
California has become a metaphor for the credit madness that currently
engulfs this nation; it has stretched itself far beyond its means.
James Campion
'According to today's Los Angeles Times, Gray Davis now gets negative
job ratings from white people, black people, Latinos, Republicans,
Independents and even Democrats. Say what you want about the guy
but he's a uniter!" - Jay Leno
wife and I plan on moving out to northern California when Im closer
to a natural demise; let that read, if I survive this daily boogie with
death Ive fashioned into a career. But if or when we get out there,
we do not plan to vote. Voting does not count in California. Its
what the insiders like to call a "do-over" state. And soon,
if a Recall on its Democratic governor, the wildly abhorred, Gray Davis
goes through without a hitch, there may be little reason to vote on
a local basis anywhere on this continent.
Right now California is broke. Its $38 billion gap between revenues
and expenses has crippled the states economy to an all-time low,
a slow deflation that many economists believe started in 1978 with the
infamous Proposition 13 that put a hard cap on the governments
taxing power. The rub is this nifty initiative did not stop subsequent
civic officials, including the doomed Davis, to spend freely on schools,
prisons and other expensive projects.
California has become a metaphor for the credit madness that currently
engulfs this nation; it has stretched itself far beyond its means.
It is also a glaring example of schizophrenic politics; a paradoxical
helter skelter of citizen rule that wants everything without paying
for it. Less government with more perks. Bold government programs with
healthy tax cuts. Few state regulations with a needy increase in bureaucracy.
Thus, California is a deadbeat debt fiend with a tattered figurehead
about to be shown the door.
People hear Recall and think something is wrong with Gray Davis
fuel system, like hes some kind of faulty vehicle sent back to
the plant for exploding on national television test runs. True, the
man is a condescending twit who used a $70 million smear campaign to
retain power, and a frighteningly easy scapegoat, but hardly the sole
proprietor of the disaster he now sits upon.
But Californians are historically fickle with politics. In a bizarre
17-year period from 1967 to 1983, the state posted a gubernatorial experiment
in polar opposites the likes of which have been rarely seen in the history
of this republic. Ronald Reagan, a reborn icon of hard-core conservatism
smoothly gave way to the socialist hippy dreamscape that was Jerry Brown,
a collective Freudian episode worthy of a straightjacket. So the Davis
Recall, although a clear manifestation of bad legislation and identity
crisis, is hardly unexpected in the Golden State.
Nearly a century ago the concept of Recall was the reactionary brainchild
of California governor, Hiram Johnson, a Teddy Roosevelt reformer nut
who used the burgeoning "progressive movement" to weed out
the manipulation of special interest concerns. Under the guise of preventing
private conglomerates like banks or railroads from sending puppeteer
candidates to log jam mandates, Johnsons edict meant to use the
power of populist democracy to right election wrongs.
But the language in Johnsons law is vague. Grounds for Recall
could range from questionable hairdos to odd eating habits, a dangerous
legal landscape for the directionally challenged Californian. Currently
18 states have some law allowing Recall, New Jersey is one, but only
six have specific grounds, with two of those states -Minnesota and Georgia
-allowing a judicial review of those grounds. California, the broke
schizo state, is not one of those.
But enacting an actual Recall on a governor is rare. North Dakota is
the only state on record to have successfully booted its leader from
office. In 1921, Non-Partisan Party member, Lynn Frazier, a well-known
socialist with little ideas about handling farm budgets, was also sent
packing under the cloud of being a fiscal boob.
The current California petition in question, now boasting well over
1.5 million signatures (easily eclipsing the approximately 900,000 needed),
has delegated a Recall of Davis for 10/7. But many state Democrats have
been waging a predictable, if not futile battle on its authenticity,
mainly because Republican congressman, Darrell Issa has used roughly
$1.7 million to bankroll the petition efforts.
The California Left has argued that Issas strong connection to
pro-life filibusters has procured funds to oust an elected official
because of social, not economic woes. But although Davis is a staunchly
pro-choice advocate, the argument holds little water. Issa, who has
shockingly thrown his hat in the ring for governorship, is a wealthy
Californian entrepreneur known for using such pocket-change to fuel
grass-roots movement on ego alone. And, as stated above, distinctions
between social or economic reasons for canning a governor is laughable
in the face of such an ambiguous law.
Needless to point out, the whole Recall thing, although gangbusters
in the wild, wild west, could set dangerous inroads nationwide, opening
a fun-filled can of worms that would define any election as merely temporary,
even within the boundaries of a term; hence, a "do over".
These kind of vacillating principles do not necessarily raise my personal
ire, except to provide more evidence that most of us dont know
what the hell we want from our appointed officials beyond blaming them
for a falling sky.
And damn it, if that isnt democracy in motion. The wife and I
like democracy. So, hopefully by the time our little caravan shuffles
off to Big Sur to sit on a cliff and contemplate saner human aspirations,
what is left of Californias political scene will include a mass
council of weekly votes based on the performance and likeability of
state officials. I hear the elderly love to hit the polls, if for nothing
else but the laughs.
The wife and I like to laugh.
*August 8th update: Darrell Issa has quit the race befofe it begins
and Arnold Schwarzenegger 'The Governator' has declared he will run
(his team led by strategist George Gorton and former Wilson spokesman
Sean Walsh).
© James Campion August 1st 2003
on Hackwriters by James
Hackwriters 2000-2003
all rights reserved