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A Winter Escape

••• The International Writers Magazine 2023 - Comment - Lifestyles - Fiction - Travel - 24 years on-line
Best of the Season to all our readers and here's hoping for a more peaceful 2024
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live
Bass Ponds
Tyrel Nelson
I hadn’t been here in forever. The biting wind made my eyes water as I watched my breath drift away and disappear into the morning air. It was definitely November in Minnesota.

The Thomas Hobbes School of Driving Like a Carioca
Brynn Barineau
My husband and I almost died the other day.  Again.  We were driving a car in Rio de Janeiro, so near death experiences are just one of the costs like gas and wiper fluid. 
Season's Greetings from Us to YouDecember

Blurring The Law for Theocratic Rule

James Campion12.09.23

Mike Johnson Tells It Like It Is – Ignore his Warning at America’s Peril
- The Speaker of the House of Representatives ... means to protect criminals who sought to violently overthrow a free and fair election...
Henry Alfred Kissinger -

James Campion
Throughout most of the 1970s under Nixon and his successor Gerald Ford, Kissinger oversaw the implementation of a half-dozen “Dirty Wars” from Pakistan to Argentina
Ready for a Change:
3 Steps to Change Your Career Path at Any Age

Indiana Lee

It's never too late to invest in your life and career

Pencil Sketch On A Boarding Pass
Natalie Neville on Cuba
Havana is intoxicating and inspiring and decrepit and soiled...

The world and the Arab world
Marwan Asmar
... laughter, jokes, and mirth is what characterizes human development, and makes us cope with the intricacies and problems of life.

Meet Boss
Dog Walking in Brooklyn
John Lowry
Monday 6:22 AM - Windy, thirty-two degrees. Boss anxious for his walk.
A Brief History of Freejazz
in New York

Robert Levin

"I don't want to make music that sounds nice," Silva told me.

REVIEWS Film & Books

Marikka woke suddenly.  It was a warm night, the air unusually thick and cloying.
A way to lose your Coat
Sidi Cherkawi Benzahra
My dad was an auto-body man. He made his living in a dusty shop, fixing and painting cars.
An invitation to lunch

Sam Hawksmoor
“So, you’re probably wondering why you’re here,” Oxard queried...
Premonitions of angels
Abigail George

Just keeping on
Flecked with dizzying introspection, difficult, monstrous yet inspiring new things that bring you joy
Zelda the Witch
Martin Green
I'd been working only a few weeks in the State’s Industrial Data Agency when Zelda the Witch was transferred into our little unit.

Books that should still be in print!
The Girl Who Could Fly
Victoria Forester
Sam Hawksmoor
'Seems like our child ain't normal,' said Betty McCloud
White Cat by Holly Black
Holly Trinder review
a brilliant story of magic, danger, mystery, and the simple problems of trying to fit in
The Black Lung Captain
by Chris Wooding

Marcel D'Agneau review
Take the cynical qualities of Indian Jones mix it with the movie Serenity and an eclectic gun-toting crew and you have the thrilling mix of Captain Frey and his oddball crew aboard the Ketty Jay.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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