TAB enrolls at the Vancouver Film School
As for me, you have probably heard by now that
I got my dumb ass fired from my absolute crap job. Turns out that
I don't put enough passion into selling shoes, even despite selling
over my quota each shift!? Does that seem right to you? They did
not give me enough credibility. They actually tried to rip me off
a couple hours pay. |
It was a conspiracy from the start I tell you. But,
nonetheless, my journey for a new job ventures on. Though I never would
have thought that I would ever feel so relieved after getting fired.
It was a subconscious deliberation. I think my days of working in retail
are over, especially in shoes.
However, in a few months I hope to be somewhere in the film industry,
even if I start off being a "Helper". (They actually do use
the term "Helper" by the way.) I am really enjoying school
for once in my life. The courses I'm taking are definitely beneficial
and I find I'm learning a lot already. I have no intentions of slacking
off this time, whereas in high school the whole idea seems to be 'how
well you can slack off.'
I've only just started out at VFS (Vancouver Film School) but I know
that what I gain from it will inevitably get me into the game. I've
figured by now that the business is certainly a game, one in which you
constantly win some and lose some. How does the quote go? "The
film industry is just a trench war for money, where pimps, drug dealers
and midgets run wild and good men die like dogs." Or something
or other. I thought you'd like it.
It appears that I am the absolute youngest of my entire school. I'm
getting a real head start here, half the students are over thirty. That's
one very important issue actually, that one must lie about their age
if they want to get work. I don't think it's neccessary for me to lie
for another ten years, but who knows, soon 12 year olds will be coming
Are you aware that I've even taken up scriptwriting. It's quite interesting,
however frustrating. Although, I'm not sure as of yet whether I'll either
grow to love it or hate it (so I hear through the grape vine there's
a very fine line.) It almost astonishes me that a single screenplay
goes through a filtering process of up to 40 other writers' hands to
'improve' it for the box office. Now where's the originality in that?
Doesn't that concept just destroy someone elses work? Whatever
works anyhow.
Men must find producing screenplays to be more of a personal thing.
I say that because they all seem to have the same air about them. They
carry their bags the same, all on their left shoulders thrusting against
their hip bones, serious-toned expressions with a hint of softness in
their faces, hands a little shaky from typing (I suppose), coffee in
one hand, cigarette in the other, typical writers don't you know. It's
redundant to say that of course, they are not all completely
alike, it's just that I've observed their similiarities. Great characters
really. It may also be the fact that I am the only girl in my Tuesdays'
Scriptwriting course (well, aside from the two other woman that is, but
that's beside the point.) I can't even describe them. Us girls are individuals...
Anyways, enough on that subject, that's just part of the new excitement
for Tabytha - getting a life suddenly out of nowhere.
I have also bought my first car ever!!! Yeah me! It's an '86 Honda Civic
hatchback gold, and yes it is standard shift. I love that beautiful
hunk of metal. Now if I can only learn how to drive it properly. I'm
used to automatic see, therefore when I hop in a manual, people should
stay well away. But I'll get the hang of it in no time (when all pedestrians
can come out again.)
Good Lord, I think the money I put into it -in stickers alone- is more
than the car is worth. Not quite, but there are at least 7 stickers
on there and my insurance is in fact a higher price than my precious
little Honda. I guess that means no accidents huh.
And do change that picture you have of me in your mag, I know you have
Best of luck and lots of love always
Tabs xox
*Rumour has it that she has already crashed the car!
More from Tab
Tabytha Towe: Last Diary Entry 2011
I can document things in Hackwriters from when I was a silly teenager and see how much (or lack thereof) I have grown up over the years. Things I have experienced and loved, lived and learned.