Palermo’s Inimitable Hotel Orientale
Paul Michelson
Part of me was thinking, “This is great!” The other part was thinking, “What have I gotten us into?”
Salzburg Mozartwoche 2015
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger
In Salzburg every year is a Mozart year, when visitors from around the world flock to this lovely Baroque town for the annual Mozartwoche.
The Holy See
Fred C. Wilson III
The Vatican City State or Holy See is the world’s smallest country. It’s located in the heart of Rome the Italian capitol.
The Shortest Distance
Jans Schaper
By the time I get to Kyrgyzstan I have been hitchhiking for several months.
After Hours at the Colosseum
Samantha Connors
Silent and reflective, we stood there. Solitary figures against a glorious backdrop of antiquity—like lonesome time travelers.
Ten Masterpieces in Florence
Emily Mead
Florence is one of the most remarkable cities in the world. One of the most visited cities in Italy. Here are a few must-see works of art and architecture.
The Terrible Wonderful Beautiful Trip - Abbay McCandless
The best trip of my life consisted of a lost credit card, a lack of lodging arrangements and a crumpled twenty-euro note. Twenty euros that is, in a country that uses the pound as its currency.
Beautiful Burundi: A Country Less Travelled - Fergus Simpson
After over a decade of civil war and ethnic strife, Burundi is starting to receive a gentle stream of more open-minded travellers.
Samantha Piergross in Paris
Backpack strapped on and duffle bag slung across my body, I trekked from my gate inside of Orly to the shuttle bus.
Rediscovering Jewish Sicily
Irene Shaland with Bianca Del Bello
The Semitic people were the first group to colonize Sicily and establish a city-port they called Zis, now known as Palermo.
The Non-Skier’s Guide to Enjoying the Swiss Alps
Irene Shaland
The majestic Alps with all their infinite beauty and sublimity were often on my mind as an ultimate destination place.
Berlin, The Old And The New
Norman Wolfer
The Berlin of 2014 is a mixture of the unchanged and the ever-changing. We were visiting and evaluating today’s Berlin against the backdrop of our four year life there in the early 1970’s.
Best Places to Visit in Turkey
Nicola Williams
Turkey offers diverse tourist attractions including the ancient ruins of Ephesus and the luxurious beach resorts along Aegean Sea.
The Hypochondriac Traveller’s Guide to Ebola - Scott Masson
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about West Africa’s “Killer Virus”
Cleaning Behind the Ears
Emma Kerss in Turkey
Ellie and I find ourselves standing at the arched stone entry to an old bathhouse on the corner of a cobblestone alley way somewhere deep in the heart of Istanbul
The Living Desert Experience
I was invited to join what’s known as a ‘Living Desert Experience’ with Charly’s Desert Tours, a Swakopmund-based tour company that specialise in desert adventures
Under the Skin of St Petersburg
Fi McIntyre
I’d been working in St Petersburg as an English teacher for four months when my parents decided it was high time for a visit...
Bohemian Rhapsody
John M. Edwards
JME takes the waters in the Czech Republic’s so-called West Bohemian Spa Triangle in order to spy out the local talent and bathe in the buff
Game Night on the Río Manzanares
Toni Pecchia
I can hear it. At first it scares me a little, because it’s an incredibly primal, torrential sound triumphing over the usual sounds of a big city.
Istanbul, (not Constantinople)
Keeley Graham
This time last month I was wandering carefree through the stalls of the sprawling Grand Bazaar in the very centre of Turkey’s coolest city, Istanbul.
The George Enescu Music Festival - Romania
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger
The George Enescu Festival was started in 1958 to honour Enescu, the country's greatest composer, violinist and conductor...
Voodoo, Slaves & White Man's Graves by Tom Coote
Sam North review
If you ever fantasised about flying to West Africa and exploring all its charms - read Voodoo, Slaves and White's Man Graves first. You may well want to alter your plans.
Help Me, Ronda (Espana)
John M. Edwards
This improbably fantastic cliff-side nest persists on the Quixotic verge of imagination, much like waking up inside a Magic Realism novel
Nightlife in Harar
Justin Dupee
Jesse and I had read that at night wild hyenas come down from the hills and roam within the walled confines of the city
Timelines & Tramroads
Crickhowell Walking Festival
Jane Anderson
“Over there,” our leader announced “you can see Llangorse Lake. Last year a water-skier was bitten by a pike”. Silence dropped over the group.
Exploring Scandinavia: Reflections and Conversations
Irene Shaland with photos by Alex Shaland
Is the Jewish story of today’s Norway all about young people leaving the country to build their lives elsewhere?
Mathew Sterne
On a rundown street in Barcelona we sit on our balcony and watch the prostitutes go by. Elderly men with walking sticks emerge from their siestas and enjoy the last of the afternoon sun.
