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Tabytha Towe- our Vancouver Girl
this months ''issue'' of what may seem to be ever-so-exciting in
Tabytha's' ever-so-exciting-life: So first it was about graduating,
(in which I managed to complete successfully enough, then it was
about getting my car, (in which I managed to succeed in driving,)
and in between the two there were a few boyfriends, (in which, I
was not so successful.) |
Soon the time
came that I needed a new job, seeing as I had gas to pay and no more
boyfriends!? I have my many little goals I constantly try to keep up
with from day to day, and there are also those goals that require a
little more effort that I make from...well...every now and again. I
still make the same new years resolutions from five years ago,however,this
year I have decided to give up on them altogether.
Alas, after interview, after interview after-more-interviews, I received
a couple of call backs, a whole of one call back actually. (Finding
decent work in this day and age, it's like trying to find a decent man
at a club.)
Turns out that the job I wanted was ready for me to come in and dominate
the business---well not quite so, but I don't think they were as ready
for me as they thought. I'm now a hostess/caterer at The Boathouse,
the place for fine dining of seafood cuisine.
It's a convenient position for me. I like the restaurant industry -
much more than goddamned retail, it's pretty close to my neighborhood
and I get along with all the staff. It seems that at an end of a shift,everyone
pours in to the lounge for staff discounts on beer and wine. That's
probably the best part about it so far, sitting at the bar with a nice
glass of wine, relaxing,watching the poor bartenders working their asses
off while everyone else is off. The bartenders are really great.. They
are always working. Our restaurants are all based by rivers or seas
over looking the water. When the sunshine or moon light reflects into
the restaurant it is absolutely beautiful. I've never been able to say
that about any working environment, my previous jobs were rather dreary,ugggh!
I have a feeling this job will last me longer than 6 months for once,
you know, I tend to rotate my employment so as to not despise my job,and
I figure it puts some variation on my resume... I also plan on being
punctual. I'm notoriously late for anything I set a time to. I just
hate revolving around a clock, everything is too scheduled and there
never seems to be a right amount of time to do something anyways. But
we won't get into the politics of life by the hour right now.
As for my next monthly 'beneficial' goal,I have something along the
lines of making more money in mind. I'm already looking at another job
here for christsakes,very unlike me. I suppose it just goes to show
the irony of ones lifestyle. Once you start making money in the first
place, you just want to make more and more, it's ridiculous even.
Well that's it for me. I'm going to call it a night. Usually I'd be
arranging plans for the nights events at this time, but I have work
in the morning!?@#$%*
Oh well, I can handle going out tonight and still make it to work adequately
enough tomorrow morning, what was I thinking? Tabytha the Sensible -
will it last, will she crash and burn?
© Tabytha Towe 2001
More Diary Entries here
Come back next month for another episode of Tabythas Towe's Diary
Missed the last two?
Tabytha On
on Men