tuesday, wherever you are in the world, you must go out
and spend 50 pounds more than you otherwise would have done. Preferably
on something pointlessly expensive like caviar or champagne. I might
not be an expert, but that tiny little blip on the global radar, which
will eventually be known by economic historians as That tiny little
blip on the global radar', might just be the camel that ate the straw
that made the dung that was turned into the brick that became the cornerstone
of the foundation of a brand new world economy.On the other hand, I
hear the village of Walton-on-the-Naze is beautiful this time of year.
© Joe Swain 2009
joeswain at hotmail.com>
‘Ou est Baudelaire?’
Joe Swain
At about the age of 14, I decided to become French.
Hackwriters 1999-2009
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