Visiting Highclere Castle, aka Downton Abbey
Marija Stajic
If you’re one of the millions of fan of the award-winning Downton Abbey series, a thought of visiting the real castle must have entered your mind once or twice.
Postcard from Ghent
Colin Todhunter
From a hot December in South India to zero degrees in Europe in a mere 12 hours.
Mermaids, Coffee and Hash
Colin Todhunter
Never go to Copenhagen! If you hate great architecture...
Thrust and Struggle:
Easy in Copenhagen
Colin Todhunter
The Vesterbro area of the city lies just behind the main railway station. It may play host to prostitution and illicit drug selling, but it is also an up and coming residential location.
Earworms in Bohemia
Jane Anderson
What is it about Smetana? As we walked across Charles Bridge, having been in Prague less than an hour, I realised that I had developed an earworm.
Andriy Rozumovskyi musical festival competition of young performers - Kateryna Dzekun
This good tradition started in 2012 in Baturyn palace when we celebrated the 260th birthday anniversary of Andriy Rozumovskyi
The Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk
the first democratic constitution in the world - Kateryna Dzekun
One may claim that the modern history of a nation begins with its constitution.
Rozumovskyi Palace
Ukraine Hetmanate
Kateryna Dzekun
The imposing Hetman palace in all its beauty can compete with the most distinguished palaces of the world
Germany's Other Forest
David McVey
In the Saar-Hunsruck you can find peace, quiet beauty and the sense that few other English speakers have bothered to seek it out.
Majuli: The Assamese Wonder Explored - Sean Lee
Willing to explore the least charted corners of the world? You could head for Assam’s Majuli (India) this year.
Chennai Express
A city of 4 million, and the Chennai Express, one big road, shared by rusting cycles, three wheelers, vintage bus behemoths, and water buffalo
Visiting Japan
Fred C Wilson 111
Meeting up with pen-pals in Tokyo
Fred C. Wilson III
The Gambling industry depends solely upon the continued prosperity of other Asian economies
Manila on Foot
Fred C. Wilson III
Manila on foot can be an enlightening adventure- it's one big outdoor food court with barbeque grills on most blocks.
Serene Destinations in Australia
Stacy Eva
Australia is a standout amongst the most lovely nations on the planet and is likewise hailed a significant destination.
Last Call for Mercy
Michael Britton
Hsuen frightens me. I guess it is the way she takes care of the rat problem in the Step Down Guesthouse in Kuala Lumpur.
Bad Dreams in Turtuk
Bad Mike stranded in Turtuk
Sadly no one has ever died of unhappiness. Many have perished in landslides and rock falls. Some may even have perished from eating rancid cabbage.Discover Manila - A City full of Suprises - Sean Lee
Manila is changing and welcoming visitors from across the globe.
The Paua and the Glory
John M. Edwards
New Zealand’s Prized Sea Snails
A lifetime under a flyover - The invisible life of the Mumbai homeless - Shivaji Das
There are slums in Mumbai and then there are slums, and then there are the homeless, a word that seems too benign for their condition.
Fred C Wilson 111
The scenery, indigenous art galleries, Hindu temples laden with ancient artifacts, the spicy foods, exotic markets and the wonderful folks who make up this beautiful place
Tagaytay - Paradise Found
Fred C. Wilson III
Philippine resort city of Tagaytay is as close as you can get to a paradise on Earth. The place is a virtual Shangri La.
Moving to the Philippines?
Fred C Wilson 111 on life in Paradise
There are many advantages to living in the economically thriving Philippines.
Viet Nam
Fred C. Wilson III
Ho Chi Minh City, like Manila on the other side of the South China Sea, is a ‘young’ city; a city of ‘20 Somethings.’
Derelict Dhows - Mandvi, India
Michael Britton
Barmer, a three hour local bus ride south of Jaisalmar, is the starting point of a painting journey around the Western rim of India's Gujarat State bordering the Arabian Sea.
Spanking The Children of Paradise
Michael Britton
I never saw a body washed up on a beach before. From a distance he looked to be enjoying the waves lapping over him as you or I would enjoy laying in the surf on a hot afternoon.
Indian Twister
Evan Denno
To fit twenty-one people (including two small children and a baby) into one Range Rover knock off, first forget about seating; it's about volume.
Hack, Slit, Squeal: Immunity in Georgetown, Chennai
Colin Todhunter
Hack, slit, slice. Butchery in Georgetown. Peeled, pink goat carcases in fly-ridden, one-room shops
Thai Street Food
John M. Edwards
As someone used to eating Thai food in New York City...I was blown away when I tasted real Siamese fare for the first time
The Industrious Trishaw Driver
John M Edwards
At the Sultan’s Kraton in Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia, I stood face to face with “The Great Man”--the Sultan himself ...
