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Congratulations to John Edwards
for a Notable Essay nod
in The Best American Essay '12

Beirut in the Baltics

Congrats to John M Edwards
for winning 2 NATJA awards
for Hacktreks in 2012
Koh Commotion:

"Viking Voluntourism:

On-line portfolio for world travellers

2014 Archive
Travel Pages Edited by Sam North -

1000 Island


Nightlife in Harar
Justin Dupee

Jesse and I had read that at night wild hyenas come down from the hills and roam within the walled confines of the city
Freeloading in Finlandia
John M. Edwards

Falling for Finland—a fantasia of lakes, fens, and reindeer—which may conceal an ancient myth more secret than Santa, and more dire than the Da Vinci Code
Welcome to Sarajevo
Diana Predrag

This city is nicknamed ‘Jerusalem of Europe’ and ‘The city in which east meets west’. Lonely Planet named it the 43rd best city in the world
Andorra Mountain Kingdom
Fred W Wilson 111

“Honey is sweet, but bees sting.”
-Andorran Proverb
Tenerife - the largest Canary Island
Aleksandar Mijailovic

Located in the Atlantic Ocean, near the Moroccan coast. Tenerife is one of the worlds twenty most visited destinations.
The Salzburg Whitsun Festival 2013
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger

The charming baroque city of Salzburg, surrounded by lakes and dramatic glaciers, makes a unique setting for classical musical festivals.
Adventure in the Maldives
Davina Spriggs

From the very moment I left a bitter, icy cold London behind, I couldn’t help but daydream and smile smugly at the thought of landing in the picturesque paradise of the Maldives
Culture in Prague
Davina Spriggs

The magical city of Prague in the Czech Republic, with its fine gothic architecture, is a quick two hour plane journey from London.
South Africa-Namibia (Pt 1)
Tabytha Towe

Yearning to return to Cape Town since I left as a naïve, wild and broken-hearted 20 year old in 2003, I finally I made it again after all these years gone by
Batman in Turkey
Maria Estrella Aggabao

It was the first day of July when I arrived in an old city in the southeastern region of Turkey.  Everyone had warned me back in Istanbul: Don’t go in the summer especially in July and August.
Hungary - The Hard Country
Fred C Wilson 111

The Republic of Hungary or Magyarorszag is a world class tourist destination though people know very little about this fascinating country.
Fred C Wilson 111

Algeria is a huge hunk of land on top of Africa. Its cities are quaint, exotic, mysterious and hot
Angola Avante!
Fred C. Wilson III

“Virtue is stronger when united” is Angola’s motto. After a 27 year no holds barred bloody civil war (1975-2002) there was nothing left to destroy. Angolans are in the process of rebuilding their country from the ground up.
Fred C Wilson 111

I like Texas. I’ve been there a number of times. During my third trip there I sat next to a real cowboy while heading south
Atsitsa on Skyros
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger

I have to confess that I was mildly skeptical.  A health spa on a Greek island run by an American therapist based in London? 
Off the beaten track in Jordan’s Tafila
Marwan Asmar

The Tafila Governorate in Jordan’s south, and around 180 kilometer’s from Amman, is a heavenly dream world from the cultural-historical, to the therapeutic in its mineral waters and extensive nature reserve.
Annelise Mecca

A defining moment takes you by surprise; most of the time, you don’t even see it coming until you walk in its midst, broke, hungry, and bare-foot in the nighttime streets of Rome.
Catalan Springs Eternal
Olivia Montiel

“El mue nom és Olivia. Sóc dels Estats Units,” the few words I remembered from my half semester of Catalan seems to have paid off.
Prince Christian Sound
Iceberg Canyon
Bonnie Devet

Visit the blue-gray Arctic waters amid one billion year-old granite mountains, see cascading waterfalls formed by melting glaciers.
Universal Translator
John M Edwards follows the heretical ghost of Polish astronomer Nicholaus Copernicus back to his hometown: Torun, Poland.
From Zero to Zambia: a learner about Africa.- Richard Warmsley
It’s November and I hear the words “We’re sorry to say your job is at risk...”. Except, what I actually hear is, “You’re up for redundancy, and you’ve been here 8 years, so we’re going to pay you to go on the bike trip you’ve been waiting for.”
A Dead Paradise
Matthew Bremner in Imsouane

In the early morning its bay yawns into gigantic consciousness, swallowing, in dawn's semi-sentinence, a large gulp of the Atlantic ocean.
First Impressions of Milano
Angelica Paletta

Henrietta lived in Milano, tourism didn’t interest her, and it was not her priority for us to appreciate a sight for too long
King Herod Exhibition Opens
2.12.13 – The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, premieres the world’s first exhibition on the life and legacy of Herod the Great, one of the most influential – and controversial – figures in ancient Roman and Jewish history.
The Mauritian Chronicles
John M Edwards

