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International Writers Magazine - Our Tenth Year: Environment
deep blue trouble
Historically, the oceans were an endless supply of resources. For
long, it was assumed that this resource could be exploited, plundered,
and used as a dumping ground. But, no more. In the last few decades,
the oceans have been throwing up enough evidence in the shape of
bleached corals, decimated fish catch, falling species count and
mountains of garbage to underscore the importance of protecting
these rich, bio-diverse living lungs.
After all, every
second breath we take comes from the oceans. Oceans, like forests, sequester
carbon dioxide that we spew into the atmosphere ever so carelessly.
These vast blue stretches of ocean provide half our oxygen. And form
an important source of protein, energy and minerals. They foster a whopping
80 per cent of life on Earth brilliantly-coloured coral, fish,
turtles, dolphins, whales
It goes without saying, then, that without
this global ocean, there will be no life on Earth.
Its unbelievably ridiculous, then, that despite knowing this,
we manage quite the contrary. The global ocean today, is in deep blue
trouble. Greenpeace has been crying itself hoarse over the last few
years demanding that we stop using unsustainable fishing methods such
as bottom trawling and purse seine that are emptying our seas of species
such as the bluefin tuna in the Pacific. Of carelessly junking trash
into these life-giving waters and polluting them, of sieving clean our
pirate ridden waters, and to ensure a long-term security, protect large
swathes of water.
Speaking of that, Greenpeace welcomes the recent proposal to protect
four large areas of international waters in the Pacific Ocean and keep
it off limits to all fishing by 2010. Greenpeace now calls on the fishing
nations and the Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission meeting
in December to support these much needed protected areas. This is a
good move in the right direction, but we need to replicate this model
and apply it to oceans across the world.
On the other hand, under the United Nations Convention on the Law of
the Sea (UNCLOS), nations that have claimed continental shelf will be
at liberty to excavate the booty petroleum, oil, gas, gold and
minerals, and even immobile sea life! Thats just the latest addition
to the existing and unresolved threats our oceans already face. Countries
will possibly exhaust their own resources or on the flip side take this
as a step forward and push for conservation of these areas. Clearly,
the benefits of keeping these areas brimming with life are far greater
than killing the golden goose. But the million dollar question is, will
Given their extremely poor track record, countries such as Norway and
Iceland, which continue commercial whaling and Japan, which continues
whaling ostensibly for scientific research, reflect no behaviour patterns
to suggest that they would go out on a limb and steer towards
conservation. On the contrary, Junichi and Toru, both Greenpeace activists
who were prosecuted in August last year for bringing to the fore the
Japanese Governments underhand involvement in the Southern Ocean
whaling, face the possibility of conviction and the risk of 10 years
of imprisonment. The Tokyo Two removed a box of embezzled
whale meat, and presented it to Japans Public Prosecutor to prove
the existence of corruption in the government-subsidised whaling programme.
these months, the Japanese Government has been attempting to cover
up the whaling embezzlement scandal, and thwarting Greenpeaces
attempts to highlight the evidence. This is violation of the first
order. This is against the right of freedom to expression, which
under the international law, Japan is expected to abide by. In this
case, a conviction would do more to discourage individuals from
exposing theft, than it would do to discourage theft
itself. |
This minor transgression
of law must be overlooked in the might of greater public interest. Take
the case of Greenpeace Indias legal case on turtle carcasses
Greenpeace was attempting to highlight the toll of Olive Ridley turtles
in Orissa, which is the result of many factors including fishing malpractices
and destructive development along the shores,. The legal violation was
condoned since there was no intent to commit a crime for personal profit,
but rather to increase public awareness about ongoing legal violations.
So coming back to Japan and the whales, the Aomori district court delivered
a setback to the Japanese governments attempts to cover up the
whaling embezzlement scandal. After all these months, the court has
agreed to hear key evidence the prosecution has fought to keep out of
the trial. That at least gives us half a chance. What needs to be emphasized
here is that this should not be an anomaly, but the norm.
In a so-called democratic world, we are orchestrating Tiananmen Square
Massacres (June 4), everyday. Just how many species will it take before
we put a stop to this? How many North Pacific trash vortex will
we create before we stop trashing the planet. How many planets will
we bulldoze before we put a stop to this madness? In case you havent
noticed, we have only one. Shivani Shah is a freelance writer, currently
working with Greenpeace India
© shivani September 2009
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