Going Local in Thailand
The northeast of Thailand – called “Isan” by the locals – is the largest of the main regions of Thailand, yet is visited by only one percent of international travelers...
Huxian farmer paintings of Shaanxi, China - Shivaji Das
Fattened chickens delicately balanced in a bicycle, joyous grandmothers cleaning the ears of laughing grandfathers
All the Tea in China
Tom Clifford
For hours our small bus had been buffeted by nature’s wrath, exposed on Guizhou’s mountain passes and only the dexterity and skill of our driver kept us this side of paradise.
Where Cows & Princesses Glide through Mud - Colin Todhunter
Look up, but certainly look down as well. Just watch your step. There are a million stones to negotiate and a thousand bits of loose concrete.
Namibia: The Wild & the Pristine
Sean Lee
Infallibly associated with the quintessential idea of African safari, Namibia presents you the brilliant convergence of the undulating deserts with the perpetually turbulent coastline.
'Guided' tour of Marrakech Medina
Eleanor Shelton
I had a sense of impending doom even before I exited the taxi...
My Jewish Stories of Africa
Irene Shaland
My husband and I have been traveling the world together for over 30 years, ever-attuned to the Jewish story
How to do The Seychelles on a Budget - Danielle Caldron
The Seychelles can be an affordable holiday destination for solo travelers with the right planning.
It Began in Zanzibar
Jackie Brinkman
I decided it was time to get out of my comfort zone and see the world beyond Denver
The Grand Oak, Coorg, India
Marianne de Nazareth
It's a pretty comfortable five hour drive from Bangalore, if you are looking for a quick getaway from the chaos that the city has descended into. The Grand Oak is the bliss, that stressed souls need.
Spiritual Nepal on two wheels
Junesh Twana
It was ready to leave the dust, noise and disambiguated traffic of Kathmandu behind for seven days.
Dalian Rocks!
Frank Beyer
Dalian, a city in the north-east of China, lies on the southern tip of the Liaoning peninsula and faces Korea across the yellow sea.
How To Travel With Nerve Damage
Ben Hill
This is travel how-to, without a medical diagnosis
In the Shadow of Never Mountain
Matt Norcini
The church bells echoed through the quiet town streets of Berat, Albania. It was 6pm, and it was time for giro. We had read about this tradition of “total town promenade” and, honestly, thought little of it.
Back in Transylvania
Josef Oberwinzer
“I hope it will be totally crazy” was my new German friend's mantra ever since we agreed to drive to Transylvania together.
Big Sur Country
Fred C Wilson 111
Northern California’s not the place to visit in early autumn. The weather’s cold, cloudy and it rains nearly every day
Bon Bini Curacao
Fred C Wilson 111
Willemstad is divided in two halves by shark infested Santa Anna Bay
Walli F. Leff
The trail along the Deschutes River in beautiful Tumwater Falls Park, just outside of Olympia, Washington, passes by the waterfalls...
Patagonia – The Road to Insanity
Olivier Guiberteau
A bus trip would take forty-eight hours and likely boredom, possible rectal damage, and potential insanity – but also, a great adventure.
Amish Country
Fred C. Wilson III
In all honesty I rarely ate so well; mashed potatoes with creamy homemade butter and gravy, yummy roast beef that melts in your mouth, corn bread with dressing, fresh homemade Dutch apple pie
In Darwin's footsteps, on a luxury cruise in the Galápagos islands
Jean-Marc Theodorowicz
To many visitors, the Galápagos Islands remain the image of a paradise; a mythical place - so symbolic in essence- like a child’s dream that beckons, beyond the wildest imagination.
A Panamanian Experience
Norman Wolfer
Every country seems to have wonderful things to offer along with the idiosyncrasies that take away from paradise. Panama is no exception
Daytrip to Saskatoon
Habeeb and Muna Salloum
“Welcome to Saskatoon the ‘Paris of the prairies’”, the guide’s voice thundered through the tour bus. He continued, “Saskatoon is magic!"
Pittsburgh Re-Born
Habeeb Salloum
"Did you see the new Pittsburgh? It’s awesome!
Antiguan Retreat: Moving Past the Honeymoon Phase
Amy Siqveland
Though I’m not one to usually laze around on the beach, when I was informed that I had a won a “free trip” to a “wellness sanctuary” in Antigua, I was ecstatic to be able to defrost.
Sooke Harbour House:
Dining On Vancouver Island
John M. Edwards
I felt like a character out of “Finding Nemo” as I immersed myself in the Philip’s octopuses’ garden with no shade
San Francisco
Fred C. Wilson III
San Francisco has an exotic quality about it compared to your average American city with its lookalike brownstone dwellings
Fred W Wilson
This city isn’t for the weak and faint of heart. You slip up it can and will eat you alive.