John grabs his beachcomber's card and lands in Mauritius with an impending holiday of Divali coming, replete with partying Brahma Bums and Nowhere Men
Sintra : Portugal
John M Edwards

Setting up my tent on a grassy knoll in sight of the splendid Moorish castle
Dinner in Rome: Finding Gino's
Dan Beckmann

Cramped in a one hundred year-old pasticceria along a narrow section of the Via del Portoghesi, my cappuccino has just arrived...
“A postcard sent from gods”: this is how poet Andrea Zanzotto loved to define Rolle di Cison di Valmarino, a village surrounded by the soft hills of Treviso, in Veneto
Cruising Europe:
A Once in a Lifetime Trip
Tom Peters

It was a simple reminder with such powerful overtones. It was dark. It was tragic. It was something that safe North Americans should experience.
The Campo
Dan Beckmann

It doesn’t take long to get acclimated to a new city. A good map, and plenty of patience can get you anywhere you want to go. Most first time visitors to Italy end up defaulting to the most popular of choices, the “Holy Trinity” of itineraries ...
Beer for Breakfast:
An Eye-Opener in Russia
Jonathon Engels

There is no better declaration of freedom than rolling out of bed too late for breakfast, putting on yesterday’s clothes, and hunkering down at a bar, the sun streaming in from odd angles as you hide behind a tall pint glass
Zurich Awaits
Mark Uppu

The beautiful city of Zurich, located in Switzerland, awaits your arrival
My Sojourn in Scotland
Neha Sharma
Shrill notes of a bagpiper cutting through the air, interspersed with ringing of the bells from St. Giles Cathedral, you are on the streets of Edinburgh
Dolphin Reef in Eilat, Israel
Norman A. Rubin

Dolphins have been interacting with humans for as long as we have known of their existence - The Dolphin Reef is excellent for a full day activity
A Taste of Saint-Tropez
Walli F. Leff

The sun shone gloriously on the “Pot d’Accueil,” the municipality’s welcoming event for the boats’ crews and the tourists.
Seville's Barrio De Santa Cruz and its dazzling Moorish past
Habeeb Salloum

orange-scented streets; wrought-iron lanterns, casting shadows on gleaming white-washed walls
Demonic Demesnes
Former Yugoslavia
“Stringer” John M. Edwards pens some postcards home all of which are stamped “HADES.

Cesky Krumlov: The Real Bohemia
John M. Edwards

On my first visit to communist Czechoslovakia in 1989 (right before the Velvet Revolution), I drove down in my rented Skoda to the legendary Bohemian locus of magnetic Cesky Krumlov, the most picturesque village in the country.
The one thousand faces of Abruzzo
In the heart of Italy, between the peaks of the Appennines and the waters of the Adriatic, find rocky castles, forests and wide pastures
Ndere - Attractions around Lake Victoria, Kenya- Kamau Mbiyu
Besides the largely known Lake Victoria, Nyanza region in Kenya comes with its fair share of wildlife. Animal sanctuaries in the area include Ruma National park, Ndere national park, and Kisumu Impala sanctuary.
How to See Kiev in Three Hours
Miriam Matejova

In my mind, Kiev has always been a golden city, but today - on my first visit to the Ukrainian capital - everyone is wearing orange.
Khirbet Tana: A Village Without a Map - Jonathon Engels
The home of the family we are visiting is a glorified lean-to, a scavenged collection of panels pinned against scruffy shafts of desert driftwood, but our hosts are happy to see us..
UK - Ireland & France
Ted O'Connor pops in for a visit

I have just romped across France, England, Ireland and Northern Ireland during the past three weeks and yes, I know, it is not that impressive.
The Greeks rally in support of tourism; Up with Greece!

Erica Eliz

Visit Greece this summer and save a country
Jaws of a Dilemma
Tony Fosgate

I am bobbing about in a tiny boat in the middle of the Indian Ocean, the only sound is that of the choppy waters slashing at its sides.
Carthage: Standing Structurally Proud - Marwan Asmar
Regardless of the heat, it is breathtaking, the blue sea from one side, houses, residential buildings on the other, and a sprawling theatre in the middle.
Prague Winter of 2012
Tabytha Towe

It was a long and overwhelming day, but I still ended up walking home to the hostel that evening. It really was tough, but for some reason I just had to do it
Good Morning, Ghana
Gloria Pope

It has been a long night. I would have tossed and turned but, glued to the sheets with sweat as I was, motion was difficult. I’m having fantasies of arctic-dry air

Musings on John Keats
Uri A Jurist

I’ve often pondered why I’m so enthralled with the poetic works of John Keats. What is it about the agony and yearning in his poems that calls out to me?
Making merry in Mauritius
Elizabeth Joss

