
Reality Check with James Campion
President of the United States lied to the American people about
the extent of an enemy threat to our borders to perpetuate a war.
And so now George W. Bush joins every other man who has held his
office while faced with the same stretch of history. Look it up.
I only have so much space.
And that last line is specially packaged for those of you who think
that a thousand words on a jabbering fool like Ann Coulter was not
enough. Some of you assume I had to fill forty pages with a lecture
on American history to educate the masses on the crimes of McCarthyism.
No Way. |
Put down the video game and turn off the porn for five minutes and read
a goddamn book.
Lets face it; you need history lessons from me like you need MTV
babysitting your kids.
Of course the White House and the CIA, and whatever else culling a paycheck
from your taxes to keep this government running lied to you about the
war. That is what they do. That is what they have always done.
And not just this government, but governments across the globe for eons.
You dont like it, chief? Ready your muskets.
But I would give that some serious thought. I too believed in anarchy
once, but that was before I enjoyed the trappings of running water, utilities,
traffic lights and civil servants to summon when the crazed neighbor starts
shooting off his baby canon over the lake at midnight.
But I digress.
Sure the government lied, the media lied, I lied. This is what happens
during war, Churchill and all that "first casualty" stuff. It
is a moral imperative. Fish swim. Trees grow. Governments lie before,
during, and most definitely after war.
Where the hell have you been?
Are we only dealing with dumbstruck hippies, Madison Avenue shrills and
Bible waving freakazoids now? Is that all that is left us? Those of us
in the trenches see things far more clearly. We examine Paul Simons
writings "on the subway walls", and you can damn well be sure
we keep our ears peeled for the sounds of silence. And those sounds could
not give a fairy fart whether George Walker Bush tells Congress he invented
Scrabble or composed the Star Spangled Banner. Down here in the mud, you
learn to forgive mouthpieces for the flawed machine. Its a tough
ride, like that yawping loon straddling the A-Bomb at the end of that
Kubric film 'Dr Strangelove'.
You think this president could ever tell you anything binding about uranium
in Africa? This is a man whos own campaign czars tried to keep out
of foreign policy debates like it was political cyanide for sixteen months
of stumping.
In the face of that, I think the mans done a pretty good job on
the foreign stage. He was only in office for nine months when New York
City burned. What did he know? He must have gotten bad intelligence for
that one too.
Sure, the world thinks us half-mad, arrogant warmongers, but that was
long before Captain Shoe-In got the key to the missile silos. Iraq was
Daddys fault. Everyone knew that. The other George Bush has to take
the hit for irking those maniacs, with an assist from the Sleeping Clinton
Brigade, who thought it wise to pussyfoot with homicidal goons for eight
The festering boil of the Arabian Sea had to go. Period. Who cares why
What those of us in manning the front lines do care about is this horrific
budget deficit, escalated now to an historic level of $450 billion and
rising 50% higher than estimated last Christmas, and the piss-poor abortion
of an economy that the current administration has stood watch over for
nearly three years now.
There is something for your outrage. Why dont you crank up some
of the righteous indignation over that nugget? Lying about war? Thats
a given.
Weapons of mass destruction? Maybe. Maybe not.
Thats a debate for those who believe continued negotiating with
murderous thugs and suicidal fanatics makes sense. The trench dwellers
dont. And neither do the sounds.
There are clear reasons why Saddam Hussein was in uniform for every picture
and video you saw of him. He was a soldier, a fighting man, and he wanted
to fight. Our president wears a suit. He cant get dirty with that
kind of nonsense. Hes the CEO of America Enterprises, and right
now its going belly up. The executive branch of the current system we
employ here in America has to answer for two things eventually; domestic
policy and the strength of the economy. This is not always fair, but it
is fact. Look that up too, junior. And what is left of ours will likely
decide his reelection, and seal his legacy.
Right now it is in the shit can and my pal Georgetown tells me many steadfast
conservative Republicans in Congress think the Bush people have gone around
the bend in spending, and no one inside the Beltway has the slightest
idea what kind of financial strain rebuilding Iraq and funding Tom Ridges
folly will do to cripple the nation in the next twelve months.
And these are key months for a first term president planning on keeping
the gig.
But the rat pack the Democrats are lining up for slaughter right now couldnt
best Hermann Goering in a race for dogcatcher. And that is not particularly
good for the national debate or a balanced election, no matter what side
of the infernal fence you reside.
But make no mistake, riling up the troops for battle with anything from
questionable innuendo to bold faced lies is a presidents duty.
This is not news. As usual, it is nothing more than a minor distraction
from real problems.
Sounds of Silence, indeed.
© James Campion July 20th 2003
Road Map To Peace
on Hackwriters by James
Hackwriters 2000-2003
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