Dog Days by Andrew Thompson
Tales From an American Road Trip
Truth be told, anyone even thinking about taking a trip around American on a Discovery Pass should read this and hire a car immediately.
The Henry Doorly Zoo
Marianne de Nazareth
Two warm days in the middle of winter in Omaha? There was no way we were going to waste them. So off we went to the Henry Doorly Zoo, which according to its credits, it is the best zoo in the world
I left my heart-shaped box in San Francisco
John M. Edwards
For a city known for its liberal viewpoint and gay lifestyle, its earthquakes and trollycars, this epiphanic epicenter is all about desire and longing.
Milos Radulovic
I've sort of stumbled into Cuba, to be honest. I didn't plan to have my vacation there, at all, from the start
Museums & Churches of Quebec
Fred C Wilson III
I’ve always wanted to visit our neighbor to the north. At long last I was going to see Canada
Astro Poboys
John M Edwards
John discovers New Orleans unique cuisine to be out of this world, not just Creole and Cajun clichés (“Gumbo” and “Jambalaya”), but also, well, nothing beats an Oyster Poboy!
Omaha Dining
Marianne de Nazareth
Never thought the experience of eating out in Omaha, USA could be such fun
Austin - Texas
Marianne de Nazareth
The carousel was a razzle dazzle set of Gibson Guitars painted in wonderful hippie colours as a welcome to us into Austin, Texas.
Eating Indian at Indian Oven Nebraska, Omaha
Marianne de Nazareth
It's much more Indian than the paisley 'tikka' on the I of the logo of the name Indian Oven, or the antique artefacts that grace its sweeping walls.
Mackinac Island
Briana Newcomb
Big blue eyes, short small body, I stood at the dock of the ferry as everyone unloaded. I looked at the beauty I was about to enter.
Come to Winnipeg Folk Fest 2014 - Lizzie Clarke
Artists and bands come from all over the world to perform on eight stages scattered across the festival site
Mission to Mexico
Fred C. Wilson III
I was invited to come to Mexico to assist Fr. John Calgaro or Padre Juan as he’s affectionately called by his large flock of 35,000 souls with his religious mission
Ecuador - a guide
Fred C. Wilson III
You may never want to return to your country of origin once you visit Ecuador
Postcard from Cahuita
John M. Edwards
I stood in a state of stupefaction, eavesdropping on a few random undocumented locals who looked like they were engaging in a slapping fight—except with warm smiles of nonrecognition on their faces, maybe ganja buzzes.
Summer of Chamber Music in Ottawa
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger
For four weeks every summer, Ottawa is transformed into a magical setting for about one hundred and fifty chamber music concerts.
Pennsylvanian Dutch
John M Edwards
When my friend arrived I began brainstorming for something different to do, and I decided on a car trip to the Pennsylvania Dutch Country
Christmas in Chicago
Fred C. Wilson III
Christmas in Chicago can be a wonderful experience if you know where to go.
Letters from Belize
Caroline Ervin
We landed in Belize - the bus creaked off in the direction of the orphanage, and I saw a land so beautiful that I wanted the ride through it to last forever
Wyoming - The Big Empty
Fred C. Wilson III
It was my first bus trip out West. I’ve always wanted to see the majestic Rocky Mountains close up
Upstate New York
Ivan Maddog Noble
Some stretch of stone between Albany and Syracuse. Generations of forgotten old men lived in these timber palaces.
Hub Of All Action- NYC
Rachel Duggan
Fast pace walking. Honking cars and taxis. Crowded streets. Many cities sound like this but there is no other place like this one. New York City.
Twin Oaks - A Utopian Community
Fred C Wilson 111
It was my inaugural drive in '67; my first time behind the wheel. And there was a horrific hurricane brewing out east.
Tucked N - The Smoky Mountains
Marianne de Nazareth
We were searching and trawling the net, to be able to spend a day in a cabin in Pigeon Forge, Knoxville.
Ontario’s Lake Country along the Maple Syrup Trail
Habeeb Salloum
In one of Canada’s most picturesque regions with gleaming lakes and rivers it is Maple Syrup Season!
Reclaiming the Land of the Kawarthas
Habeeb Salloum & Muna Salloum
The region of Peterborough and the Kawarthas is a tourist destination par excellence.
Day-Tripping Out of Portland: 6 Striking Natural Wonders in 3 Days - Tonia Hauser
all photos © Tonia Hauser 2015
Visiting the city? Take time to appreciate Oregon’s breathtaking beauty, just outside.
Travels with Mathias in the Yucatan
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger
“We were told,” said Mathias, “that this is really the entrance to the underworld.”