International Writers Magazine - Our Tenth Year: Comment
Dean Borok
Exposing Roman Polanski to the wrath of the U.S. criminal justice
system would be the equivalent of a death sentence for the 75 year-old
film director. The American public doesnt believe in the existence
of art. For them its all a function of commerce, which brings
it down to their level and makes it comprehensible to them.
Now they have him
in their bear trap, and to quote Frank Zappa, "Now that Ive
got you Im never gonna let you go, baby!"
Polanski was convicted of "unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor",
which is not the same as rape. The distinction is that in the case of
the victim, Samantha Gailey, she was actually delivered by her mother
into the tender embrace of Jack Nicholson and Polanski during a social
visit to Nicholsons house, and somehow things got a little bit
wild (big surprise!). What if she had been eighteen instead of thirteen?
She still could have pressed charges, saying Polanski plied her with
Quaaludes and champagne and forced himself on her, only in that case
he really could have gotten hit with a rape charge. Actually, he got
off easy because her mother had engineered the whole encounter. ">"You
have to see my daughter! Shes beautiful. You can use her in your
Thats Beverly Hills for you. I spent part of my youth there, attending
Beverly Vista School and Beverly Hills High School. Those kids are not
innocent. They know whats up, and they laugh at moral values as
they are understood in flyover country. The high school kids had drugs,
guns, counterfeit money, you name it. They had luxury cars and big rolls
of cash.
Sex in Beverly Hills? Look at Monica Lewinski, who is nowhere out of
the ordinary. Let's not forget Paris Hilton, who was as wild a teenager
as they come and only cleaned up her act when threatened with incarceration.
Mackenzie Phillips, carried on with her own father, John Phillips, for
ten years, and now that her career has dried up, she is using the story
to get attention. Can a book deal be far behind?
This Roman Polanski business is more reminiscent of Michael Jackson
than anything else. The profit motive cannot be ignored. First you get
the criminal conviction, then follows the big payoff in the form of
a lawsuit in civil court. Gailey sued Polanski , and they settled for
$750,000, which is a mere bagatelle compared to the Jackson payouts.
In any event, Polanski never paid because he was already in France.
He should have stayed there. After successfully evading the American
criminal justice system for 30 years, Polanski developed a sense of
invulnerability. He didnt read the papers, which are full of the
Swiss caving in to the Americans in order to avoid having their banks
declared off-limits. Polanski is a juicy morsel thrown to the U.S. Government
to get back on their good side. Where the Swiss are concerned, everything
is about money.
Everybody knows that the criminal justice system is not above a little
hysterical witch-hunting when the occasion arises. I can think of two
separate cases, one in New Jersey and one in California, where multiple
citizens were sentenced to long prison terms and had their lives ruined
because of insane persecution by elements of the community, aided by
deluded social workers and voracious prosecutors, only to have their
sentences overturned when it turned out that the child molestation charges
proved to be entirely specious.
Im not going to go out on a limb by standing up for Polanski.
Hes a great artist, who will go down in history long after his
detractors are ground to dust, and if he gets deported to the States
and sent up, I will send him a salami with a file in it. Even though
he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams working in America, the U.S.
has been bad luck for him on a personal basis. His wife, Sharon Tate,
was murdered by the Manson gang. Then he got nailed on this bullshit
charge, and thats what it is bullshit. Everybody knows
hes no child molester. Rather, it seems to me like he is the patsy
in the old badger game.
He succeeded professionally in Hollywood, but some people are not compatible
with American life. Polanski is a French Jew, and he is a natural pigeon
for the unwashed masses in flyover country to vent their spleen. If
he gets sent to jail in this country, between the guards and the other
inmates I wouldnt give a plugged nickel for his chances. Nothing
in Polansky's life has prepared him for a stretch in Vacaville or Soledad
Just so the reader does not think I am crazy or full of baloney, here
is an item from Associated Press dated Oct. 22, 2009:
Swiss alerted US to Polanski Trip
Swiss officials tipped off the US and set in motion the arrest last
month of Roman Polanski, the film director, a top Swiss official confirmed
yesterday. According to e-mails obtained by Associated Press, the Swiss
justice ministry sent a fax to the US Office of International Affairs
on September 22 stating Mr. Polanski, wanted in a decades-old child
sex case, was travelling to Zurich. Swiss officials wanted to know if
the US would be submitting a request for his arrest. "The Americans
immediately confirmed that was the case," the justice ministry
official said.
It's obvious that the Swiss, nervous about having their banks declared
off limits in an entirely different context, decided to throw Polanski
to the wolves in order to placate the Americans!
© Dean Borok Oct 25th 2009
prize, Letterman and Kids
Dean Borok
New York viewpoint
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