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Tabytha Towe Diaries - That Vancouver Girl
in Cape Town
Tabythat Towe's Diaries
could walk from the sea, through the city and up to the mountains
in a couple hours. What more could you want?'

Tab sailing off Camps Bay
I always
wanted to go to South Africa ever since I was a child, for my mother
had lived there 23 years ago prior to my birth. I was born in Canada
but she told me that if she hadnt married my father, (not that
anything was wrong with him,) that she would have brought me back to
SA to raise me.
Therefore, I always contemplated the possibility of what my life would
have been like if she didnt marry him and she did bring me up
there. Wow there is so much to ponder and contemplate on that idea.
As far back as 7 years old she always told me stories that made me want
to go there so bad. I knew she missed it.
I knew no one in SA yet, I knew I had a half cousin living there whom
I had never met, but had wanted to meet my whole, entire life, but that
was about it, and I kind of liked it that way. No one knows me either
then. My sweet mother however, a week or so before I left, somehow got
in touch with her ex-boyfriend of 30 years ago who still resides in
Cape Town. I think he actually found this magazine and got a name then
figured it out from there
Somewhere along the lines they had arranged for him pick me up from
the airport, in which he did so in his proud Alfa Spyder which practically
got hit the second I sat in it. (Dont worry the car is OK.)
From then on, as soon as my foot met South Africas land
I was alive again! That numb feeling seemingly just dissipated into
the new air. It was so hot and the sun was gleaming over the mountains,
it was all that I had anticipated, especially having come from Vancouver
where it had finally -yet ironically- snowed the day I was leaving.
So my mothers ex (Grant) put me up the first night. Within an
hour after my arrival we went to Constantia and I was fortunate enough
to meet some very wealthy and important people in very high places.
I was lucky to be welcomed into some of their houses and be able to
explore their precious gardens, and I tell you they are bloody gorgeous
and massive. I mean what does one do with so much yard?
This is my first day and already my new acquaintance was informing me
of the many Captonian ways. Educating me about the politics, controversies
and its history. My God there is so much to learn about that place,
you cant even begin to fathom the half of it. I dont know
a quarter of it yet. However, it seems that the truth is quite flexible,
for everyone has their own opinion and story to tell about Mandela,
Mbecki - the AIDS epidemic, the black and white issues, schooling, trades,
economy, the government, homeless, the list goes on and on. Hearing
some of this intrigued me yet also saddened me at the same time, but
I had an urge to know more. It doesnt ever stop. Africa is the
oldest country in the world and in some part of our ancestry weve
all originated from there. I dont know how much I can say safely,
being a tourist and only having the knowledge of but I can say that
being there was an eye opener and even a heart opener. Yes, it is different
and it is a developing country but it is absolutely amazing and we have
such a misconception of this place.
Now I am only speaking as far as Cape Town goes, because thats
all I really had the time to see, but sometimes Id actually forget
that I was in Africa.

Tab and some new drinking pals |
it even felt like Vancouver to me, like home. Cape Town is a WONDERFUL
little city (and I say little because everywhere seems so close)
with a beautiful shore line that follows along the coast silhouetting
around it with white waves and blue beaches. Then you look up to
the calm, velvet feathered sky and see these prominent mountains
standing firm and proud, rising casually over the hectic city below.
You could walk from the sea, through the city and up to the mountains
in a couple hours. What more could you want!? As for business and
economy it is developing more and more, the tourism and film industry
seems to be growing, there are travellers everywhere who want to
do everything from shark dive, paraglide, to climbing Table Mountain
or visit one of the many vineyards. |
a movie being shot somewhere almost everyday. Actually, through
a very dear friend of mine who was working on a particular film
- I got to meet Lou Diamond Phillips and Mr. Coolio himself at a
cast and crew party! I was hoping Id get in on the action
some how, perhaps be one of those extras that could walk by on the
street or even work on set as the coffee bitch; but I suppose they
thought they had enough "Americans" on the production
already. Oh yes there was another misconception, what people thought
of Canadians! The things we all have yet to learn about other parts
of the world
Tab with Lou Diamond and a pal |
and foremost it was very important for me to meet someone. Finally and
very fortunately, I got to meet a guy I considered in a way my long
lost cousin. Well come my first encounter with my new found cousin,
Dominic. Immediately I felt close with him and we got a long charmingly.