I step off the aeroplane into a wall of humidity. It’s 3am and the sky is pitch black. I haul my luggage towards a taxi driver and we promptly depart Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam airport moving north.
Three “Sisters” Bike the Netherlands
(and Face Being 50)
Mary Collins

The baker, the birdwatcher, and the bicycling advocate all set off across the Netherlands on 40 pound bikes with soft wide seats that cause butt blisters
The Castello
Lorenza Bacino

Our summer trips to the family castle on a hill in the north of Italy were an endurance test from the word go. Car sickness and boredom prevailed on the two-and-a-half day marathon trip across France...
The Basilica is a Step into History

Alexandra Kenkelen

Florence: the city of the Medici, of Renaissance excellence, of epic history.  When living in the city, one does not have to go far to find an historical treasure; the city itself is one.  As you can imagine, it’s overwhelming. 
Greenwich Market

Neha Sharma

About six miles east of Central London lies Greenwich market bordering the Thames. It’s a pleasant epiphany to this visitor especially since Greenwich is mainly known for its Royal Observatory where the world-renowned meridian line passes.
A Day with the Dead in London
Mary Kathleen O’Connor

My three month stay in London was coming to an end, and I had one more place to visit--Highgate Cemetery.
The Vienna Symphony on the Rhone & Saone Rivers
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger

I have always enjoyed unusual musical adventures. And so, without hesitation, I decided on a week on the Rhone and Saone Rivers aboard the Swiss Pearl
Bratwurst and Sachertorte
Dining on the Danube
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger

Can there be a better place to begin a river cruise than in Nuremberg?  Today it's Christkindlmarkt (the largest and oldest Christmas market in Europe)
Cape Town - April Sunshine
Sam North

Cape Town. You might get a shock at the prices but it is well worth the trip.
Syracusa Me
John M Edwards

A backpacking New Yorker is mistaken for “Lucky Luke” on the Italian-owned Isle of Sicilia
Viking Voluntourism:
Tall Tales of Tallinn
John M. Edwards

Arriving from Helsinki a while back aboard the ferryboat Albatross (an omen of bad luck in these parts), with a copy of The Sagas in my backpack, I felt like a cold-eyed Viking prow crossing the blue water bile of the Baltic.
Stories From A Backpack
Drew Meerveld

Having arrived in the bright lights of Kumasi (at 1.5 million it is Ghana’s second largest city) to renew my visa...
Cesky Krumlov: The Real Bohemia
John M. Edwards

On my first visit to communist Czechoslovakia in 1989 (right before the Velvet Revolution), I drove down in my rented Skoda to the legendary Bohemian locus of magnetic Cesky Krumlov, the most picturesque village in the country.
24 Hours in Budapest
John M Edwards

Awakening you to head off to a real Budapest Baths, or “gyogyafurdo” (natural springs).
Sojourn in Sopron
An Austro-Hungarian Border Town with Bite! John M. Edwards

During a week-long road trip from Budapest to Salzburg, I somehow convinced my friend to make a stopover in one of my favorite foreign finds: Sopron
A Westerner in Iran
James Hope Wilson

Departure lounges are rarely gratifying places to find yourself in; you haven’t even made it yet. Time in airports always seems to possess a subdued quality of having already been beaten
Sweden Bound
Bradley J Thornton

Living in Southern California I had a difficult time finding cold weather clothes, the ski slopes are a few hours away and not many stores load their shelves with thermal underwear.
Krakow to Auschwitz: A Fusion of History - Valery Collins
How often do we use the phrase ‘it is against my principals’?  I remember using it the first time I visited Krakow and was given the opportunity to go to Auschwitz.

How to get your Asia Travel Visa - * Advice for travellers
Palawan Islands - Eden Revisited
Fred C. Wilson III

Our plane was the jewel of the Asian Spirit line. The short flight from Manila to Palawan took little over an hour. We landed on a grassy field just outside Coron, Buswanga Island.
All the Tea in China
Tom Clifford

For hours our small bus had been buffeted by nature’s wrath, exposed on Guizhou’s mountain passes and only the dexterity and skill of our driver kept us this side of paradise.
Where Cows & Princesses Glide through Mud - Colin Todhunter
Look up, but certainly look down as well. Just watch your step. There are a million stones to negotiate and a thousand bits of loose concrete.
A Stroll along Walltax Road

Colin Todhunter

Many a long and tiring journey begins or ends in this huge, cavernous hall. Trains to and from Jaipur, Delhi, Kolkatta, Mumbai; just about anywhere in India.
Travails of a Roadside Travelin' Freak Show - Michael Britton
Once a reasonably wealthy internet entrepreneur, now reduced to licking the dust at the bottom of the abyss, I have attempted a new paradigm for living; herein follows sage wisdom for a young and despairing generation ... run
Huangshi Learning
Dr Steve Collins

