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James Campion
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Welcome - July
Change is coming
but will you like it?

••• The International Writers Magazine 2024 - Comment - Lifestyles - Fiction - Travel - 25 years on-line
Kamala Harris now front runner for US Election - game on.
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live

San Francisco
Art and Culture in San Francisco: Must-Visit Galleries and Museums

Ksenia Lukovic
A city paradise for art lovers
Guilt Free Glutony
Walking & Wine in Montepulciano
Aaron Millar

Southern Tuscany is undoubtedly one of the most gastronomically satisfying places on earth.
Critter’s Control:
My Latest Misadventure
Sean O’Neill

I could not escape; the slimy, hard-shelled, bug-like creature clamped onto my right thigh and would not let go.

Biden and Harris
Summer of Chaos
James Campion
Panic in the White House as Biden finally bites the bullet and quits the race. Now we have a battle.
Stay Calm / Beat Trump
James Campion
The goal has not changed, no matter who is on the other side - It is time for a Reality Check, folks.

James Campion
First Ever June Presidential Debate Reveals Major Flaws...

7 Ways to Sell a Rental Property

Phillip Uzelac
Learn 7 effective ways to sell a rental property, including tenant management, strategic updates, tax navigation, and marketing tips for maximum profit.
Classical Elegance
Nick Constance
8 days, 4 ships, 3 concerts and 7 locations –a magical musical tour through the French countryside
The Rise of College Identity Theft
Justin Lavelle

As a college student, you might not think anyone wants to steal your identity. You have no money or credit so identity thieves must not be interested in you…right? Think again.
Top 7 Mistakes That Can Keep You Out Of Law School - Robert Everett
As you have intended to apply to law school, you need to know some things in order to avoid frequent mistakes that lead to refusal ...

REVIEWS Film & Books

The Restoration of Ami
The Restoration of Ami
Bonnie Devert Review 7.1.24

USA Road Trip Fiction
An African Bride
Fisayo Talabi
She sat, legs crossed, staring at the menu. With the corner of her eyes, she watched Felix sip his glass of water as he looked through the menu too.
The Wild Bird’s Progeny
Abigail George

In a doorway stands an entire choir of voices that bloom in an oblivion and not one of those voices belong to me.

Mission Longshot
2024: Honorable Mention in the Purple Dragonfly Awards


Imaginary Heroes

Dan Heck
Vampires and Push-Ups


Director: Lee Isaac Chung
Stars: Daisy Edgar-Jones, Glen Powell,
Sam Hawksmoor review
Thrills and Chills - definitely wear a helmet in Oklahoma Player Kings
The Night When Actor Sir Ian McKellen Fell Off the Stage
Dr Bonnie Devet
With all his weaknesses, he unabashedly, even self-gloriously, enjoys being human. Falstaff is what he is.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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