He is so great and we were both pleased that we actually have cool family
members, especially after all this lost time from each other. Hes
rather similar to me in some ways we realised. Hes laid back,
enjoys a good time, very loyal and just as stubborn as I am. What a
pleasant surprise, although I wasnt surprised that wed get
The first night out I took off with him to a comedy show his friends
were performing in which was absolutely hysterical, I almost pissed
myself! Then we played pool where I managed to sink only one ball that
was my own, and went to his friends bar where I met some of my cousins
Apparently there was an unspoken rule that everyone I got introduced
to had to shoot tequila or whisky with me, so at the end of the night
I was a complete gong show and realised that I had no idea who I was
talking to all night. I knew I probably had a lot of nights like that
coming up yet. Trust me there were quite a few many, staggering adventures!
You kind of adapt to the tricks of the trade when you make mistakes.
That first night I had a mobile phone and money stolen from me, which
was really my fault, because I was drunk and negligent. My purse that
was blatantly abandoned on a table in the corner, go figure. I learned
later to keep it on me at all times, you do have to learn quickly about
certain little things, or simply use common sense. Thats all you
need to get by in life anywhere, self assurance helps.
When people ask me if it was dangerous, well sure it is, but so is every
other place. Vancouver has some dodgy areas too, but no one warns you
about it. I never once witnessed a mugging or rape or beating, although
I could have, easily, except that I also learned to be careful about
what areas to avoid either alone or in darkness. I seemed to get around
without much hassle by myself, however I am a complete wander lust and
for some reason am attracted to trouble, yet I was still fine. I mean
I had to run from a guy in Woodstock (which is kind of like a ghetto
suburb) who wanted my water one day, so I had to decide to either give
it to him or fuck off. Well I did what I did because I was so dehydrated
and my blood sugar level was so low that I could have blacked out in
the middle of the street, so I did what I thought was sensible. I was
fine after I was able to drink my water and sit down. See, you have
to make spontaneous judgment calls sometimes, just hope they are wise
ones. Im just glad I actually out an someone really, I kind of
run skew and its a pretty funny sight. That is why I dont
usually run, unless being chased of course.
I also got lost a couple times. That first day in Claremont was the
worst because I walked around barefoot on a scorching hot day in which
I definitely learned my lesson and I managed to find my way too - some
way or another. "Lady, where are ya shoes!?" Locals were laughing
at me. Do I remember that day well. It was painful and embarrassing.
Other than a few mistakes which are inevitable and typical of a foreigner
who doesnt know any better, I think I caught on enough to be safe.
At times I did feel alienated because I was walking around alone, but
never felt unsafe. Although I do also believe that people can make themselves
victims. I choose not to be so.
Besides, Cape Town is not that dangerous compared to Johannesburg for
example, where crime is the norm. Ok so a lot of nights were spent "partying"
if you will, especially in Observatory at my friends famous shop, where
we somehow always ended up at some point. Theres always somewhere
to go and have fun, even on a dead night. In town there are many local
bars where the cool people go are until all hours of the morning
I loved the pubs, bars and lounges they have, they are all so authentic
and different, whether it be atmosphere, architecture, art or décor,
they were very cool places to either chill or get rowdy. I didnt
even go to any big clubs because I didnt need to, the social scene
was big enough without it. Plus I heard that they are very high school
and I wanted to avoid that kind of crowd. Of course I did get to go
to a strip joint, but a classy one. Sorry, a gentlemens
club rather. I spent most of these endless, drunken nights with
my favorite cousin and his tight circle of friends who soon became mine
as well. They were all so welcoming and accommodating to me. They were
nothing but sweet the instant I met them, I couldnt get over it,
nor was I used to it. They didnt have to give two shits about
a stranger, but thats the way they are and not once did I feel
awkward with them or excluded from them. Im so glad I got acquainted
with such wonderful people in my life.