I looked forward to my short business trip to Huangshi, Hubei Province, Central China back in 2006. I had visited many of the better known cities in China but this was a first to the 'outback' so to speak.
Thinking About Taiwan
AnnMary Mathew

Strange things happen at thresholds. Different dynamics hold. For example: your regular doorway threshold. People often forget and/or remember things when crossing them; so it’s been proven.
Dharavi Slum Tour
Ellen Besso

Dharavi is one of the city’s government-sanctioned slums, housing up to one million people at times on under 500 acres in central Mumbai, an area half the size of New York’s Central Park
Tanzanian Bus Travel
Timothy Snow

At the bus standi, being a Mzungu counts for everything. Small town, big city, it makes no difference, once spotted, I am automatically the most popular guy within a four bus radius.
The Journey to Pai

Kevin O'Donnell

Occasionally I get a stark reminder that I’m a bit out of my depth. One moment was when I first set eyes on my 125cc scooter that was to be my steed on my mighty moped trip from Chiang Mai to Pai
Journeys with the Caterpillar: Travelling through the mystical islands of Flores and Sumba, Indonesia
Shivaji Das
Seoul Food
Fred C Wilson 111

Seoul, South Korea is one of the most exotic places on the planet. It’s unique among Asian countries.
Yamoussoukro: Capital of Ghosts
John M. Edwards
visits a monument to megalomania in West Africa: The Ivory Coast's city of Parisian-style boulevards, empty eight-lane highways, and Christendom's tallest church--all of it dead-ending in jungle.
The Barber of Siam
John M. Edwards

The man in front of me, shivering in the swiveling chair, was almost completely bald with two bushy fluffs upon either side of his noggin, resembling a sad circus clown with no friends.
Kutna Hora and the Chapel of Bones
John M Edwards

Kutna Hora was a silver mining town in Medieval times, with its own mint, and today the Historical Town Center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Fleshpots and Temples
Colin Todunter

Travelling through town in a sweatbox of a taxi, in hot pursuit of a gym. No suspension, tattered and torn interior and head wedged against the roof...
Up Close and Personal in Chennai
Colin Todhunter

Drip and drip again. It’s a walk through Triplicane. It’s a walk through the Triplicane and Royapettah areas of Chennai in July. It’s hot here. It’s always hot here. Watch your back. Watch your front.
The Floating Markets of Bangkok
John M. Edwards

Most of the so-called Floating Markets are located on or near the expansive ribbon of the Chao Phraya River, so they often include fabulously Oriental boat traffic, with almost anything up for sale. I guess I need this tea cozy?
How to See Tangier in Twelve Hours
Michael Bucaria

So you want to go to Tangier? Great idea: you’ll love it. The city consists of many fascinating hybrids: of northern Africa and Southern Spain, of a Mediterranean port city and a desert oasis
Living life by the quarter year
Lucy Munday

A year ago I left a little five-month ‘nook’ in Melbourne for the sunshine and relaxation Perth had to offer. I set up camp in Perth, sleeping in my friend’s double bed for the first two
Sumatra: Indo ripples on the edge of time
- John M. Edwards

I arrive by high-speed hydrofoil across the Malacca Straits to Medan, the ersatz capital of Sumatra, during Ramadan
Hostel Territory
My Beef with Wellington
John M Edwards

Lost Sleep in New Zealand
Lost and Found
Dawn Nicole Parks

Journeying through the Philippines on my first backpacking trip in two years, I discovered a nightmare which every hardcore traveller believes he or she will avoid – awaking drugged and penniless.
An Amateur’s trek to Sandakphu

Dr. Saubhik Ghosh

Rudra asked me if I had a raincoat, just then it occurred to me that I’ve made the biggest blunder. I forgot to carry a raincoat in the Himalayas ...
Beauty Rides A Hero Honda:
Ram Ram Chennai!
Colin Todhunter

Slap, bang, wallop. It’s a full-force smack in the face. A stone’s throw from the station and it’s off the train and into the sweltering world of Mint Street
Exploring Cambodia
John H. Rydzewski

I never understood Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge or what was happening in that part of the world in the 1970s and early 1980s, but now looking back on it all, it had to have been bad if a Cambodian girl was escaping to my rural hometown of Massena, New York.
Improbable Meals
Walli F. Leff

The Great Wall, built to secure the nation against military incursions, was the climax of our trip to China. Sam and I labored up the uneven steps of the wall’s roadway and made it as far as the sixth bell tower without spotting any invaders.
A wedding in Kuala Lumpar
Bryan Robinson

We arrived into the hot air of Malaysia after flying from Manchester for 14 hours. Nephew Yew Han had hired a minibus to transport us the 40 miles to Yew Han’s apartment in KL (what everybody calls Kuala Lumpar).
Just 48 hours in Tokyo
Alice Woolliams

