which Tabythat goes to San Francisco and finds it er...'interesting'
Well I just returned back home to lovely Canada from San Francisco.
It was a very interesting trip,and for some reason when ever I go to
describe it, interesting is always the first word to pop into my head.
I wouldn't consider it so much as a vacation however, as it wasn't so
relaxing. We spent much of our time walking,up those long streets and
hills, carrying heavy backpacks with aching backs no less and sore feet
in dehydration for hours on end...it was fan-fucking-tastic.
I nearly killed myself one day when we started our journey from 7am
till 10pm with the coverage of at least 30 miles. It doesn't sound too
harsh but when your body turns into glue, it isn't that fun. Although
we used public transit quite a bit I still nearly killed myself.
But how refreshing it is to explore while walking. It's hard to miss
a damned thing. The true essence of a deeper look, despite how feeble
your muscles are. I really thought that I would actually walk away with
some money left. How naive could I possibly get? For the short while
I was there, I managed to go through three months worth of work pretty
much, I don't necessarily recall what I even spent my money on. But
in the end,it was all worth while. I can't wait to plan my next trip.
Perhaps I'll organise my budget this time. All in all, it was an unforgettable
experience for me and very...interesting.
Now I knew I was expected to see a rather large gay community there,
but when it seems as if the only straight men were tourists, you start
to wonder about the appeal of men and women all together and question
the theory of trendy. Dear Stefan (whom I still declare is not my boyfriend)
was getting the eye a lot from guys who were cuter than me. In San Fran,
Stefan was my
boyfriend. I'm extremely grateful I travelled with him and hope to furthermore
in future. We get along so well. Even when we annoy or bore one another,
we still find each other charming in some strange, tolerable way. I
don't think we'll get sick of eachother for a long time. This trip,
I feel, has brought us closer, although the committal concept still
doesn't quite suit me yet.
In personal preference,I believe it's nearly better to have a non-boyfriend
than to have an actual (idea of what) a boyfriend may be, hence, no
label nor any of the package that comes with it; and if I could understand
it fully myself, then I would explain it to you better. I just think
we've reached the point where we are in that safe little comfort zone
and we don't need to push it, either that or we are plain fools. What
we have right now and that of which I do know for sure, is that what
we have is such a free and beautiful thing together it may even seem
rare. I'm not particularly intimidated by that thought to say the least.
Anyways,that's all for now,it's time to go back partying since I haven't
for the past few months. By next entry I will have some more spice to
it,as I am headed back to beloved,dreaded school also. Hopefully I'll
have a new job and some juicy stories too. Till then, thanks for reading.
Take care,
© Tabytha 2001
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Tab 6