A Stellenbosch home
To be honest, the friends I made really are the reason why I had
such a great time. Without them it would never have been the same.
They are so unique and kind and so much fun! I miss them already!Nonetheless
Ill see them again one day when I return. I think I said around
2005 they would find me back there. Well see. Ha! I even left
a (hate to admit, but an inexpensive) bottle of wine at one of their
houses with a very adamant label saying that it shall ONLY be opened
for that special day I return! Thought it was kind of a cute idea
at the time. |
I was in Cape Town for my short stay, and I say short because a couple
months simply werent long enough for me. (Trust me I should have
stayed longer, there was so much more to see of South Africa). I was
fortunate to experience many festivities that makes it so compelling.
Festivities such as the annual International Cape Argus Bike Tour in
which thousands of dedicated cyclists from around the world came out
to ride through treacherous hills and narrow roads for hours on end,
some even doing it over and over again each time they crossed the finish
line. Fucking hard core these crazy cyclists!. Im drinking beers
watching them zoom by thinking about how intriguing it is to see how
many people participated; whether they were locals or from afar, from
young to old and with either health problems or medical conditions,
I mean it was amazing. Im 20 and should be in decent enough shape,
yet I cant even ride a bike for half an hour without getting a
slight heart attack. Im not the most athletic anymore, smoking
doesnt help, but wow, what an inspiring event. Even I went bike
riding after that, in which I did black out from the effort sad to say,
but it was worth it just to say I went after so many years. I also made
it in time for the last few games of the World Cricket tournament. I
admit I never paid any attention to it before but it was all I heard
about when I arrived. It is a huge world sport and there were tourists
from all over who had come to see this. Meanwhile, I believe it took
me a week just to figure the damned game out. I didnt even know
we had a Canadian team. Cricket seems like a big deal for the country,
however I didnt get into it, but South Africans have not seen
ice hockey before either.
were some other gigs happening too, like the annual Long Street Festival
(I found the street to be quite short actually, considering I walked
up and down it almost everyday.) People just poured into the street
drinking and smoking, dancing and free-styling. A lot of hippies and
Rastafarians, and basically everyone who wanted to have a good time
came out. It was a cool crowd. I had a fun for three nights on Long
street, shaking my ass, stumbling with two beers in hand, rolling in
the hay with my friend (that almost got us set on fire). Lots of running
up and down, constantly checking out the scene, absolutely high as a
kite, getting a lot of strange peoples phone numbers. The next day Id
look in my book and wonder where I got them from, wondering who these
people were? I think every city should have street festivals, it brings
people together in love and unity.
OK maybe not so much so, but it can be fun to have once in a while.
Man there was too much going on, Jazz fests, art shows, all kind of
events that tourists like me would like to do. I didnt end up
making it to most because everything costs. I managed to spend what
I had extravagantly quick, which left me quite limited with certain
activities I desired to take part in. Its too easy when youre
on holiday. Of course I could have been a little more prepared financially
for I simply have no restraint on my budget. I love dropping hundreds
without worrying about it, but then within two weeks youre eating
one sandwich a day. Beer or bread? Sacrifices anddecisions. Hmmm. Responsibility
is as much a choice as happiness is. Anyways enough of that.
I was very grateful to be able to go on some tours. One in particular
was a township tour that I will never forget or perhaps never fully
Now I have a lot of mixed feelings on the situation, for I have never
been exposed to that kind of living before. In South Africa it is a
well established way of life for some, in fact for many. There are townships
spread everywhere consisting of, oh god knows how many people, on these
seemingly deserted slabs of waste-land they call home.
I am quite sympathetic and compassionate, yet I didnt cry. I dont
know if I was shocked or what, it was a surreal emotion. Though now
Im glad I didnt get all teary, I dont think it wouldnt
have been appropriate and I would have felt shameless in a way. mYou
see families living in poverty and unstable conditions in a shed probably
12x12 ft. or so, like the size of our bathrooms in which they do not
have, made out of metal sheeting or anything else they could find and
use. Some may have a concrete building that they share amongst other
families, but that is if you could afford to at what they said to be
was R9 a month. (R means rand, which is SA money. One Canadian dollar
bought R5.6 at the time.)