As one of the most populated urban areas in the world, Tokyo is a stunning metropolis that’s packed with people and always bustling with life.
A Moroccan 20-Dollar Foot
Sidi Benzahra Cherkawi

Because the road was narrow, I stopped my rented car to wait for another car to pass through, coming in from the opposite direction. We were in the City of Salé and the heat was blazing inside and the air-conditioning was running inside.
A Quiet Coup in Fiji
John M. Edwards

Forced by the vagaries of an Around the World STA Ticket ($999.00) lands in Fiji during their first-ever military coup
Bad Christmas Travel
Merry Malapascua
John M Edwards

The joys of off-season travel, anytime except for Christmas, on a depopulated paradise in the Philippines
The Leh Trip
Praveen Kumar, CEO, JoGuru.

Touted as a bikers Paradise, Leh is one of the must visit place for a biker especially for the sheer driving experience. Once you visit Leh on a bike, you feel like you have conquered the world.
Road Trip to Leh
Paul Robinson

Our two-day journey into Indian Tibet began, sleepily, on an overcast and drizzly morning in Manali, Himachal Pradesh
Edutainment taste in Jarash
Marwan Asmar

Pupils interact with performances acts on stage of the plush South Theater. What better way to get people to recognize the values of ancient theaters than through the youngest members of society: School children.
Misconceptions about travel to Thailand

JWest Hardin

You will most likely leave your home in the west with a distinct set of preconceived notions about Thailand and Asia in general. Chances are the information is outdated or too generalized to be of any use to you
Casa Pilerne in Goa, India
Marianne de Nazareth

It's a great feeling, for never in all our years of driving down to Goa, in South India, from Bangalore, have we ever arrived, in time, to eat lunch in Panjim, on the same day that we left
A Moonlit Haven in Bangalore, India
Marianne de Nazareth

Bangalore is considered the silicon valley of the East. From a slow paced pensioner’s paradise of the ‘70’s, the city has evolved into a burgeoning metropolis with a very cosmopolitan flavour.
Wild Woods Spa, Kundapur, India
Marianne de Nazareth

Sometimes one must make a snap decision to switch off the rat race and head into the soothing arms of mother nature, to relax
Fragrance in Wild Wood Spa
Marianne de Nazareth

A thousand flowers envelop you as you step into the reception at Wild Wood Spa and resort at Kundapur.
Fruit and Flowers in London
Marianne de Nazareth

Filling my landing card on the Emirates plane into Heathrow, London, I was blissfully unaware of the long wait ahead of me.
A hot spring in Japan
Michael Webb

I want to write about what for me has made this country real and sometimes incredibly beautiful. My weekend visit to (Isesaki) in Gunma prefecture is almost over.
Our family witnessed a Revolution
Lorenza Bacino

In the spring of 2006 my husband was offered two months work in Kathmandu, Nepal, working with an organisation promoting peace and reconciliation.
In Search of the (happy) Jewish Story in India
Irene Shaland

I dreamt of India for years. As my husband Alex and I planned our trip we both began to see India as the place in space and time where one comes for self-discovery and personal growth.
The Dao of Being Jewish: Lessons from China- Irene Shaland
My husband and I came in search of a Jewish story, and the story we found was much more than we could have anticipated
Thailands ‘street food’ revolution
J West Hardin

I first came to Thailand by way of India thirty seven years ago. At that time the quality and variety of available food astounded me such as I had never witnessed in any of the third world countries I had visited up until that time.
Hanoi, Quy Nhon and my bargaining curse
David Calleja

Saving a bit of money in the bargaining process may equate to winning the battle, but is the cost really worth it?
Time for another Thai Miracle
Jules Kay

Thailand recently endured its worst flood in living history. The heart of the country, Bangkok, took a serious tourism hit as the international media broadcast images of widespread inundation.
Dog Days Gone Bye
Austin Muckinhaupt

The tides lather the beach as they roll up.  Leaving behind only froth and seaweed they retreat back just as lazily as they had arrived.  The sun is beginning to set. 
The Abominable Sumatran
John M. Edwards

Two hominids on holiday, we had arrived in the remote jungles of Sumatra
The Antipodean Dream
John M Edwards

On an Antipodean dream the stars and different and water circles counterclockwise down the drain
Furious and Freckled in Fi Kuk
Kate Leyshon in Thailand

It’s safe to say that I am a significantly freckled individual, in fact I’m pretty much covered in them
Full Moon Party on Ko Samet
John M Edwards

John M. Edwards survives a psychedelic breakdown on a backpacker’s mecca off the coast of Thailand
Fighting in Port Barton
James Roth

“Chickens?” I asked.
“For fighting,” he answered.

