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pockets on a summer day
Tabytha Towe is broke - send cash now
Its already gotten down to looking for change in the couch for gas
money, my am I a lame scavenger.
I've spent my very last penny. It has been well over a month now since
I last received a pay cheque, due to being suspended from my job
for a couple weeks! Wont let that happen again will I? Oh
man, am I in extreme debt now or what, probably more than ever
then again what I consider broke means minor details like I can
not afford daily parking. I have to walk a few blocks farther, OK
I can deal with that, though even a nice cold beer is becoming too
expensive for me so I have to play it utterly cheap and order tap
water from a bar.
Never mind the new,
sexy underwear I needed because of the undies I still have to wear from
like 5 years ago my ass can barley squeeze into anymore, forget that idea,
I mean whoa! does this ever suck the big one! Its already gotten
down to looking for change in the couch for gas money, my am I a lame
However I may paint a not so pretty picture I do have to keep in mind
that I still have food in my belly and a gravel roof over my head. At
least I am not the kind of broke that I am struggling for survival. I
just have to make more sacrifices for a while, a long while. Also my idea
of debt may seem like a little hole in the pocket to some, but to me its
like a hole in my future, as far as I see the future being right now (within
the next three months.)
I owe an embarrassing (I wont even say how much) amount of money
to the insurance company on stupid fines that I have already paid off,
though for some reason have to pay for twice! Those sinister ass suckers really dont like to make friends I take
it. As I have been unpaid for so long, basically I have been borrowing
money from the bank for the past month which somehow also has to be paid
off by the end of the month and I dont have a dime on me to do shit
all about it. Although I did recently land another job with the time off work, I still
dont get paid for another while either. I certainly hope that
juggling two jobs will suffice for the time being to pay everything back.
Im more concerned my summer will be screwed, for when I spend all
I earn immediately on debts, I wont have anything left to spend
on the good stuff. You know; entertainment and fundamentals such as little
vacations here and there, dining out at my favorite lounges and restaurants
or even a damned bathing suit for christsakes! I absolutely loathe being
on a tight budget, its really quite depressing, especially when
its summer for only a few, short months out of the year and Im
a young, suburban woman with a desire for everything.
All right I dont expect to try everything, just enough to keep me
happy. For now, going to the beach for free (in my non-bathing suit tank
top and shorts I might add) contains my extravagant urges. The sun alone
can make me happy, but Id be happier If I could enjoy it in another
country with a cold margarita
Dont you find that every time I write I complain about the lack
of money I have? You must think Im a spoiled brat. Trust me, its
just gratifying at least being able to bitch about what you cant
have. Is my life that boring all I can do is whimper over stupid money?
Well on a lighter subject, by now I think it might be time for me to spill
the beans on my latest beau, my last for a long time at that I should
It still seems inappropriate for me to write about him, since I did have
a break up not too long ago - and I dont want to be the Big Bad
Bitch for moving on. Plus I care about my ex and would prefer not to offend
him for he might actually read my verbal spewing still. That being said,
Ill go back to the beginning of my new found victim and give you
the short and censored version, of course.
We had been co-workers for over a year and never took note of each other
all along, until we started actually working together; you see, he worked
in the back, at nights mostly and I worked at front, during the day mostly.
Hence, us both working at the front later on we became acquainted, just
as far as job association goes. To be completely honest, we were never
attracted to each other at first either. I had my boyfriend then and had
no lurking eyes, and his were lurking everywhere, even from the back of
his big head. I thought him to be a cocky bastard and perhaps a little
shallow, but I could tell he also had a surface act. I started more or
less to get interested in finding out with what was underneath, as did
he of me. For a while we restricted ourselves to the job relation and
that was it, but then soon enough we broke a barrier
home phone numbers...
Eventually, my boyfriend and I came to a disappointing end, or so I felt.
During the crying and trying to get getting over him and the break up
stage, I became kind of lonely. I didnt go out with my girlfriends
for a couple of weeks, hung out with the boys a bit though because they
wouldnt ask too many questions and just goof around. So I never
really talked to any one about it.