Obviously there are no kitchens so food is cooked out of garbage bins.
There are skinny puppies falling over and scavenging for scraps of food
left on the ground, little children dirty and hungry in torn clothing,
busy mothers and fathers working hard in the sweltering sun, no medication
or hygiene into consideration, it was so raw and real. All the while
you take pictures as if they are a circus act, yet all the while they
remain smiling. Maybe not because they like us, they know these tours
bring them some benefits, but at least they seem hopeful, hopeful that
their living conditions will get better for them one day.
I did leave feeling guilty, but accepting as well, for I apprehended
that harshness as a part of life. There is not much I could do about
it, even if I did give the shirt off my back. There are too many people
who need help. Instead I learned to appreciate what I have a lot more,
thats for sure. I couldnt even contemplate the possibility
of having to survive like that, yet I have also had a taste of what
else is out there, whereas they havent known anything else. However,
there is only so much that the tour guides can show you and we saw only
what they thought we should see, but it was enough for me. The sick
thing is, not only that it is a huge concern for thousands, but that
I wished I had more film on me so I could have taken some photos of
On a lighter note I did an incredible tour of The Cape Point. It was
so refreshing and lovely. The view was astonishingly crystal. There
was no way my camera could capture the half of its beauty. It can only
pick up so much for part of the beauty is closing your eyes and feeling
the gentle wind captivate your body. Stand and smell the smooth, sweet
air of the salty ocean with its distant waves crashing against the cliffs
like a violently whispering echo.

overlooking the City |
the day I decided to take a dip in this water hole to cool down.
It was so inviting I couldnt resist, even if I was wearing
jeans that I knew would be wet and cold all day from going in. Floating
on my back I almost fell asleep, not able to notice that baboons
were everywhere trying to scavenge food off the rest of my group.
I acknowledged this when I heard something splash in the water where
people were throwing rocks at them. Oh speaking of which, I will
never be able to lose the disturbing image of what I saw that day
saw a baboon, a-hem, I saw a baboon fucking masturbate!! Eeewww!?
| I
dont want to elaborate for you in detail what it was like but
I can tell you it was creepy (I almost feel violated!) Its just
one of those things where you dont want to look but have to.
I also went on a long awaited shark tour that I was very excited to
do! When else would I be able to see these mystical creatures in their
natural habitat? Of course much to my luck before I even get into the
cage and go in the water I get horribly sea sick as soon as we drop
anchor. Apparently my face just went completely flush white and from
then on I couldnt stand anymore and swayed myself down to a seat.
I couldnt really talk either because I had a breathing rhythm
to relax me. My God I have never felt so nauseous in my life, nor have
I ever gotten motion sickness before. What great timing. I wanted to
vomit as if I had just downed a 40 pounder of bourbon, but I couldnt
let it out. It was a miserable experience, I didnt get to play
with the sharks and I spent the whole boat trip basically tripping out
because I took these pills that made me feel worse. That was really
upsetting, my poor friend did me a favour to get me on the damned tour
in the first place so I felt exceptionally guilty. Oh well, I saw a
fin at least and I can still see the sharks again when I return, that
is if theyre not all hunted by the end if the season.
While I was away I had a lot of time, (amongst the festivities, partying,
wondering, tours and dinners) to figure out what I like and what I am
really like. This would take half an hour for you just to read and Im
sure you have a creative enough imagination to have an idea of what
kind of person I am by now, so we wont go there, but I will tell
you one thing made everything seem so clear to me. In the past I havent
always been the most confident, therefore I did let myself get taken
advantage of on many occasions. I was constantly questioning and trying
to analyse every aspect of things, which could be a positive tool, however
it is very powerful and usually ends up stressful rather than useful.