The perfumes of Madras
Marianne de Nazareth

So, taking the Brindavan Express which left Bangalore at 2:30 in the afternoon we set off, ostensibly reaching Chennai at 8:30pm.
The Kairali Om Beach resort, Gokarna, South India.
Marianne de Nazareth

The bus rattled and groaned all the way to Gokarna as the road is not too hot and the pot holes are a killer. However taking a trip at this time of year to the Om Beach, Gokarna is the best choice we made.
AirAsia: Spinning a World Wide Web
Tina Hsiao & Jules Kay

AirAsia stole the headlines at the biennial Paris Air Show held in June, inking the largest ever order of Airbus A320 aircraft, a deal worth US$ 18.2 billion.
Resiliency and Rice Liquor
Tyson Volkmann

In the predawn morning, central Hanoi's streets assume a dark and ominous demeanor. It is a welcome respite from the daylight hustle this city is known for.  This is the witching hour—the brief lull before the city awakes to a furious sun attempting to liquefy the pavement.
Fully fledged kick in the head
Colin Todhunter

Sleepless on the bed, jetlagged in a daze. Checked in to the hotel. Filled in this form, that form and got my key. My very own piece of metal. Personal passport to solitude
If I Can Do It, You Can Do It
Josephine Green

I am no runner. I bought proper running shoes for the first time this year; the cheap variety. Even at that point the thought of running half a marathon in China was unreal.
Fresh Powder Day in the Japanese Alps
Antonia Shaw

There’s nothing like waking up to the sound of silence…the sound of a fresh snowfall. That’s how I feel as I hurriedly jump out of bed and onto the chairlift taking me up to the top of Happo Mountain.
Outback Blues
John M Edwards
hitches a hell-ride to Coober Pedy in search of opals...
Walking on the Moon
John M. Edwards

Tongariro National Park moonscape. Defy the gravitas and join a Scottish mountain climber to scale an active volcano.
The Serai Bandipur Resort, India
Marianne de Nazareth

The Serai, Bandipur beckoned, as without a doubt, the Serai properties in South India are special , each one with its own trademark USP.
On Mayan Time
Janelle Brandon

Silence surrounded us as we were the only souls present that day.  It was absolute bliss!  Energy vibrated with centuries of history buried deep within every crevice. 
A stumble through fantasyland
(or, How Not to Attract Business)
John Enaeda

Picton, in the north-eastern corner of New Zealand’s South Island, used to be a pretty little seaside village with all the potential in the world for being a true tourist Mecca.
Before I died, I went to Boracay Island
Daniel Escurel Occeno
Before going I was told many times; Boracay Island was 'the' destination spot of the Philippines
Keeping it Clean on Mint Street,
Colin Todhunte
An old woman in rags, performs the sweeping-street-dust-into-the-air ritual twice daily. At least until the dust settles again
Thailand Holidays: The Best Areas
Alice Jerusa

If you’re looking for a holiday like you’ve never had before, then you should definitely consider Thailand.
Albania - Nation in Transition
Fred C Wilson 111

The Republic of Albania borders Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Greece. Albania’s coastline is as long as the country
I Know Why the Mona Lisa Smiles...
Dan Beckmann

I’ve been to Paris several times. Even lived there for a brief period. But my first trip was the experience I remember most
Two Americans in Marseille
Lara Herrington Watson

We flew to Carcasonne in a tiny Ryanair plane and felt we could finally wring Glasgow out of us in the warm Mediterranean air.

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Come to Winnipeg Folk Fest 2014
Lizzie Clarke

Artists and bands come from all over the world to perform on eight stages scattered across the festival site
A Guide to the Lonely Planet

Jonathon Engels

It takes little more than a couple of conversations about a place, the possible next destination, and in a fit of excitement, my wife or I will buy the Lonely Planet.
Wanuskewin Heritage Park- Saskatoon Habeeb Salloum
In Wanuskewin, different Indian cultures can offer their rich heritage to others in a spirit of sharing and hospitality
American Samoa
Fred C. Wilson III

American Samoa’s total land mass is a mere 76 square miles. The main island of Tutuila covers roughly two thirds of the total territorial land mass and is home to 95% of its 65,000 plus residents.
Wanderlust: A Long's Nights Drivin'
J S Wright

If I had the option to, the majority of my time would be invested in absence. There’s a reason why one of my favorite books is Kerouac's “On the Road”
Paul Michelson

“We’ll be in Montezuma by tomorrow afternoon,” I told my son. “Our reservation’s tomorrow night through Thursday.”
The Temazcal and the Ceiba Tree:
A Trip among the Maya
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger

I first stumbled into the soaring thatched-roof lobby of the Mahekal Beach Resort in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, some years ago. Could this really be a hotel?
It’s About Time

