James Campion
the hell is running this Iraq thing? Really. No joke.
You tell me. Is it the Secretary of State? The Secretary of Defense?
The Pentagon? The White House? The CIA? The Department of Defense?
The UN Security Council? What? Who?
Between the
leaks and backbiting and mixed messages and strange answers and weird
innuendo, things have gone awry the last few weeks.
Bodies pile up, money sinks into the hole and we have plenty of wild
memos and a redirection of power and hip-hip-hooray speeches, but the
more this thing unravels it seems like no one, least of all the Commander
and Chief is running this half-cocked operation.
Someone needs to get Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld into the same
room and get them to kiss and make up or kick them the fuck off the
team. And where the hell is Colin Powell? Wake up Dick Chaney and his
oil buddies and put them on alert. But lets get our stories straight
and our belts tightened, because ostensibly youve got the balance
of global intrigue being run like a Three Stooges skit right now.
I think as the bankrollers of this mess, someone somewhere in the federal
government needs to provide us with some indication of what a "slog"
means, and what exactly constitutes "sacrifice" and "this
takes time".
What is it? Ten months? Two years? Six generations? What? Are there
weapons of mass destruction? Is bin Laden or Hussein alive? Why the
fuck was David Blaine in a box? Are the Red Sox and Cubs cursed, or
what? Ballpark the sucker. Get on the tube and rally the troops, pick
a mouthpiece and go with it. Something. Anything.
There has been too much politics involved already. No one cares whose
fault it is and who is right or wrong. No one wants to hear whining
about how the media is wounding the effort or we must all "support
the troops!" every five seconds. There are American kids being
picked off like a boardwalk amusement daily and Iraqi civilians burning
alive under a Dan Rather sound bite. Is it too much to ask for some
order here? Listen, although no one with one iota of understanding of
what the British went through at the start of the 20th century trying
to manipulate the political and social landscape of the Middle East
thought this thing wouldnt be time-consuming, expensive and bloody,
what has transpired these past weeks is ridiculous. With Rumsfeld sending
out mixed signals, administration officials selling CIA operatives down
the river through jack-booted journalists, and more of the same tired
flag-waving rah-rah rhetoric coming out of Captain Shoe-In, you have
to wonder whos in charge.
This was the worry with G.W. all along. He was dim, yes, but hed
surround himself with the right people, and the right people would rule
the day, get us through. But that was before 9/11 and our "war
on terror" and Osama and Afghanistan and Hussein and Iraq, and
on and on. Right now there are too many cooks in this pot, and none
of them seem to have a master plan.
Rumsfeld is a lunatic. This much is true. Ever since the wam-bam part
of this frolic subsided, he has been pretty much impotent and he doesnt
like that. But too damn bad. Fire this idiot. Break some balls, get
on board with this thing or get out. One or the other.
Hey, that was always the big hitch for those of us who believed the
best way to deal with bullies is to bully them, take the fight over
there and keep the cheap hits from the homeland, but without the covert
nasties from the CIA and no help from anyone outside of Britain, it
is time to reassess or get tough. But this vacillating, wishy-washy
cowboy crap has got to go.
Screw you we dont need you, or lets free people together?
Pick a slogan, a premise, a thesis and stick with it. Go back into development,
tweak this bastard and get back to us asap.
© James Campion October 25th 2003
Readers Responses: Nov 11th 2003
I'm not one to go around sticking up for people that can fend for themselves
in a particular arena far better than I can, but in response to a letter
from one of your readers:
"... The Democrats pander to the stupid, lazy, ... like yourself..."
I'm fairly certain that i've never met a human being that better personifies
the OPPOSITE of stupid and lazy than you.
Thats all,
Pete, The Monster
Reading the "Readers Responses" on your commentary, I find
myself disturbed by how many people in this country cannot see the forest
for the trees. And they know what side you seem to write from, but they
read anyway, knowing it will piss them off.
Everyone in the outer limits of any political group is going to have
blinders on to protect their views, and they all talk out of both sides
of their mouth (the name Rush Limbaugh comes to mind), but some of these
right-wing conservatives are so fucking stupid they don't know how fucking
stupid they are (the name Rush Limbaugh comes to mind).
You can't see reality through the sights of a rifle or with oil in your
eyes. These morons need to climb down from their Hummers and look at
the world where we all live. Open your mind before you vote someone
into office who will outlaw free thought.
signed: anonymous
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