Answers are never definite, for there are so many different perspectives,
so I got frustrated often because I felt so lost. My insecurities made
me inhibited, which probably explains much, so I wasnt completely
honest with myself. I didnt take enough time out to enjoy the
simple things in life, I always rushed through it thinking Id
get more done quickly, but ended up missing what mattered anyways. I
was already looking for something else instead of enjoying what was
there at the time. I needed to slow down, take a step back -or forward
actually, and take a deep breath. This is why I started to feel numb
again before I left. I let myself fall into that vicious, agonising
attitude towards my underachieved life. I wanted to feel again, feel
love, pain, anger, fear, passion, anything, if it hurts, then at least
its real and it is mine. Just anything but empty, which I knew
I was not, I am sometimes too deep for my own good. Part of this emptiness
originated with the talk of war which made me sick and despise humanity.

Samantha at the beach |
Coming to a
country alone, not knowing what to expect, feeling excitement, wonder,
curiosity and even anxiety in a way, being away from everything
and everyone you know, seeing new things and being an inexperienced
traveller, you really start to accept and enjoy everything. Its
a funny sensation, but it is a sensation no less. I had to learn
a lot on my own, like not to pack a huge suitcase if you know you
only have to cart it around everywhere. Backpacking is reliable
enough Im sure, but come on Im a girl man! Ah yes, that
fucking suitcase ...
Coming to a country alone I embraced one of the glorious pleasures
of travelling alone. Not only could I do whatever I want, when I
want, where I want without being hassled by anyone elses plans,
I was single again for the first time in years. Im only 20
and I have only been single now? |
I had a tendency
to have one boyfriend (or at least some kind of not-so-healthy relationship)
one after another and another. I left no time for myself to breathe,
there was always someone in my bed. I was always so wrapped up in
the package of relationship, it freaked me out a little. Not all
relationships went sour either, in fact none are really bitter endings,
some of the guys I still talk to, just not that often, and it works
out just fine as long as we have a mutual understanding and without
hard feelings. But having just split up with someone youve
been with for a year, (your longest lasting relationship to date-
my god I went insane. My eyes were feasting. I looked at all these
beautiful, good looking people frolicking around like pieces of
juicy meat. I couldnt stand it, I was looking at attractive
people with single eyes again and it was so awkward for I felt like
I should be guilty, but then the giddiness kicked in and lust took
over and I felt as if I was going to explode. I seriously felt like
an eager virgin again. I was a vicious prowess without even realising
it. I thought I could keep it down and conceal my natural, femme
instincts, but obviously I didnt do a good job at hiding
Although I felt wrong because of my latest boyfriend being so recent
and still caring about him, I eventually acquiesced. I gave up denying
the fact that I am a young woman on holiday and uncommitted. When
does a chance like this happen? |
now there were too many options, how do I play this game
I had forgotten! I can pick up boyfriends reasonably it seems, but I
dont want a boyfriend, so how the hell do I go about this again?
It didnt take long before someone came up to me, thank god, cause
I didnt have a clue. (And before I go on I just want to clarify
something here: I did say I was going to be more honest in my writing
and not hold out on particular events in which I have done in the past,
however, this is my private life I am sharing with the public and for
those who dont know me might perceive me as someone that I may
not be. I dont know you either, so I dont really care too
much what you think, otherwise I would never do this in the first place
and I am sick of worrying about what people think. Im just going
to tell it straight. I wont censor a lot of things, but I wont go in
detail over certain things either. So just so that we are on the same
page here, I want to make it clear that I am not at all slutty, just
a little lascivious at times, (depends on whos involved,) but
I am only human, so dont condemn me for having needs, please.
Just wanted to get that out of the way.)
O, so I had a couple snogs, a couple high school, more-so-drunken make
out sessions with a couple of guys and that was about it. Innocent fun.
My confidence surprised even me, and then I guess it fed my ego a bit
while I was playing this game. Then it kind of became too much, as if
I didnt want any one to come to me. If I am interested, then maybe
Ill make a move
maybe. Well soon enough the random snogging
died out, which was fine, and I chilled out for a bit. Until one day
of course, I just had this magnetic attraction to someone that wasnt
completely physical. I dont usually go for looks. I am attracted
to personality and attitude. If I see soul in their eyes, can laugh
with them and have decent conversation, then Im keen, otherwise
if its all looks and no character, then Im out pretty quickly.