Walli F. Leff

As New Year’s Eve approached, my husband and I mulled over how we might celebrate this hedonic fiesta of bidding the time past good-bye and embarking on a fresh supply of new minutes in an excited public countdown in New York.
Puerto Rico
Discovering a Unique Identity
Sonum Bharill

I thought of Puerto Rico as a tropical island. I came to realize that it is instead a series of juxtapositions.
William Blomstedt

I woke to the sound of tires crunching through gravel by the walls of my tent. The engine noise died and the tail-end of a drunken conversation filled the yard. Hooting laughter bounded off the dry stone walls and it soon followed the sound of scuffing feet into the nearby hostel.
Trips around Mexico
Leroy B. Vaughn

I was nine years old in 1957, the first time I went to Mexico. That was the year my wife was born in the central Mexican state of Michoacan.
Moloka’i: The journey to see an old friend - G. A. Lodise
The heat of the mid-morning is already upon me as I work my way up the overgrown jeep track that zigs its way through the stout hills of the Ualapu’e district of eastern Moloka’i, arguably the least well-known of the Hawai’ian islands.
Colombia Journey

Dermot Sullivan

On Day Two in Colombia I realised that the company was not what I had hoped (or had been promised) and immediately tried to find work elsewhere (no-one travels across an ocean and then turns around after two days because of a ‘bad feeling’).
Jasper: The Jewel of the Canadian Rockies

Habeeb Salloum

Wondrous snow-capped mountains all around us gave my daughter and I a feeling that we were living in a fantasy world
OBX: A Family Paradise
Mathew MacCormack
in North Carolina - a popular destination for fishermen and families alike
Grandeur of Washington's National Mall
Habeeb Salloum

To America's youth, Washington D.C., their country's capital, is an almost mythical city. 
Views of Vizcaya
Tyrel Nelson

It’s me, the trees, and Juan Ponce de León. Never before did I think I’d be face-to-face with such a famous man. Not only was he Puerto Rico’s first Governor, but he also named the state beneath my feet.
Autumn in August
Tyrel Nelson

I’m fluttering like a streamer attached to a fan. A fan, however, is the last thing I need right now. I grab at the Ranger’s console and crank the heat on high. Hot air fills the Ford, but goose bumps keep popping through my skin.
Forging Through the Fourth
Tyrel Nelson

Spending all day indoors is simply too much for me, especially when it’s an off day. Whether the weather is fair, frigid, or feverish, I believe I have to spend my extra free time outside the house
Lake Reflections
Tyrel Nelson

I exit the hardware store with new work gloves in hand. I immediately slip them over my numbing fingers. The wind of the gloomy February afternoon picks up as I hustle to my pickup
Sacred Coca
Josef Clifford

The perilous route of the sacred coca leaf from Andean slopes to the cocaine market
Colorado to Mexico
Eva Marcelle Clifford

Flying into Houston, lightning pierces charcoal storm clouds; raindrops spill from tangerine skies and race down the cabin windows. The air’s electrifying, tingling with southern storms.
Club Med - Paradise Lost:The Bread Eaters John M. Edwards
Crashing a Club Med in French Polynesia, nonpaying guest intruder John M. Edwards discovers life is no picnic. . . . 
Shaking Like Shakira - In search of the Mosquito Coast
John M Edwards

“Ice is civilization!” declaims the protagonist in Paul Theroux’s popular bestseller The Mosquito Coast.
Austin Café Limits
John M. Edwards

Kickass Cool Coffee Quest @ Quacks

Jeremy Dillon

“Lets blow something up,” said Sean, cramped in the backseat. We all exchanged glances, and no one could find fault with the idea. In truth, we had nothing better to do.
Santeria: An Afro-Cuban Religion
Dr. Carlos M. Taracido

The Saints of Cuba, Santeria or Regla de Ocha, is the Afro-Cuban religion practiced in Cuba, and recently among Cuban immigrants in Miami and New York.
Discovering a Cuban Goddess
Olga Stavrakis

In a fortuitious coincidence the Pope happened to have arrived in Havana, Cuba on March 26, 2012, the day I was visiting with a group from the UK. Posters of the Pope’s visit were plastered all over the city.
A Not So Wasted Spring Break
Allison Cordaro

As soon as I hooked the bristled rope to the tarnished nail protruding from the wall to let others know not to enter, I sensed something was wrong.
Nature to Nurture
Grace Zhang

Sunlight trickled through the “Jurassic Park”-esque trees intertwining around us. Below us the vegetation tangled, roots crisscrossing and undulating through and on the confined hiking trail.
 A Taste of the South
Jasmyn Carpentier

It could be the beautiful weather, the breath-taking sights, or possibly just the southern hospitality alone that makes Charlotte, North Carolina one of the best vacation destinations in the United States.
- Arizona
Rosemary Cross