Now work life and personal life I always considered as separate. I basically
let friends at work know I have different to friends outside of work,
with the exception of one person, that became him. By the way I will refer
to him as Chuck for I never got permission to
use his actual name yet.
Over time, it turns out that the more we got to learn about each other
the more attractive we found each other. He really isnt such a cocky
asshole after all. Hesitant to get too close too soon, since the current
situation we were in was not in our favor, (me having been a recent relationship
and him being scarred in the past,) we ignited slowly, day by day, not
spontaneous at all - which is very unlike me. *One major bonus, my family
seems to like him, my puppy just adores him to death, and maybe even my
father approves a bit too! Phew.
We are somewhat opposites, but not extreme. If we do not agree with one
another well still hear each other out and respect that opinion.
Not once have we fought, we make sure we talk to each other, no lies,
no hiding, no bullshit, we act like complete dorks around each other,
always laughing and affectionate. This is a healthy relationship I must
say. Rather than dread that the fun will soon fade and get worse within
time, I think things can only get better here on in. To this day things
get better. He is wonderful in every way. Every moment I spend with him
I realize this, and so does he!! Thanks Chucky!
(P.S Many people at our work still find us a rumor. See below)
Maybe this other job I recently grabbed myself will help my financial
situation out. Its a very cute restaurant called The Planet.
Casual, just the way I like it, especially to get started, it alleviates
the pressure. The environment is romantic, I can therefore count on selling
wine and booze, not only that, but the food is tasty and filling and pricing
not too shabby either. Its nice to be somewhere where you always
have something to do and yet remain calm while doing so. Im already
comfortable after two shifts and am learning pretty quickly, though I
could work quicker on the computer system they run, (you know my relationship
with computers, worse than with men, Im screwed for life now). Five
year olds understand more about technology than I do these days, its
Yesterday I served my first tables ever. Ive wanted to serve
for ages, and my other restaurant job claim that they cant lose
me as a hostess -or some bull or other. In retrospect to my first shift,
I did fairly well. The only accident that occurred was my slicing my finger
open and bleeding all over the lemons. Anyhow the guests I waited on didnt
find me totally horrible so thats a good sign. I will be the superwoman
of serving soon enough, without slicing anything or anyone. Hopefully
I will get a lot of hours with a lot of turns so I can make a lot of change
in my pocket for the save up to pay off fucking debts and fines
- yet be able to afford part of a fun life too- Fund.
The staff at The Planet is few but friendly, not like the
other restaurant I work at with 160+ members on board, yet I find I might
like it better in some ways, its a little more intimate and a little
more supportive. In big industries everyone is so competitive, concerned
with who gets what and so forth. However, there is more room for juicy
gossip with 160+ people. How many stories regarding myself flying around
I dont even know, youd think that with that number of people,
surely there would be enough real rumors running around there wouldn't
be any need to make up stories. But it happens nonetheless. Ive
had acquaintances of mine ask me if I was really a lesbian
So Ive
made out with a couple of chicks, big deal, but instantly things get blown
out of proportion, regardless if people already know that Im heterosexual,
just for that hint of curious excitement in asking anyways, in case it
all of a sudden it is in, fact, the case. Oh but you have got to play
things off like that to the gullible for fun, like claim you turned gay
overnight in a magical moment under a disco ball with two bubble gum breath,
hot broads or something. You can be more explicit on the hotness of the
other dykes, for the guys it's a hard on, never fails.
Ive probably, most likely, more like definitely repeated some stories
that perhaps were not true, that I just heard it through the grape vine,
but you still have a laugh in sharing it regardless. Other peoples
lives always sound more interesting wouldnt you say?
The most secure or best looking people doubt themselves all the time,
we expect so much of ourselves we cannot accept our own flaws. If people
dont appreciate {their own} stories as it happened, why would they
appreciate a fake story better?
Who knows. Well that's it. I'm still broke, but still here. I hear the
beach calling....
Take care
© Tabytha Towe - July 2002
versus Irony
am the kind of person who would lose my life savings on a stupid bet or
something, or I would find the best outfit in the world that makes me
look voluptuous and sexy, but in the wrong color.
moments from Tabytha Towe's diary:
SEVEN and a half EIGHT.
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