This guy was unlike any other I have met, especially his lifestyle.
In fact you could say very different in the way we live our lives, extremely
different, except we had some other similarities that we could relate
to with each other. Fears, doubts, faith in spirituality, certain views,
certain qualities - we shared our ideas and learned from each others
mistakes, stories and beliefs. Hes my sexy Mr. Gordons Bay.
We grew close over a month and then suddenly, as if we didnt know
it was coming, the romance had to end. I was hopeful about staying longer
again, I had already extended my trip once and intended on living in
SA for another few months so I could discover the rest of its wonders.
I needed more time to do that, but I also needed money, so once the
holiday cash flow was gone I picked up a serving job at a cool restaurant
that could have got me by fairly enough. I desperately wanted to see
Namibia, I wanted to go to Zimbabwe, see the bush, do The Transkie and
Transvaal route. Perhaps go to Kenya, Botswana, Tanzania, or learn to
surf in Mozambique. I really, really wanted to stay and nearly did,
but I had other arrangements that required my immediate attention, apparently.
I had to go to London suddenly, when I was not ready to. However thats
another story, tell you furthermore later.
So going back to this affair I had to end, it was very sweet. He was
the last person I saw In Cape Town. He dropped me off at a bus that
was headed for Johannesburg where I would soon catch flight to London.
We said our goodbyes trying not to be teary eyed, (we both hate goodbyes,
but really its see you again) said wed keep in touch and
just like that I was never going to see him the next day, nor for a
while after this. I was leaving this new place I began to call home
and all my beloved friends. It was very dramatic for me to leave. I
think I cried for an hour after it hit me. It didnt really sink
in right away that I was actually leaving. Thats what happened
the first time when I thought I had to leave, after only a month, which
was originally the plan. But plans keep changing and I almost made myself
sick with anxiety desperately trying to extend my trip. I was nowhere
near ready to go yet. I put so much effort into booking a longer stay
that the day before I was to leave an opening came up suddenly and I
could stay longer. That was a happy day for me, I infected everyone
with my energy! So come the second time I heard I had to leave I thought
I could get away with it again. Certain matters wouldnt allow
it though.
Back in Vancouver now and still managing to remain single and believe
I must, for my own good. I need to be with myself and no one else, besides
Im taking off around the world again as soon as I can afford to.
As for that mysterious man, ngi thanda pica, still and always.
Africa affects you in mysterious ways:
One day, sitting on a rock upon a water fall on Table Mountain, (OK
only half way up it) staring at the city ahead of me that looked so
close, yet so tiny, I realised that at 20 years old I have truly done
more than a lot of people I know. Some of it was tough, I brought on
a lot of it upon my own head, but without the tough, nothing else would
be as rewarding, such as my struggle to afford this vacation for example.
I shouldnt be so concerned at 20 feeling as if I should be where
a 40 year old is. I could be doing more than I am, maybe I should have
accomplished more in 20 years, but I have learned throughout my life
and still have a lot more ahead of me. This is where I get paranoid
and stressed about life being too short, so I rush things, then I make
excuses that life is too short so why not just have as much fun as I
can. I need to find a balance. You know those moments when you dont
even know if youre thinking about or feeling anything in particular,
you just are, just there, just you and just being? That just is. I appreciate
those moments so much, and they come rarely. Its about living
for today, where you are, who you are, when you are. It doesnt
mean forget yesterday or disregard tomorrow, but live for today as it
is happening and take it as it comes, dont hesitate or wish it
was something else, something else will always happen and then youll
wish that too was something else. We are so consumed with getting rid
of shit we dont let the goodness in. Thats what opens us
up, we are closing our own doors. Regardless if it makes you more vulnerable,
it also makes you stronger. Carpe diem. What helped me remember this
again was when I heard the news from back home of a recent passing of
a friend of mine I have known for many years. I dont have many
of the friends from that era of my life anymore so it really hit me
hard. Its strange how it takes something such as losing someone
you care about to realise that your life actually has significance.
Well why isnt life fair? Why do things turn out the way they do?
Why are we here? Why bother questioning the why?