A few weekends ago, I decided to embark on my solo traveling adventure.  I went downtown Phoenix to all of the places that I normally go to with all of my friends, but this time I went alone to have a completely different kind of experience
Around the world in 30 days
J West Hardin
- Part One
I had always wanted to circumnavigate the planet. The prospect of buying a ’round the world’ ticket had always been in the back of my mind.
Around the world in 30 days
J West Hardin - Part Two

Shanghai to Helsinki
Our next leg was going to take us through Shanghai airport as transit passengers enroute to Helsinki , Finland.
On the Hemingway Trail
Habeeb Salloum

Some years ago, on a trip to Havana, Hemingway's granddaughter Mariel is reported to have said: “Cuba has three icons - Che and Fidel and my grandfather."
Exile in Bogota
Dermot Sullivan
April 2012
I find myself this Easter in Bogota, the capital city of Colombia. It is much quieter here than in Mexico, with none of the passion plays of orgiastic violence which Mexicans seem to celebrate
MARFA: An Alien Invite
John M. Edwards
drives out with some friends through the lonesome Texas tumbleweed to party down with extraterrestrials. Have you ever gotten an RSVP from Heaven?
Sleepless in St John
John M Edwards

John succumbs to the lures and snares of Caribbean ecotourism— on the romantic eve of 'Miss Lucy’s Pig Roast Full Moon Party'!
Monterey, CA
Laura Strong

From the beautiful coastal views to the lively entertainment, Monterey is a place you may never want to leave.
John M. Edwards

When I was a kid with my family on the New England coast, at a protected and isolated vacation spot called “Salter’s Point” (now near mythical to me and impossible to find on a map) ...
Atlas Shrugs
The Wizard of Christchurch
John M. Edwards

John M. Edwards gets vertigo following an upside-down “mappa mundi” created by a Magic Realism Magi in New Zealand.
Do Andorrans Dream of Electric Cheap
John M. Edwards

No replicant hitchhiker chainsmoker in his right mind would risk his or her life again driving a “smuggled” car through the slipperyslidy Pyrenees passes of the mountain-madness indie kingdom of royal Andorra
South America’s Undiscovered Gem
Pablo Delgado

Colombia is a victim of image.  To many it may be painted in the surrealistic brush strokes of a Gabriel Marquez novel or in the inflated features a Botero sculpture; it may be the turf of drug barons or the battleground of guerilla groups
Six reasons why you should travel alone after a rough breakup.
Mariusz Stankiewicz

There comes that time in your life when your views and perceptions of people become finally tempered, either generalizing and expounding that 'all people are shit and garbage.'

Morning Rain in Alberta
Mia Efantis

The rain keeps on falling up here in north-western Alberta, quickly filling up the prairie sloughs for thirsty cows and free-range antelopes to drink. An unusual summer indeed for this part of Canada

1000 Islands
Indrani Bhattacharyya

The lovely sun had brought back the laughter of the sky in Montreal. Time to explore the Islands

Beach, Blanket, Gringo!
John M. Edwards in Roatan

In the Bay Islands of Honduras, John M. Edwards Snorkels on the Belize Barrier Reef Only 100 Meters from “Shore”—Where a Scam Sweeps the Sand: “Hey, Watch Out With That Machete!”

Into the Wind – Engine Free Flying in Southern California
Lesley Boutilier

Amelia Earhart once said, “Adventure is worthwhile in its self.”  This belief, along with our shared attitudes about altitude, encouraged me to try the flight options in southern California
Tales Of the Cocktail
Tabytha Towe in New Orleans

It was an extremely last minute decision for me to just jump on board to this elaborate convention, and not just any bartenders affair, but the head honcho of bartenders, mixologist and aficionados affair.
World's Most Underrated Destinations
Tom Coote

How popular a country is as a travel destination, has as much to do with image as it has to do with how interesting a place is to visit or how accessible or affordable it is.

Full Circle along the Mother Road
Duncan Shaw

In the heat of an American summer, in the wake of the Great Recession, we set out on a road trip west with Sophie, 15; Helena, 13; Fiona, 10; Violet, 3.
Discovering Guiengola
Andrew Dunlop

The sun has just risen over the arid western plain of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Wispy cirrus clouds tinged with the orange hues of dawn make a half-hearted attempt to stifle the growing heat of the day.

Street Actors in Lima
Joey Carney

I haven't every really seen another city in the world where people are as resourceful as in Lima, whether the con-artists, the beggars, the businessmen, or real artists.

Montezuma's Revenge in Reverse
John M. Edwards

An American backpacker discovers the main dangers and annoyances of budget travel abroad are our fellow dolebludgers and dirtbag backpackers in the town of Montezuma, “Rich Coast” (Costa Rica).
Book Your Vacation here

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All comments by Hacktreks writers are their own opinions and are always informed by staying in the places they visit. Hackwriters accepts no responsibillities for the accuracy of their observations and or comments.