International Writers Magazine - Our Tenth Year: Iran
Stands Up Against Tyranny
is happening in Iran, with mass street demonstrations and civil
unrest over the stealing of the election that should have gone to
Moussavi, is an indication of the more comprehensive cultural values
that the Persian people enjoy as a result of their ancient civilization
and culture.
Sometimes elections
are stolen. If the people of a country determine that their votes are
not being fairly represented, they have the inalienable right to overturn
the result by any means available at hand.
Many peoples have a propensity to go into the streets if they feel they
are being cheated or manipulated. The other country that comes to mind
is France, although Japan and Korea also have histories of extra- parliamentary
To our great shame, the American people have a tendency to accept whatever
results are inflicted upon us, no matter how much the process stinks.
The 2000 presidential election is the case in point. The election was
stolen by Bush, even though the popular vote was manifestly in favor
of Gore and the Democrats. The results in Florida, the pivotal state
in that election, were manipulated and perverted by the states
Republican governor and secretary of state, even though the whole nation
knew perfectly well that voter exclusion and ballot manipulation were
scandalously obvious. The decision went to the U.S. Supreme Court, whose
Republican majority later joked about throwing the election to Bush.
Elections count. The result of the Bush coup détat was
to reverberate for the eight following years. We ended up with a reactionary
dictatorship that mishandled 9/11, dragged us into a vindictive foreign
war of choice against Iraq, threw the countrys banking system
into chaos, completely flubbed the relief effort following Hurricane
Katrina, as well as many other grave consequences too numerous to be
recounted here.
The American people, by not flooding into the streets in 2000 to protest
the stealing of the election and the installation of a puppet administration,
that of the idiot Bush, are partly responsible for our own decline.
Part of the blame goes to Al Gore, who, instead of spearheading protests
in Washington and provoking Americans to demonstrate in all other cities
and towns, grew a beard and accepted a lecturers post at Columbia
University, to his everlasting shame.
Things turned out fine for Gore. He ended up receiving the Nobel Prize
and an Academy Award. As for the rest of us, not so good. We dont
have jobs or medical insurance. The World Trade Center is dust, with
thousands of casualties. We are saddled with two foreign wars. Our international
reputation is a shambles. Our currency is debased, its value debated
on a daily basis. We are diminished as a nation.
Maybe that is why President Obama is hesitant to add the weight of his
opinion to the disruptions taking over the disputed Iranian election.
It might draw uncomplimentary comparison to our own impotent reaction
under the same circumstances, where we just went to work the next day
and accepted the humiliation of being played for suckers.
- Twenty years On
Dean Borok
still detains up to 30 democracy protestors who were given the life
or death sentences that were commuted to life imprisonment for their
activities of 20 years ago
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