Saddam Hussein is finally done.
Its official. I saw moving pictures of a gentleman in latex
gloves yanking lice from his scalp. He looked duped by his ethics.
Done. A man once again, not a god. Not something calamitous, but
silly and sad. It is always good to parade pathetic pictures of
cruel dictators to the world.
The bully
gets a piece of it now. How does he like the taste? Yeah. Everyone loves
that. We never got the chance with Hitler or Stalin. The Italians did
a number on Mussolini, a public disemboweling worthy of their Roman
genes. The French sent Napoleon to an island. He was lucky. In the Middle
East there are no islands. People end up in rat holes in the desert
or go missing like bin Laden. Missing or dead. Most likely dead, because
there is no way the Al-Qaeda big boys are allowing any silly/sad moving
pictures of the grand poobah of manic itinerancy to be paraded for the
devil westerners.
It took a whole lot of time, money, lives and gnashing of teeth to enact
the age-old rule of human endeavor applied to people like Hussein or
any of those other types mentioned above. Its called The Chunk
of Puke Principle.
Hussein is the chunk of puke.
The world is the body rejecting it.
The body can handle many toxins, viruses, etc. Some it cannot. It must
reject them. The most violent way for the body to reject toxins is through
regurgitating them. The world had to burp up Hussein. One way or the
other. He had to go. Bad for the body. Chunk of Puke Principle in motion.
Of course there are other toxins, not the least of which is North Korean
loon, Kim Jong-Il, who now possess fifty times the nuclear capacity
that Hussein was alleged to have had in his possession. And rather than
denying it and thumbing his nose at the west, Jong-Il sits upon his
tonnage with a defiant pride best known to those mentioned above. However,
there is a caveat to The Principle, and that is how bile attacks the
nausea closest to vital organs.
More times than not, over the past half century, the USA is the bile.
We attack and regurgitate problems that might affect our vital organs
directly. In the case of Hussein, he was an Arab. Arabs are not popular
right now. Arabs rammed planes into American property. Took American
lives. Arabs threaten American oil concerns. Lets call oil concerns
and terrorist threat vital organs.
Therefore, regurgitation of said virus occurred.
The Chinese make a mockery of human civil rights. Yet, there will be
no regurgitation there, or in Korean, close to China. And, by the way,
there is no oil in Korea that we know of.
There are other places where it would be good to see pathetic depictions
of savage brutes (such as Mugabe)given a dental examine, but that will
not happen any time soon.
Another part of The Principle that cannot be ignored is that there are
some toxins the body creates on its own; not unlike evil regimes like
Husseins that was bankrolled not only by Americas insane
use of crude oil, but its governments obsession with its neighbors,
like, say Iran.
That doesnt mean Hussein didnt need to go. He did. It might
have been okay for him to be there with any chance - no matter how fleeting
- any chance his regime might pay back those enormous debts that the
Germans, Russians and French will now eat. When adding up the billions
going down the drain, there can be no wonder by anyone why these governments
wanted no part of The Principle to succeed. And believe this humble
author, if we could still have the Shah of Iran around, no matter how
many lives he might cost, it would not have warranted all-out war. But
that is for another day. For now, Saddam Hussein is done. And this makes
the Bush Dynasty happy. Got daddys tormentor. But at what cost?
Politically. Globally. Morally?
Not a worry. This is the war on terror. This is about righteous indignation
and a pass to reek havoc. This is what rich nations and their governments
do, and have done for centuries. Cant help it. Just is.
But it does not make it any less sweeter to see strutting asses taken
down. Bullies getting bullied. Kind of like what parts of the world
might have felt like on 9/11.
The Chunk of Puke Principle applies to everyone, regardless of perspective.
It is as cruel as its bile.
Think about it.
© James Campion December 22nd 2003
Previously by James Campion on Hackwriter
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