International Writers Magazine - Our 22nd Year: Thailand Sojourn - Archives
Andrew Lofthouse
I needed a change. The daily grind of monotony was eroding away
my desire to get up in the morning, never mind in time for work.
Work was something that did not sit very well with my current mindset
either, the novelty of a call centre and getting paid to sit down
and talk failed to retain its appeal several months down the line.
I always knew I
was going to travel somewhere far away from home and to me Australia
seemed like the most obvious destination. Sun, sea, sand and importantly
somewhere so far away from England it would be improbable that I would
want a quick return. I had heard that those who go travelling sometimes
do so in an attempt to find themselves which is a term that
had always intrigued me. What did it mean to find myself
and how would I know if and when I was there? Perhaps it was some sort
of inner calm and the ability to be self sufficient no matter where
I am, at least, this was the message that was being fed to me from TV
lifestyle programmes and magazines. I was excited.
The weeks and eventually days passed by until finally the time came
for my flight. Although my ultimate destination was to be Australia,
I had to initially make a stop off in Thailand so I decided to make
this an extended stop off and stay for a few weeks. Thailand itself
is renowned for being a devoutly Buddhist country and a place where
despite its political conflict, an inner zen can be found for those
who are said to become enlightened within their own exsistence. Would
I be able to find myself in a place so far removed from
my own lifestyle and upbringing? Maybe...
First of all I decided that I should immerse myself in one of the cultural
heartlands of the country, after all, I did not see the point of arriving
somewhere so opposite to where I had come from to simply carry on living
as I would do at home. I began my literal and potentially spiritual
journey in the northern jungles of Chang Mai along with a motley bunch
of travellers aging from 20 to 40 years old. The youngest people in
my group came from Canada, 2 girls who were excited to be in the jungle
and away from the snowy mountains of their ski resort home. The group
also featured a young man who had just turned 19 from England who was
having a break from his work as a professional gambler and there was
an older looking nurse from Holland.
After initial introductions and plesantries the general consensus was
that this experience was to represent a break from each of our daily
routines although none of my accompianing groupies were to be away from
home for more than 3 weeks. Were these people looking for the same thing
I was? Possibly not although it was clear that everyone was here first
and foremost to have a good time.
Our first day in the jungle ended as it had began with an arduous trek
up to the summit of steep hill on a road not even close to being called
roadworthy. As the trek began it became difficult to admire the beauty
of my surroundings as I found myself fighting a constant battle against
the sweat from my forehead and the forces of gravity, both of which
seemingly did not want to allow me to reach my destination. |
We were
accompanied along the way by our Thai guides who were full of life and
spirit as they effortlessly bounded up the hills and in and out of precarious
rock formations with the sort of dextererity that made myself literally
scowl at my own physical limitations. They were two young Thai men in
their early 20s who were eager to find out as much about us as
we were of them, often raising questions about the sports we played,
the food we ate and the clothes we wore. Maybe we were not so different
after all.
I found the whole day exhausting physically and mentally as we traversed
rocks and streams while attempting to admire and appreciate the natural
beauty of the jungle and its colourful residents, however once the climb
had been accomplished the satisfaction of the surroundings began to
come to the fore. As the seductive sunbeams flowed between the branches
of trees and drenched the surrounding tribal hamlets, we began to soak
up the sound of silence as the group paused for thought.
A few moments had passed when we heard a song echoing out amongst one
of the hamlets to our far right, and presuming it was some sort of tribal
chant from one of the nearby villages, we strained to listen a little
closer. It did not take long to decipher the chant it was a colourful
rendition of Zombie by Irish rock band The Cranberries,
which, after a day of toil far from the regularity or normal life brought
myself and others a welcome reminder of the society we had come from.
Perhaps it did spoil the moment of serenity that we had spent all day
earning, but the obscurity of the song brought smiles to our faces and
gave us an instant reminder that people from other cultures often seek
solace from our western way of life as much as we seek comfort from
As much as I was attempting to find whatever was missing in my own life
from the Thai culture I thought that perhaps the same could be said
for the Thais themselves. The guides throughout the day had become fascinated
with our western traditions and even the battered clothes they wore
referenced Manchester United Football Club and the Beatles, both major
assets of English culture which in itself gave me a strange sense of
patriotic pride.
The following day began in much the same vain as I became accustomed
to the heat and humidity. The group were getting along well with one
another and spirits were high considering a couple of the older members
of the group were struggling more than most with the physical requirements
of the trek. I was holding up ok as I managed to maintain focussed on
the prospect of the each rest break which inevitably meant a drenching
in water to cool down and liven up. We spent the end of the day in an
authentic Thai hamlet resting up in a cabin covered with fly nets to
keep the mosquitos at bay. The novelty of sleeping under a net with
insects attempting to pierce our skin with disease from the outside
kept our minds occupied and I mused that to live like this every day
with much potential for illness was not a prospect I relished with or
without an inner calm.
Our remaining days in the jungle passed without major incident although
I did manage to fall in the same river twice when it looked easier to
stay dry and at the end of each day myself and my other trekkers played
different card games with our Thai counterparts. There was an interesting
bond between our cultures as with the aid of broken English and local
alcohol we challenged each other to become masters at each others
games. Confusion and laughter often ensued but after 3 days of intermittent
blood, sweat and fears, I welcomed the return of familiarity.
Indeed, as I breathed in the fresh air and basked in the comforable
temperatures of our final trekking day, I concluded that already on
some level I had begun to find out who I was. It had only taken a few
days out of my comfort zone to realise that for the time being at least,
I needed my comfort zone. There is no doubt that with hindsight I enjoyed
the short excursion to the relatively unknown but perhaps only with
the knowledge that this is all it was, a short break, and I could relatively
quickly return to the familiar world of Cappuccinos, Facebook and 1990s
rock music. The familiar cultures of Australia were on the horizon and
although I may not entirely like where I am, I already know more about
myself and where I want to be.
© Andrew Lofthouse November 2009
life moments
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