Why did he have to fucking die? I wont ask that because it is
the way it is and I cant explain or justify or change any of that.
I can only take whatever is thrown at me, but maybe it is given to me
for a reason. My friend lived a good life. I know he would want us to
celebrate it rather than morn it, remember the great times we had and
keep him in our memories, keep him in our hearts. He was one of those
people with those intoxicating smiles that made you feel like smiling,
even if he or yourself werent in the mood to, it was so sincere
and genuine you couldnt help but feel better and smile back. We
all have our crazy stories about him or with him, he was a crazy kid.
He took life by the handles and rode it into the ground. At least he
rode this life. Take those chances in life or else you will miss out.
I never got the chance to say good bye to him, and taking chances does
not insinuate taking risks, which seem exciting at the time I know,
but I also know that I never want to look back and ask myself why didnt
I do it when I had the chance. Rest in peace Tyler.
There is too much for me to possibly write about my stay in Cape Town,
but I know I will always remember it. I fell in love with South Africa.
The people have such a friendly attitude, (well most of whom I came
across,) the friends I made, (you know who you are,) the language (in
which I find quite sexy) its compliments to a vibrant morning
life style and an intoxicating nocturnal life style as well, the history,
the city, the music, the animals I dont get to see back home such
as zebras, giraffes (and even masturbating baboons,) the culture and
way of life, just the whole experience itself, I loved every moment
of it. It was exactly what I needed and gave me something extravagantly
significant. I discovered things within myself I didnt acknowledge
before or just ignored. I enjoyed life and want to live it successfully.
The whole experience has really made a difference for me and I wont
let that go. I absolutely cannot wait to travel again. There is so much
of the world I long to see, and its not that I am running from
here trying to avoid or escape reality, it truly is that I feel liberated
when Im away from it. Like the saying goes, you appreciate something
more when its not there. Dont get me wrong I love Vancouver,
this is my home, Ive known it my entire life and I hold a lot
of sentiment and pride for this place, but within a couple months Cape
Town started to feel like a home to me as well. Its almost as
if Ive left a piece of me there -and that is why I must go back
one day. Plus I have that bottle of wine with my name on it!! Thank
you soooo much to Sean, my sweet, you taught me things I always wondered
about and want to get a better understanding of. Im proud of you
and I know we will meet again. Stay strong.
© Tabytha Towe June 21st 2003
(London next stop)
my friends there:
Domino, you know what you did for me. Im so friggin relived you
are part of my family and that we can still remain friends, I almost brag
about it. Take care on your journeys and come through to Canada soon before
I leave, dont worry I can take care of you, food, bed, bike, car
Ken, Kenny, Kenya, I adore you to pieces and love hearing from you. We
had some good times. It sucks not talking to you every day anymore, but
be sure to keep in touch babes. Send me a photo of the love pad.
Gorgeous George, what are the figures these days? Next time
I see you sleep with one eye open my friend, the fight isnt over
just because we are on opposite sides of the world. Be a good boy now
Georgie, no baboon wanking around!
Sue, Mikey and Nicola, thanks for the hospitality once again, you saved
my ass. Congrats on another baby girl on the way!!! Sam, did Sean give
you that card yet? I owe you R50!!! Hows the new house in Hout Bay?
Say hi to Dave. Robert, still cant believe I got sea sick but thanks
anyways love.
To Cat, Zee, Moana, Marcus, Brian, Lindsey, Germaine, Warren, Stuart,
Steve, Chris, Dono, Robin, Netty, Dirk, Ricardo, Janni, Tobias, Johanna,
Lo, Graham, Simon, Roland, Tristan, Grant, Michael, Tombey, Kevin, Allisdair,
Rob -thanks for the show and hope your knee is healed now, and any one
else I missed on naming, dankie!!
You guys made my stay unforgettable.
I THANK you, MISS you, LOVE you and wish nothing but the BEST for you
- I WILL see you another day.
Part One -
Leaving Vancouver
Part Three-
moments from Tabytha Towe's diary:
SEVEN and a half-EIGHT-
Africa Diaries) EIGHTEEN
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